Common Areas/State Fire Liaison/Government Relations

Grand Opening

Grand Opening of the Aspen Lake Family Area

12:00 – 2:00 Memorial Day, May 26, 2014

Located on Greenleaf Road

Pot Luck BBQ – Bring something to grill for yourselves and something to share! Bring chairs, blankets, binoculars for watching the Red-winged Blackbirds, toys for the sand box, etc.

Enjoy the large sand box, swing set, Oggs logs obstacle course, floating dock, and hiking trail!

Join in the Teepee raising at 1 pm.

Thanks to all the residents who helped complete the first phase for us to enjoy!

For the Timberlakes Board,
Mark Runia


Timberlakes Owners:

The woodpile is open for wood and tree branches/limbs only. At the end of the summer, we chip the woodpile for residents of Timberlakes. The chips are spread in many areas of our community. It is critical that we do not spread weed seeds.

All weeds, construction materials, and nonorganic material should be taken to the Wasatch County Landfill on Hwy 189 (1891 W 3000 South) in Heber City. Each property owner receives three free trips each year. Check your Wasatch County Solid Waste Invoice for the timing this year. You need to present your invoice in order to receive your free waster transfer.

This year we will test separating probable firewood from rotten wood and limbs/branches. We hope this will keep the pile more manageable. Look for the signs, and be sure to fill in the forms for your wood clearing efforts with the forms provided on the entry signs.

Jeff Meierhofer for the TLPOA Board

Woodpile and Meeting

Timberlakes Owners:

The woodpile will open this Friday, May 16th for wood and tree branches/limbs only. Our chip pile is used by residents of Timberlakes and chips are spread in many areas of our community. It is critical that we do not spread weed seeds.
All weeds, construction materials, and nonorganic material should be taken to the Wasatch County Landfill on Hwy 189 (1891 W 3000 South) in Heber City. Each property owner receives three free trips each year. Check your Wasatch County Solid Waste Invoice for the timing this year. You need to present your invoice in order to receive your free waster transfer.
This year we will test separating probable firewood from rotten wood and limbs/branches. We hope this will keep the pile more manageable. Look for the signs, and be sure to fill in the forms for your wood clearing efforts with the forms provided on the entry signs.
Our May Board Meetings will be held next week. Check the private owners-only website for location and time details.

Jeff Meierhofer for the TLPOA Board

News From the Mountain

1 – Common Area
Aspen Lake Common Area is 90% complete. To finish this project, We need your help next weekend, the 2nd and 3rdh of May. We will put the finishing touches on the Legacy Project for TLPOA owners.

We will be installing the swings on the in-place structure, spreading chips around our world class sand box, finishing the Ogg’s Logs children’s walkway, and more. To accommodate families schedules we will be working from 6-8pm on Friday the 2rd and 1-3 on Saturday afternoon the 3rd.

If you have been interested in the Common Area enhancement project, this is the “Biggy!” Come out and be part of the fun.

Please join the other volunteers and bring your ideas and input. Bring your rakes, shovels, chainsaws, and other tools. See you there!

Children welcome to enjoy the efforts!
Thank you,

The Timberlakes Common Area Committee

2 – New Employee
Richard Parker has been hired to assume the Mountain Manager duties for the Timberlakes Property Owner Association. Richard brings with him decades of roads and security experience. We welcome Rich to our Mountain and are excited for the future.

Should you have questions regarding this or any other Association related issue, please feel free to contact us at 801-908-5611 or

Common Area Enhancement

If you are interested in the Common Area enhancement projects, get ready for the best year yet. Spring is around the corner, and we are getting ready to start our 2014 Common Area planning and projects for the season.

We are getting together this Saturday April 19th at 10:00 a.m. at the TLPOA office to make plans for the 2014 season. Please join the other volunteers and bring your ideas and input. No rakes, shovels or chainsaws needed for this meeting. That will come later!!!

