
All kinds of stuff

Monthly Meetings Tomorrow
March 18, 2015 TLPOA Board Meetings. All owners welcome. Check the private site for details.

Check Your Gate Remote – Don’t Get Stranded!
Our new gates are up and running great! We hope they bring reliable security at a low cost for many years to come. If you haven’t already, please make sure we have your gate remote codes entered into the new system so your remote will work. If you have not done this, or have not tested your remote after having your code re-entered recently, they may not work and you will not be able to get in after security has left for the night. For the next month Security will be asking EVERYONE to use their remotes to come through the gate. They may not be automatically opening the gate for you even if they see your owner’s windshield sticker. This is so you can test your remote. Please be patient, this delay is to make sure your remotes work properly.

Remote Opener Batteries
You should consider changing the battery in your remote – A23 or L1028 are the sizes. You can get them in Heber at Days Market or Walgreens. They may also be available in other stores. DO NOT try to piggy-back, or follow another car too closely through the entrance – the gate arm will close on your car. Also, as you approach the front gate, dim your headlights, so security can more easily see your owner’s vehicle windshield sticker.

Free Waste Drop-off
Check out your annual bill from Wasatch County for Waste Collection Service (TLPOA dumpsters) from the Wasatch County Solid Waste Disposal District. At the bottom there is a “Cleanup punch pass, KEEP THIS STUB. Valid April – June 2015. […]

By |March 17th, 2015|President|0 Comments

Meetings and Security

Dear Timberlakes Owners:

We are holding our February board meetings tomorrow night. Please check the private, owners-only website for the agenda and location.
Please contact our security team ahead of time if you have a contractor or service provider coming to your property. Depending on road conditions (snow, ice, mud, etc) some trucks may not be allowed into Timberlakes.
Please dim your headlights as you approach the gate at night. This will help our security team see your owner’s sticker in time to open the gate for you.

We hope to see you at the meeting on February 18.

Gary Hume
President, TLPOA Board of Directors

By |February 17th, 2015|President|0 Comments

Notice regarding gate remotes

Due to a technical problem with the remote gate opener software, we need to delete all gate remotes and re-enter the code for each individual remote. As soon as possible, every owner that has a gate remote needs to provide us with the two codes from each remote you own. We apologize for the inconvenience and for the short notice but we are unable to repair the problem without deleting and re-entering the remote codes.

Please stop by either the security gate house or the office and give us the two codes from the back of each of your remotes. You may also email us the information. We are deleting all current remote codes on Tuesday, January 27, 2015. Your remote(s) will not work until you provide us with the codes from each of your remotes.

Click here for specific instructions on the information we need ==>> Download the Gate Remotes Form

Please complete this form and return it to us in person or by email as soon as possible.

Gary Hume
President, TLPOA

By |January 27th, 2015|President|0 Comments

Meetings, stickers, permits, parking and more

Dear Timberlakes Owner:

1. Happy New Year! We are are holding our first board meeting of the new year this week. Please check the private, owners-only site for the location, time and agenda.

2. We periodically post Health Updates. Check out the most recent Health Updates.

3. Get your 2015 ATV Stickers now! ALL recreational vehicles in Timberlakes MUST have a current TLPOA sticker. ONLY owners can apply for stickers. Annual owner stickers cost $15.00 each. There are also 7-day Visitor passes available for your guests’ machines, for $10.00 each. Forms for these stickers are available at, the TLPOA office or the security gate house.

4. Line up your building projects now for spring – all external projects require you to submit a form to the TLPOA office. Visit for TLPOA construction information.

5. Please be mindful of how busy Timberlakes has become and do not let your dogs stray from your property – for your pet’s safety and in consideration of your neighbors.

6. Snowman Contest! Send your pictures (with lot # name and names of anyone in the picture) to to be considered for use in the Spring/March issue of the Timberlakes Times and on the website! Submissions due by February 18.

7. Attention Snowmobilers! Make sure you and your guests respect the easement across the LDS Church Camp property – stay within the marked boundaries. We don’t want to loose our precious snowmobile route to the National Forest.

