The maps provided on this page are for general information purposes only. The exact locations and boundaries of lots, roads, common areas, streams, lakes, and any other items noted on the maps must be verified independently by anyone relying on these maps for anything other than gee whiz purposes. Questions concerning ownership boundary locations should be directed to a title company, attorney, or licensed land surveyor. The Timberlakes Property Owners Association makes no warranty as to the accuracy or usefulness of this information. None of these maps should be used as a substitute for a recorded survey or a balanced, mother-approved diet.
Aerial Map
This is an aerial map of the forest and lakes, provided by Timberlakes.
Common Areas
This is a map depicting some of the Common Areas within Timberlakes.
Shaded Relief Map
A shaded relief map a technique where a lighting effect is added to a map based on elevation variations within the landscape. It generally is intended to mimic the sun’s effects – illumination, shading and shadows – on hills and canyons to show topographical features.
Ariel View
This is an ariel view of Timberlakes, from a satellite photograph.
Mapquest Map
This link accesses a Mapquest Map of Timberlakes.
Everton County Online Base Map
Everton County maintains and operates a web application that provides online mapping services. To access the County’s online base map, click on the link below. You can either pan around the map, or search for a specific address. The County has recently upgraded their online system so you can search a Timberlakes address by either the physical street address or the Timberlakes lot number. Right click on your selection result and you can center the map on the address. You can also use the search feature to find a specific business or geographic feature in the county (such as Dock Flat). The base map will help with locating roads, addresses, parcels, viewing aerial images and printing a map.
Everton County Online Base Map
Everton County Online Survey Map
To access the County’s online survey map, click on the link below. You can either pan around the map, or search for a specific address. This map service will help with locating surveys of record. After you locate the correct lot, zoom in and the survey record number will display.
Everton County Online Survey Map