Thank you,

The Timberlakes Common Area Committee

Common Area 2013 Wrap-up

The *Common Area Committee invites you to be part of our Timberlakes legacy project. We invite you and your family to join us for 60-90 minutes on Saturday, September 28, 2013 at 10:00 am at the TLPOA office. We will wrap up 2013 and review projects for 2014 and beyond. We will go over completion of the Aspen Lake Family Area, available Eagle Scout™ projects, possible sleigh riding areas, water retention in some of the lakes for fishing and non-motorized watercraft, wild flower seeding, and anything else that may be a passion to you. Call Jeff Meierhofer at 435-785-8185 or email him at with questions or comments. We look forward to seeing you Saturday, September 28th at 10:00 am at the TLPOA office.

Jeff Meierhofer
Member, Board of Directors
Timberlakes Property Owners Association

* The Common Area Committee is a volunteer group of Timberlakes owners who work under the direction of the Board to plan, develop and maintain the Common Areas in Timberlakes Estates. Read more about our Common Areas and the Committee by clicking here.

Woodpile to Close

We thank all owners who have worked to clear dead wood from your lots. We have collected a substantial amount of wood in the pile. Lance Excavating will be in Timberlakes with their tub grinder on September 24, 2012, to chip the pile. Therefore, we are announcing we will close the woodpile for the year on Sunday, September 23, 2012. If you choose to remove wood from your lot after September 23, please take it out of the subdivision to dispose of it yourself. We do not allow any location to be used for wood collection during the fall and winter.

Also, as a reminder, any time you spend, or pay someone to spend, on clearing wood and undergrowth from your lot to make it less combustible will assist us in obtaining a grant from state agencies with which we can address fire breaks and other fire safety issues that affect common areas and Timberlakes as a whole. Please turn your hours spent in to Martha at the office. Contact her with any questions.

Finally, thank you all for being careful and diligent regarding fire safety. Please continue to safeguard the mountain during this extremely dry summer. Fire danger in Timberlakes continues to be very high and we appreciate the care everyone is taking to prevent fire.

Thank you.

Mike Durr
Timberlakes POA
Common Areas, Fire and Government Relations

Fire Restrictions

High fire danger has prompted statewide fire restrictions, including Timberlakes. Click here for specific information about these fire restrictions. Please notify your friends and family who might be using your cabin. Please do your part to protect our mountain.

Mike Durr
Vice President, TPLOA and State Fire Liaison


Hi Fellow Owners:

We just wanted to let you know that there are several hiking/snowshoe/x-country ski trails in the common areas that are open this winter.

The Moose Trail is located at the upper mountain (see map) and has a north and south trail.  There is good parking area and a kiosk with signs.

The Jones Lake Trail is located mid-mountain, just off Lake Pines Drive (see map).  You may have noticed the piles of red rock and some road equipment parked in this lot.  This is also the location of the parking to access this common area. A trail starts at the parking lot and goes up through the trees to the south, and then over the dam and around Jones Lake.

Please enjoy and use the trails. Remember to stay on the trails and respect private property.  The common area boundaries are marked with pink flags. If you are not in the common area, you are on private property that belongs to someone else!

We will resume more trail work in spring.  In the meantime, use and enjoy the new trails in Timberlakes. If you would like to volunteer to help build trails, let me know.

Also, if you are a Facebook member, there is a Timberlakes Residents page that you may want to join as a way to stay connected with some of the folks/happenings on the mountain.

I hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday and a very merry new year!