8. We remind you that we have quiet hours for snowmobiles, ATVs and dirt bikes – 10 pm to 7 am – all year around.

9. The TLPOA is enforcing the warnings posted on our Road Safety Signs – do not attempt to drive on our […]

By |January 19th, 2015|President|0 Comments

Dip and Chips

Timberlakes Owners:

1. Dip into Chips – The wood pile in the lower parking lot has been chipped and you are welcome to help yourself. The chips are for TLPOA members only to use on their property in Timberlakes. In other words, the chips are not to be hauled out of Timberlakes. If you are hauling chips, please follow the road rules and DO NOT take tandem-axle trailers or vehicles without 4-wheel drive and/or chains up the roads marked with the red warning signs.

2. Architectural Control Committee – The TLPOA Board is looking for 3 to 5 owners who would like to serve on this committee to oversee the Association’s Architectural Control Regulations. For more information or to apply for the committee, please contact Cliff Lackman, TLPOA Board member in charge of Building and CC&R Compliance, at or (801)368-8798.

3. Chipping the Roads – We remind owners to make sure you have the proper 4-wheel drive vehicle, snow tires and equipment (studded tires, chains) when driving on Timberlakes roads. However, there are times when ice can still be an issue.

Gordon Huetter, TLPOA Board member in charge of roads, explained at our November Board Meeting how “chipping” (small rocks) is properly used on gravel roads. Gordon said, “Chips actually attract the sun and heat up, then melt the ice, possibly causing more ice during the night. Conditions must be evaluated before chips are applied. If the road is snow-packed chips should NOT be used, they can disrupt the base.”

Here is the list of the 6 self-serve chip barrels that have been placed around the mountain:
1) Cottonwood Lane & Blue Spruce
2) Ridgeline Dr. at Ridgeline Circle
3) Ridgeline Dr. at Cottonwood Court
4) Deer Creek Dr. & Blue […]

By |December 4th, 2014|President|0 Comments

Meeting, snow and stickers

Timberlakes Owners:

We are holding our regular board meetings this week, on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 in Heber City, USA. The location, time and agenda are available on our private, owners-only website. All owners are invited and welcome to attend.

Removing Snow From Your Driveway
When you or your hired snow remover are clearing your driveway, you cannot leave your snow in the road. In other words, when you or your hired snow remover plow your driveway you must push the snow completely out of the road, and not leave any obstacles in the road or hinder safe travel in any way. Please do not endanger your neighbors.

Owners Removing Snow From the Roads
If you are removing snow on one of the TLPOA roads, please do not interfere with our main plow routes or get in the way of the TLPOA plowing crew if they are out when you are. The TLPOA road crew has the right-of-way – just like noted along the highways of our country, “Do not Interfer with Snow Plow Operations.”

Winter Driving
Timberlakes is a mountain community where you drive at your own risk. Winter driving requires skill, caution, 4-wheel drive and chains or snow tires. Please be careful.

Please slow down! It is more important then ever to respect the speed limits on the mountain. However, just because the speed limit sign says 25 mph it does not necessarily mean that you can safely drive at that speed. In the winter, the speed limit may be way faster than you can safely turn a corner or come down a descent.

Judging by the tracks this past weekend, many drivers found themselves in the ditch, spun sideways or worse. One driver slammed his or her vehicle […]

By |November 17th, 2014|President|0 Comments

Closed Roads, New Office Hours & More!

Timberlakes Owners:

Starting October 15, 2014, the roads in Timberlakes will be closed to vehicles weighing more than 10,000 pounds. This could occur sooner if weather dictates. After October 15, access will be determined on a day-by-day basis, depending on the weather, and only by permission from Rich Parker, Mountain Manager. If you are building, it is your responsibility to notify your contractor.

New Office Hours
Effective Wednesday, October 1, we have new office hours, as follows:

Mon 9:00 am – noon and 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Tue 9:00 am – noon and 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Wed 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Thu 9:00 am – noon and 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Fri 9:00 am – noon and 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm
1st Saturday of every month 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
Closed on all Holidays

Chip Pile Closed
The chip pile is closed. Do NOT unload any additional material onto the pile. We are now making arrangements to have the pile chipped.

