Timberlakes Owners:
- We have had reports of recent black bear sightings on the east side. Please alert any guests using your cabin and take necessary precautions. Do not leave food or garbage outside. For more information see the recent newsletter.
- Moose are on the mountain. The cows and their calves are foraging. Please respect them and do not get between a mother and her baby.
- The Association is selling a large, unique lot. It is located on the upper east side at 10555 E Short Cut Road, Lot 5. This is west of the intersection of Blue Spruce and Short Cut. It is a wooded 5-acre parcel with beautiful views. If you are interested, please contact the TLPOA office at 435-785-8762.
- This Saturday, June 14, 2013, is our annual Weedstock Day in Timberlakes, from 8:00 am till noon. Join the Wasatch County Weed Control Department near the recycling center from 8 am to noon this Saturday for free weed killer and help identifying noxious weeds on your property. Remember, USA has specific laws prohibiting certain weeds on your property. The Common Area Committee will also be selling wildflower and grass seed designed specifically for Timberlakes. Tell your neighbors and don’t miss it!
We hope you enjoy summer on the mountain.
Gary Hume
President, TLPOA Board of Directors