Timberlakes Owners:
We are holding our regular board meetings this week, on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 in Heber City, USA. The location, time and agenda are available on our private, owners-only website. All owners are invited and welcome to attend.
Removing Snow From Your Driveway
When you or your hired snow remover are clearing your driveway, you cannot leave your snow in the road. In other words, when you or your hired snow remover plow your driveway you must push the snow completely out of the road, and not leave any obstacles in the road or hinder safe travel in any way. Please do not endanger your neighbors.
Owners Removing Snow From the Roads
If you are removing snow on one of the TLPOA roads, please do not interfere with our main plow routes or get in the way of the TLPOA plowing crew if they are out when you are. The TLPOA road crew has the right-of-way – just like noted along the highways of our country, “Do not Interfer with Snow Plow Operations.”
Winter Driving
Timberlakes is a mountain community where you drive at your own risk. Winter driving requires skill, caution, 4-wheel drive and chains or snow tires. Please be careful.
Please slow down! It is more important then ever to respect the speed limits on the mountain. However, just because the speed limit sign says 25 mph it does not necessarily mean that you can safely drive at that speed. In the winter, the speed limit may be way faster than you can safely turn a corner or come down a descent.
Judging by the tracks this past weekend, many drivers found themselves in the ditch, spun sideways or worse. One driver slammed his or her vehicle into one of the concrete barriers on Blue Spruce after he or she tried to turn a corner going to fast. Slowing down greatly increase your chances of protecting yourself, your family and your neighbors.
When exiting Timberlakes, slow down before going over the traffic control spikes (a.k.a. tire rippers). This is clearly marked by our sign. Excessive speeds can result in you damaging your tires, for which the TLPOA is not responsible.
Snowmobile & ATV Stickers
Make sure you clean your snowmobile or ATV surface before affixing your sticker – if you lose your sticker you will have to purchase a replacement. The TLPOA is no longer replacing for free lost or fallen off stickers. Permit stickers must be placed on the left side of snowmobiles and the rear of ATVs and all other recreational vehicles.
If you need to check weather conditions in Timberlakes, just visit our weather site on the Timberlakes website. Click here for Timberlakes Weather.
Duplicate Emails
We are consolidating our email database with the management company and you may receive a duplicate of this email.
Thank you and I hope to see you at our meeting this week.
Gary Hume
President, TLPOA