Our October Board Meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, October 15, 2014 in Salt Lake City, USA. The location, time and agenda are available on our private, owners-only website. All owners are invited and welcome to attend.

If your property has Musk Thistles that have gone to white heads, please remove the heads and place them in a bag in the trash (not into the chip pile). This will save thousands of seeds from spreading onto your or your neighbor’s property.

Wild Flowers
Late fall is a good time to plant wild flower and grass seeds in disturbed soil. Specialty blends are available for sale at the TLPOA office.

Gary Hume, President
Timberlakes Property Owners Assocation

By |September 25th, 2014|President|0 Comments

Chip Pile Closing

The Chip Pile will close on September 21, 2014.

The last day you can add to the wood pile at the lower parking lot is Sunday, September 21, 2014. After that date, the pile will be closed for chipping. We WILL NOT have another location to pile your dead wood so use this location while you can. Please clear your lot and reduce fire danger in Timberlakes.

Remember, no construction materials are allowed in the pile!

After the chip pile is closed you will need to take your debris to the Wasatch County Solid Waste Disposal, 1891 West 3000 South, Heber City.

Who is paying for the chipping?
The chipping can be paid for by a State Matching Funds Grant, but owners need to turn in a TIMBER LAKES PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION MATCHING FUNDS FORM. You can find these forms at the kiosk by the chip pile, at the TLPOA office or online by clicking here. Any clean-up of dead debris on your property should be documented on the form – including how many hours you spent cleaning up. For example, if you and your spouse worked together for 10 hours each to clear dead timber and undergrowth from up your lot, that is 20 hours to report. If we collect enough hours we can reapply for the grant for this year.

Thank you,

Gary Hume
President, TLPOA

By |August 25th, 2014|President|0 Comments

Meeting, signs and thistles

Timberlakes Owners:

We are holding our regular board meetings in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, August 20. 2014. Location, time and agenda are available on our private, owners-only website. All owners are invited and welcome to attend.

Our CC&Rs (Article IV Section 9) prohibit signs that are not approved by the Association. The Association has a Sign Policy and Procedures document that outlines what kinds of signs are allowed, how to obtain approval and the consequences for non-compliance. More information is posted here on our website.

We recently sent out information about thistles and other noxious weeds. If you let one thistle plant bloom, it distributes more than a thousand seeds. Please control the thistle on your property. Click here for more information.

For the TLPOA Board,

Gary Hume, President

By |August 14th, 2014|President|0 Comments

Board Change, Fire Danger and Other Important Stuff

Board Change
Over the past few years the TLPOA Board has come to understand that there are many projects that need to be addressed. Yet, somehow we never seem to make it through the priority list. One of the primary reasons for this is that we are a volunteer Board.  The day-to-day emergencies overtake the good intent of fixing the items that are continually discussed as areas the need improvement.  Theresa Gubler, who has been a Board member for the past three years, and was recently reelected, offered to resign from the Board and become a consultant for a short period of time to address the many projects that need attention now so that we could focus on the most important of these and not keep kicking them further down the road. There are too many projects to list here, but they include writing standard operating procedures for all departments and positions, and to make an initial pass at rewriting the CC&Rs before turning that over to our attorney for a final version.  The Board has accepted Theresa’s resignation and also has hired her as a full-time consultant for a short period of time to work on-site to accomplish the many tasks that will be outlined by the Board as this transition moves forward.  Rich Parker will continue to serve as our Mountain Manager. Rich oversees operations and our property management company, FCS, will continue to provide resources for managing finances, collections and systems.

Theresa, the Board thanks you for the countless hours you have contributed over the past three years and we look forward to your help in organizing the operational aspects of the Association and helping it run more like a business.