Barb Meierhofer
For the Common Area Committee

Weed & Seed

Thanks so much to those who showed up to help us plant the seeds and bulbs in the flower “boxes” and in the areas on each side of Timberlakes Rd. (just inside the gate)!  We want to create a fabulous first impression as you enter Timberlakes Estates.  We are doing this by planting a wildflower blend of seeds and bulbs that are appropriate for this area and provide a variety of bold and delicate blossoms; with both early and late blooming wildflowers, daffodils, crocus and hyacinth for color throughout the growing season.  Thanks to Steve Drew for the donation of Russian Sage, Don Christian and Mike Durr for backhoe equipment and volunteers Barb & Jeff Meierhofer, Beth and Gil Miller, Judy Eddins, Bonnie Armstrong,  Al & Lynn Katcher, and Terrie Schultz.  If you would like to be a part of this sub-committee of the Common Areas Committee, just contact Terrie Schultz.

Mike Durr
Vice President, TLPOA

Common Area Projects in the Works

Hiking/snowshoeing trails are accessible now. Come check them out and/or volunteer!

The Timberlakes Common Area Committee and volunteers have started work on several key projects in our common areas across the mountain.

The first is called Jones Lake. It will have a picnic and improved year-round parking area with hiking, snowshoeing trails, and pond exploration around Jones Lake.  This area includes Plats 9A, 10, and 11, and is accessible from Lake Pines Drive across from lot 946. Volunteers are designing the picnic area, which will include a natural play area. The hiking trail meanders through stands of cottonwood, around marshes (for good bird watching), and eventually into a large aspen grove. It will be marked for both winter and summer use. To prevent off-road vehicles from disturbing the common areas, a natural barrier will be included to prevent access where possible.

Chris Bala is volunteer trail boss for this site. Trail-building volunteers to date include: Gil Miller, Craig Jeppson, Matt Anderson, Carrie Bala, Barbara Stone, Tom Metcalf, Monty Botoson, Terrie Schultz, and Carolyn Rose.

The second project underway is improvement of the Moose Trail, on Plat 19, off of Raccoon Drive near the top of the development. This is a fabulous wildlife and wild flower viewing trail that cuts down the canyon through aspen and pine forest, crossing the creek several times. Trail bosses Barb and Jeff Meierhofer have led a team of volunteers to site the northern trail, build natural bridges, and place stepping stones in several creek crossings.  This volunteer team includes Jim and Dixie Carroll, Daryl and Twila Sparti, Judy Eddins, Marie Barton, and Theresa Gubler. A four-car parking area is available on the north side of the street and is marked.

A survey has […]

Common Area Invite

Looks like we are going to have another nice day today.  We are hoping to get some more work done to prepare our Common Area for hiking and snowshoe trails this fall/winter.

We know this is a last minute invite, but please come join us at the Jones Lake parking area (across from lot #946 on Lake Pines Dr) from 12:00 – 2:00 today (October 29, 2011). Bring your gloves, eyewear,  and a tool:  shovel, rake, hoe, hatchet, pruning shears, or chainsaw.

Barb and Jeff Meierhofer

Help us build trails

Calling for volunteers! The Common Area committee is ready to build trails!  A work party is planned for Saturday, October 22nd from 10:00 am – 12:00 to build trails in two areas.  Bring your gloves, hoe, rake, shovel, chainsaw if you have one, hat and water.  Meet the Trail Boss at either parking area :  (1) at corner of Lot 1900 Raccoon, or (2) behind the Timberlakes maintenance shed on the east side of Timberlakes Drive – approximately Lot 930 near Jones Lake reservoir.
For more information call Barb or Jeff Meierhofer 785-8185 or

Mike Durr, TLPOA

Common Area

The Common Area/Open Space Committee is going to meet at the Timberlakes Office at 10:00 am this Saturday morning, September  17th. Please join us if you would like to volunteer on any part of this exciting community project. We are going to go over the master plan, and work on the next steps to get started with activities and projects. Also, bring a shovels, rake, or gloves if you want to help finish the rock gardens by the mail house.

Please forward this to anyone you think may want to be involved in this exciting time of enhancing our community.

Please call me for more information.

