Dear Timberlakes Owner:
1. Happy New Year! We are are holding our first board meeting of the new year this week. Please check the private, owners-only site for the location, time and agenda.
2. We periodically post Health Updates. Check out the most recent Health Updates.
3. Get your 2015 ATV Stickers now! ALL recreational vehicles in Timberlakes MUST have a current TLPOA sticker. ONLY owners can apply for stickers. Annual owner stickers cost $15.00 each. There are also 7-day Visitor passes available for your guests’ machines, for $10.00 each. Forms for these stickers are available at, the TLPOA office or the security gate house.
4. Line up your building projects now for spring – all external projects require you to submit a form to the TLPOA office. Visit for TLPOA construction information.
5. Please be mindful of how busy Timberlakes has become and do not let your dogs stray from your property – for your pet’s safety and in consideration of your neighbors.
6. Snowman Contest! Send your pictures (with lot # name and names of anyone in the picture) to to be considered for use in the Spring/March issue of the Timberlakes Times and on the website! Submissions due by February 18.
7. Attention Snowmobilers! Make sure you and your guests respect the easement across the LDS Church Camp property – stay within the marked boundaries. We don’t want to loose our precious snowmobile route to the National Forest.
8. We remind you that we have quiet hours for snowmobiles, ATVs and dirt bikes – 10 pm to 7 am – all year around.
9. The TLPOA is enforcing the warnings posted on our Road Safety Signs – do not attempt to drive on our winter roads without the proper vehicle, tires and equipment (chains). Our rules are for your safety. Make sure your service providers have the right vehicle to visit your property in the winter: 4-wheel drive or chains are required. They will not be allowed on the upper mountain roads if they are not outfitted properly, and if they choose to ignore our safety warnings you may be fined. Again, our community’s rules are for the safety of all our members and their guests.
10. We now offer 7-day parking passes (instead of 3-day)! All vehicles and trailers in the TLPOA parking lots are required to have a parking pass. Owners must be present when applying for a parking permit. Owners may email security ahead of time at to get their guests a parking permit. During the winter, no trailers are allowed in the lower parking lot by the TLPOA Office – we just don’t have the room! Parking at Duck Lake is allowed during the WINTER ONLY and is ONLY for trailers with a vehicle or just trailers – NO SOLO VEHICLES. Solo vehicles are to park in the lower parking lot by the TLPOA Office. If you are parking both a trailer and the vehicle that towed it at Duck Lake, you need TWO permits – one for the trailer and one for the vehicle. To make sure you park correctly at Duck Lake, ask for the parking diagram for that parking lot. If you have questions about any of this ask TLPOA Security.
Thanks for your support and I hope to see you at the meeting this week.
Gary Hume
President, TLPOA Board of Directors