As a result of Theresa’s resignation, the Board took into consideration the runner-up in our recent election process […]

By |July 23rd, 2014|President|0 Comments

Annual Meeting 2014 Summary

Property Owners:

We held the annual meeting of the Timberlakes Property Owners Association in Heber City, UT on July 12, 2014.  Monty Botosan, our Treasurer presented an update on the Association’s financial status. We participated in a question and answer session.  We held our annual election and three incumbents, Monty Botosan, Mark Runia, and Theresa Gubler, were re-elected.  Immediately following the annual meeting the Board met to elect the officers for the Association for the next fiscal year.  The following were elected:
President – Gary Hume
Vice President – Mark Runia
Treasurer – Monty Botosan
Secretary – Theresa Gubler
The following assignments were then made to members of the board:
Roads – Gordon Huetter
Common Area – Jeff Meierhofer
Security – Craig Allen
Capital Improvements/Risk Management – Dave Gagnon
CC&R Compliance/Architectural Control – Cliff Lackman
Thanks to every owner who participated in the election, either in person, by proxy or by mail.

Gary Hume
President, TLPOA

By |July 14th, 2014|President|0 Comments

Rainbow Alert #6

Timberlakes Owners:

According to the National Forest Service, the count attending the Rainbow Family gathering is now about 5,000.  As far as Timberlakes Security is concerned, there are no changes to our original plan, with the exception of waiting a couple of days to bring in extra security personnel. The company who originally agreed to provide us with extra people failed to do so. Therefore, as of today, Strider Security of Provo, USA will be supporting us with four  (4) additional security guards. They will maintain the gate overnight and will also watch the snowmobile gate area 24 hours a day.  As we have already stated, please keep a watchful eye out for your property and your neighbor’s property. Report any questionable activities to our security gate house at 435.785.8764 or if it is an emergency, call the Wasatch County Sheriff at 911 or 435.654.1411.

For the TLPOA Board,

Gary Hume, President

By |July 1st, 2014|President|0 Comments

Rainbow Alert #5

The US Forest Service sent out the following press release yesterday. We have had no reports of Rainbow Children in Timberlakes. The following entities are posting Rainbow press releases on their websites: U.S. Forest Service, Wasatch County and Heber City Police Department.

Gary Hume
President, TLPOA

For Immediate Release                   Contact: Kim Osborn 801-710-3664 Kathy Jo Pollock 801-558-8016
Follow us on Twitter: UintaWasatchCacheNF@UWCNF    
 UPDATE June 26, 2014:  Annual Rainbow Gathering  
 Heber City, USA June 26, 2014 – Approximately 1144 Rainbow Family members have now arrived on the Heber-Kamas Ranger District site with numbers expected to increase daily. The gathering site is located approximately 15 mile east of Heber City in the West Fork of the Duchesne River area. 
 Wednesday was a fairly quiet day at the Rainbow gathering as more members arrived and began setting up camp. The Rainbow family members come from all walks of life all across the country. There are locals attending and some have come as far as North Carolina. The high elevation of approximate 9,200 feet is making it challenging for some gatherers that have come from sea level. Altitude sickness can cause dizziness, fatigue, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, difficulty in sleeping, and shortness of breath with exertion. The hike into the main gathering is at least half or one mile uphill making it difficult for some.
 Forest Service resource advisors continue to visit the area daily checking the effects that attendees are having on the resources. Resource advisors are finding gatherers are abiding by the operating plan and impressed with the cleanliness of the camps.
 The Rainbow Family gathering is continued to be managed by local, city, county and federal cooperators.

By |June 27th, 2014|President|0 Comments

Rainbow Alert #4

Timberlakes Owners:

Increased Security
During the monthly meeting of the Timberlakes Property Owners Association Board of Directors in Salt Lake on June 18, 2014, the Board voted to adjust the budget to reflect increased expenses that will be used for additional security related to the Rainbow Family gathering.  The Board voted to increase the security at the gate to 24/7 coverage for the next few weeks. Also we voted to hire an outside security company to help with the coverage of the entrance gate and also to patrol the upper mountain around the snowmobile gate area. The snowmobile gate area down to the Moose trail north area is where the Board feels it most likely that if Timberlakes is visited by a neighbor from the east, they would come through that area. Thus the contracted security will be responsible for 24/7 coverage of that part of the upper mountain until the Board feels the potential crisis has passed and the residents of Timberlakes can feel comfortable that there will be less chance of intruders from the east.