Jeff Meierhofer

By |September 16th, 2011|Common Areas/State Fire Liaison/Government Relations|Comments Off


The next few weeks are the last chance to reduce next year’s crop of thistles. Many areas have been appropriately controlled and are making headway. If you have thistles on, or near, your property, please take the following action before the spread of the seeds.

Using heavy gloves, pull or clip off the thistle heads and deposit them in a plastic bag. Then pull the plant up from the roots, if possible. Leave the thistle plant on the ground as it will decompose. You can also move the pulled weed to another area on your property. Deposit the sealed bag of thistle heads in the dumpster, but not the whole plant. Please do put the entire thistle plant in the dumpster because of space concern for garbage, particularly on a holiday weekend. Please do not put them in the wood chipping pile because they will be spread throughout the community. Thanks to those of you that have cleared the thistles from your property and thanks in advance for those still working on it.

Weed Control

This is a final reminder to come to the office this Saturday to obtain help with weed control on your lot. Wasatch County is offering assistance to Timberlakes Property Owners to help control our noxious weed infestation. Please join us this Saturday, June 25th at 8:00 am at the Timberlakes Office to meet with the members of Wasatch County Weed Control. We will have a brief introduction to invasive weeds of concern. The County will also provide free herbicides and lend you a sprayer to use that morning. The County personnel will be here from 8:00 am until noon. This is the easiest, least expensive way to control thistle, houndstongue and other noxious weeds on your lot. Safety instructions for working with these chemicals will be provided.

Common Areas

We have added a new page to our website, entitled Common Areas. We will use this page to keep you informed of our progress on developing a master plan for the use of our common areas. The page currently contains a brief explanation of the volunteer committee of owners helping to gather input and create the plan. The results from our online survey are also summarized. Check it out.
We have added some excellent information about noxious weed control. Also, don’t forget the upcoming opportunity to obtain, free of charge, the County-recommended herbicide for weed control on June 25 at the office at 8:00 am. Check it out.
Join us this Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the Whitmore Library at 2197 East Fort Union Boulevard (in Cottonwood Heights) for our Board Meeting.

Mike Durr
VP of Administration

Gate Beautification

The Gate Beautification Project has resumed now that the snow has “kind of” subsided. If you look closely you will see flowers and bulbs poking their green shoots up in the red rock beds that were planted last year. The rocks to finish the beds in front of the post office are now available to be moved and hopefully will be put in place and planted by before Memerial Day. Last week the berms near the guard house were seeded with grasses and wildflowers. Garbage was removed, but there is more to be picked up. A temporary welcome sign has been installed. The mail house has had the rubbish removed  and a book exchange shelf has been put up. If you are interested in participating in the gate beatification project or other Timberlakes community projects, please contact Jeff Meierhofer at 435-785-8185 or email him at

Mike Durr
Vice President

Survey closing

A Timberlakes sub-committee of lot owners has been formed to explore the best use and recreation opportunities in our common areas for full and part-time residents. We would like to get your input and feedback as we explore options and develop a master plan. Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey (only 10 questions – about 5 minutes).
The survey will close on March 8th at 12:00 pm.

Click here to take the Survey

Common Area Survey

A Timberlakes sub-committee of lot owners has been formed to explore the best use of and recreation opportunities for our common areas for both full and part-time residents. We held a meeting in Heber City last night to obtain input from owners. We appreciate the owners who came and talked to us.

We will hold another meeting, for owner input in the Salt Lake Valley, on Wednesday, April 13th, at 6 pm in the Whitmore Library, 2197 East Fort Union Blvd, Salt Lake City. At the meeting, we will have a large map posted so you can show us where your property lies as you give us your input. (Please note this meeting is in April, not March as erroneously announced in our previous email.) For more information, please contact the Committee Chair, Tom Metcalf, at 801-599-0218.

We would also appreciate your input using a brief survey. Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey (only 10 questions – about 5 minutes).

Click here to complete the survey.

Mike Durr
Vice President of Administration and State Fire Liaison