Timberlakes Owners:
1. Dip into Chips – The wood pile in the lower parking lot has been chipped and you are welcome to help yourself. The chips are for TLPOA members only to use on their property in Timberlakes. In other words, the chips are not to be hauled out of Timberlakes. If you are hauling chips, please follow the road rules and DO NOT take tandem-axle trailers or vehicles without 4-wheel drive and/or chains up the roads marked with the red warning signs.
2. Architectural Control Committee – The TLPOA Board is looking for 3 to 5 owners who would like to serve on this committee to oversee the Association’s Architectural Control Regulations. For more information or to apply for the committee, please contact Cliff Lackman, TLPOA Board member in charge of Building and CC&R Compliance, at CliffLackman@timberlakesusa.com or (801)368-8798.
3. Chipping the Roads – We remind owners to make sure you have the proper 4-wheel drive vehicle, snow tires and equipment (studded tires, chains) when driving on Timberlakes roads. However, there are times when ice can still be an issue.
Gordon Huetter, TLPOA Board member in charge of roads, explained at our November Board Meeting how “chipping” (small rocks) is properly used on gravel roads. Gordon said, “Chips actually attract the sun and heat up, then melt the ice, possibly causing more ice during the night. Conditions must be evaluated before chips are applied. If the road is snow-packed chips should NOT be used, they can disrupt the base.”
Here is the list of the 6 self-serve chip barrels that have been placed around the mountain:
1) Cottonwood Lane & Blue Spruce
2) Ridgeline Dr. at Ridgeline Circle
3) Ridgeline Dr. at Cottonwood Court
4) Deer Creek Dr. & Blue Spruce
5) Blue Spruce between Aspen and Birch
6) Cottonwood Lane & Greenbriar.
Use chips sparingly, only to get you some traction. Refer to Gordon’s comments above in regards to overusing chips. When done using the chip barrels, put scoops back in the barrel and replace the lids.
4. Health Updates – If you are interested in reading a summary of what the road crew has been doing, we post a regular update, approximately once a month. Click here to read our most recent Health Updates.
Gary Hume,
President, TLPOA Board of Directors