Stopping Cars
As I stated in the first email alert about this subject, the Board has instructed Security to stop all cars and check to see that  the driver knows the lot number and the name of the owner of the lot before security is to let them pass. Some owners are not too happy about being stopped as they come through the gate several times a day, every day. We only do this for your and your neighbors’ safety.  So please bear with us as we will continue to stop all cars no matter who you are.

Public Meeting
Craig Allen and I, along with many owners, attended the public meeting held last night in Heber City. We were addressed […]

By |June 20th, 2014|President|0 Comments

Rainbow Alert #3

This morning, the Wasatch County Reverse 911 system sent a telephone message to all registered property owners:
A public information meeting regarding the 2014 gathering of the Rainbow Family of the Living Light being held east of Heber City in the Wasatch Forest, will be held Thursday, June 19th at 7 pm in the Wasatch High School Auditorium located at 930 South 500 East in Heber City. Representatives for the Forest Service, Wasatch County Sheriff’s Office, Heber City Police Department and various County departments will be on hand to answer questions business owners and private property owners may have.
If you are not signed up for Reverse 911 you can do so by Clicking Here.

NOTE: You will need to register with your physical (tax) address, not your TLPOA lot number.

The County has also posted a press release regarding the Rainbow Family Gathering on its website. You can read it by Clicking Here.

For the TLPOA Board,
Gary Hume, President

By |June 18th, 2014|President|0 Comments

Rainbow Alert #1

Attention All Property Owners:

Wasatch County has notified the Association that a large group of people (estimated between 8,000 and 20,000) will be camping in the Uintah-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, a few miles southeast of the Timberlakes snowmobile exit. Some of these people are already encamped and many more will be arriving over the next few weeks. The majority of them will be camping during the first week of July.

County law enforcement officials asked the Association to advise Timberlakes owners to make sure their cabins are locked and their possessions are secured. County officials are concerned about the behavior of this group based on reports of their previous encampments in other locations.

As a result of law enforcement concerns, we are tightening up security checks at our gate. Effective immediately, guests must be able to correctly state both the lot number and lot owner of the cabin they are visiting. We will check lot numbers and owners in our database and if they do not match, we will not allow the guest into the subdivision. Please make sure your guests are able to provide this information. We know this will lengthen the amount of time it takes to clear security at the gate, and ask you to be patient.

Those of you that will be on the mountain during the next month, please be aware. We encourage you to be a good neighbor and watch out for other properties on your road. If you see something suspicious, please call Security at (435) 785-8764 or the Wasatch County Sheriff Dispatch at (435) 654-1411.

More information about the group, provided by the group, can be found at

For the TLPOA Board,

Gary Hume, President

By |June 13th, 2014|President, Security|0 Comments

News from the mountain

Timberlakes Owners:

We have had reports of recent black bear sightings on the east side. Please alert any guests using your cabin and take necessary precautions. Do not leave food or garbage outside. For more information see the recent newsletter.
Moose are on the mountain. The cows and their calves are foraging. Please respect them and do not get between a mother and her baby.
The Association is selling a large, unique lot. It is located on the upper east side at 10555 E Short Cut Road, Lot 5. This is west of the intersection of Blue Spruce and Short Cut. It is a wooded 5-acre parcel with beautiful views. If you are interested, please contact the TLPOA office at 435-785-8762.
This Saturday, June 14, 2013, is our annual Weedstock Day in Timberlakes, from 8:00 am till noon. Join the Wasatch County Weed Control Department near the recycling center from 8 am to noon this Saturday for free weed killer and help identifying noxious weeds on your property. Remember, USA has specific laws prohibiting certain weeds on your property. The Common Area Committee will also be selling wildflower and grass seed designed specifically for Timberlakes. Tell your neighbors and don’t miss it!

We hope you enjoy summer on the mountain.

