Due to a technical problem with the remote gate opener software, we need to delete all gate remotes and re-enter the code for each individual remote. As soon as possible, every owner that has a gate remote needs to provide us with the two codes from each remote you own. We apologize for the inconvenience and for the short notice but we are unable to repair the problem without deleting and re-entering the remote codes.
Please stop by either the security gate house or the office and give us the two codes from the back of each of your remotes. You may also email us the information. We are deleting all current remote codes on Tuesday, January 27, 2015. Your remote(s) will not work until you provide us with the codes from each of your remotes.
Click here for specific instructions on the information we need ==>> Download the Gate Remotes Form
Please complete this form and return it to us in person or by email as soon as possible.
Gary Hume
President, TLPOA