
Job Opening

We are currently looking to hire an Administrative Assistant.

Download the Job Description for more information.

Download the Admin Job Description

Have an Idea?

If you have suggestions for how we can improve the website or how the TLPOA might improve how it operates, please email us.

Welcome To Our Website

Welcome to our website. We hope you will find the information helpful and easy to find.

One of the big changes is that we have moved all of the information that is intended only for owners to a separate website. You will need to signup separately to login to the private site. You can do that on our login page.

If you have suggestions for how we can improve the site or make it more user friendly, please email us.

Missing A Newsletter?

We send out a newsletter to every owner three times each year. If you have not received the newsletter in the mail, please contact our office to update your address and other contact information.

You can download a pdf of recent newsletters on our private, owners-only website.

Click here to login to the private site.

We intend to enforce the CC&Rs

As you know, enforcement in certain areas has been non-existent. This will change. Thanks in advance for cooperating with these efforts.

Please note that if your brother-in-law attorney has told you that we can’t start enforcing the CC&Rs now if they haven’t been enforced in the past, get a new attorney (but keep your brother-in-law) and reread the documents. They are enforceable.

Check Out Our Board Alerts

Check our board alerts for the latest news about what’s happening on the mountain.

You can subscribe to the board alerts, which will automatically email you when we post something new from the Board of Directors. You can also easily unsubscribe when you get tired of hearing from us.

This is a separate subscription than registering as an owner to access the owners-only private site.

We Are Not The Water Company

If you have questions about your water being shut off, your water bill, combining your lots with the Water Company, water pipeline consturction, watering outside, watering inside, drinking water, water quality, water management, water on your knees, water boarding, water colors, water moccasins, waterproofing, water slides or any other item having to do with water, please contact the Water Company.

Weed Management Program

Wasatch County maintains a cooperative weed management program.

Timberlakes owners are encouraged to document your efforts to manage noxious weeds such as thistle on your property.

Please complete the following form and return it either to the address on the form or the Timberlakes office. Documenting this information will assist Timberlakes in applying for a grant to help abate noxious weeds in our development.

Download the Wasatch County Weed Form

Property For Sale

We receive many inquires about cabins or lots for sale in Timberlakes. The Property Owners Association is not involved in residential real estate transactions. We encourage you to contact a licensed professional realtor for information about properties for sale in Timberlakes. Potential buyers must be accompanied by a licensed realtor to enter Timberlakes.

Thistle Alert

Wasatch County enforces the USA Noxious Weed Laws requiring owners to control thistle and other noxious weeds. If you let one thistle plant bloom, it will spread thousands of seeds.

Download the Thistle Alert to see what your options are for controlling noxious weeds on your lot.

Download the Thistle Alert