Gary Hume
President, TLPOA Board of Directors

By |June 11th, 2014|President|0 Comments

News From the Mountain

1 – Common Area
Aspen Lake Common Area is 90% complete. To finish this project, We need your help next weekend, the 2nd and 3rdh of May. We will put the finishing touches on the Legacy Project for TLPOA owners.

We will be installing the swings on the in-place structure, spreading chips around our world class sand box, finishing the Ogg’s Logs children’s walkway, and more. To accommodate families schedules we will be working from 6-8pm on Friday the 2rd and 1-3 on Saturday afternoon the 3rd.

If you have been interested in the Common Area enhancement project, this is the “Biggy!” Come out and be part of the fun.

Please join the other volunteers and bring your ideas and input. Bring your rakes, shovels, chainsaws, and other tools. See you there!

Children welcome to enjoy the efforts!
Thank you,

The Timberlakes Common Area Committee

2 – New Employee
Richard Parker has been hired to assume the Mountain Manager duties for the Timberlakes Property Owner Association. Richard brings with him decades of roads and security experience. We welcome Rich to our Mountain and are excited for the future.

Should you have questions regarding this or any other Association related issue, please feel free to contact us at 801-908-5611 or

Meeting, Trespassing, Help Needed and Assessments

Board Meetings
Our January board meetings are coming up. All owners are invited and welcome to attend. Please check the owners-only private site for the date, time and location.  Click here to login to that site.

Snowshoes and Trespassing
On December 27, I was out  snowmobiling.  Upon my return I noticed some folks starting to snowshoe up the mountain just inside the gate on the LDS Church camp property.  I stopped and mentioned to them that they were trespassing and they told me that they did not think they were.  I told them that I happened to be the person that had signed the agreement with the church, giving us snowmobile access within the marked boundaries and nowhere else.  I agreed to check with the camp to see if it was ok for our owners to snowshoe in other areas outside our designated boundaries.  The camp people told me that anyone outside the marked snowmobile path is trespassing and it is not ok to do that. They clarified that anyone on snowshoes anywhere on the camp property other than where the snowmobiles are allowed to go, is trespassing.  I promised the snowshoers in question that I would check to find out if they could snowshoe outside the boundaries and then post on the web site.  So here it is.  Do not snowshoe outside of the marked snowmobile route; it is trespassing.

Help Needed
The TLPOA is looking for committee members for the Safety & Preparedness Committee.  Board members Mark Runia and Craig Allen will spearhead this Committee with the direction of owner Craig Jeppson (big thanks to Mr. Jeppson).  This Committee will address: emergency exit routes and signage, evacuation processes, how to handle being cut off from normal channels of information, food preservation […]

By |January 8th, 2014|President|0 Comments

Meetings, Weather, Christmas Trees and More

Dear Timberlakes Owners:

Here is some information from the mountain.

We cancelled the board meeting scheduled for December. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 15, 2014.
We have a lot of snow on the mountain today. The storm is still continuing, but as if this minute, up on top on the east side we have 17 inches of new snow for a total of 21 inches on the ground.
During the the past couple of weeks we have witnessed many cars and trucks off the road and in the ditch, some upside down.  We remind you that front-wheel drive cars are no match for the mountain. Neither are big SUVs with street tires. Even many rugged-looking all-terrain tires don’t cut it on ice and snow in Timberlakes. Please be careful and be considerate of others; this is four-wheel-drive country in the winter, with snow tires and/or chains.
Double axle trailers are prohibited on the roads during the winter. During the past few weeks we have also seen several of these jackknifed and blocking traffic. Please don’t try to pull one of these up or down the mountain.
We post regular Health Updates on the website, but we don’t email the updates. We encourage you to check the site for these updates, which provide a summary of what the road crew is doing and information we believe will be very helpful to you as you plan your recreational outings in Timberlakes. Our most recent update provides some information about snow removal by the road crew. We invite you to check it out it here:
We have current Timberlakes weather conditions on our website. Find them here:
The CC&Rs prohibit cutting down live trees without […]

By |December 3rd, 2013|President|0 Comments