Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison

Employee change

Effective February 10th, Marini Selu is no longer working on the Mountain.  Marini has decided to go another direction with his employment.  We wish him the best of luck.

The Board is currently working with management to update the job description and have the position filled.  Shaun Simmons, Senior Regional Manager, FCS Community Management and Community Manager at Timberlakes, will be taking on the duties of the Mountain Manager until a replacement has been hired.

As always, should you have questions regarding this or any other Timberlakes related issue, please feel free to contact us at or 435-940-1776.

Road Update

Dear Timberlakes Residents:

As the weather changes, the autumn leaves fall and winter begins to settle in, I want to take some time and update the residents of Timberlakes about the “winter plan.” The road crew assisted by Gordon Huetter and me has spent early mornings, late nights, long days and worked weekends to prepare the Timberlakes roads for the upcoming winter season.

The roads that have been graded, prepped and readied for winter thus far are listed below. However, please understand that these roads will still be maintained and graded a few more times before the ground actually hardens to the point that that our road crew can no longer grade until spring.  The roads listed are the main arteries or side roads that branch off of the main roads.
Grove Ln                    Deer Run                      Green Leaf                        Birch
Beaver Bench            Witt Circle                   Lake Pines                        Blazing Star              
Oak View                   Cottonwood Ln          Upper Blue Spruce        Columbine
West View                 Tree Top                       Forget-me-not                Buck Way
Ridgeline                   Timberlakes Dr        Raccoon  
As winter sets in and the road department prepares for any and all conditions it is pertinent to reassure the residents of Timberlakes that we will […]

Welcome Martha – Thanks Connie

A Big Thank You to Connie Hadley and Changes in the Timberlakes Office

The new year always brings change of some type to our lives and this year the Timberlakes office is participating.

As the new year commences we extend a huge thank you and vote of appreciation to Connie Hadley for serving the Timberlakes community for the past two years as our office representative.  Connie stepped in during a time of transition and turmoil, and gave us help just when we needed it most.  Now, at the start of 2010, Connie and her husband, LaMar, have put their cabin on the market and have told us that it’s time for her to hang up the saddle.  With her departure we extend a heart-felt thanks for her time and dedication to making Timberlakes a better place.

Stepping into the office responsibility is our newest Timberlakes employee, Martha Lackman.  Martha and her husband have been full- time residents on the mountain for the past 10 years and she comes to us with a wealth of experience.  She has been involved in successful advertising and marketing businesses for many years, including work with Clear Channel, Bonneville, and Fox networks.  Martha has a positive can-do attitude and we expect her to be a great presence in the office.  She is now to a position in life where sticking closer to home is an advantage and we look forward to having her handle our office affairs as well as helping in other capacities, where needed, on the mountain.

In an attempt to accommodate the needs of more Timberlakes residents we are announcing that the office (and Martha) now have new hours, effective immediately, as follows:

M, […]

By |January 13th, 2010|Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison|Comments Off

Employment Opportunity

The Timberlakes Property Owners Association is in need of applicants to fill the position of Administrative Assistant.  This position will work up to 40 hours per week.  The starting pay range varies between $10.00 and $12.00 per hour, based on experience.  This individual must be available during all seasons of the year and should have exceptional customer relations skills and abilities.  Employment is available immediately. We prefer to hire someone who desires long-term employment.

Please review this Administrative Assistant Job Description for more details.

Interested candidates please complete this Employment Application Form and return it, along with a resume to Ole Smith. You can either email the completed form and resume, or fax them. Click here to send email to Ole. The fax number is 801.944.9555.

Ole Smith
Vice President of Administration

By |December 8th, 2009|Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison|Comments Off

We still need 2 board members

Property Owners, we still need to fill two vacant positions. We need your help to do that. Ideally we would prefer candidates with some experience in the vacant areas: One position, as Treasurer, would benefit from someone with experience in accounting, treasury, finance, or in running a business. The other position would benefit from someone with some background in construction or one of the associated trades. There is eight months left on one term, and 18 months on the other one.

We request any owner who is interested in helping us out on the board, to please email a resume to any board member. We also need you to complete this application form and return it to me. We need your help and thank you for considering this; we cannot run the mountain effectively with a reduced board.

Ole Smith
Vice President – Administration

By |December 7th, 2009|Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison|Comments Off

We need two Board members

With regret, we announce the resignations of Roger Legare and Gifford Ely from the Timberlakes Board of Directors. Both of these men have recently sold their cabins and are no longer eligible to serve as a Director. We wish to thank both of them for their service to the mountain and wish them well.

In the meantime, we need to fill the two vacant positions. Ideally we would prefer candidates with some experience in the vacant areas: One position, as Treasurer, would benefit from someone with experience in accounting, treasury, finance, or in running a business. The other position would benefit from someone with some background in construction or one of the associated trades. There is eight months left on one term, and 18 months on the other one.

We request any owner who is interested in helping us out on the board, to please email a resume to any board member. We need your help. Thanks for considering this.

Ole Smith
Vice President – Administration

By |October 23rd, 2009|Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison|Comments Off

Volunteers needed for tree planting

We are asking for volunteers to come help us plant 31 trees at the site of the new vehicle storage building. We will meet at the site at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, October 11. We need 15-20 people. Please bring your gloves and a shovel. We will have a backhoe and operator on site. If you have a wheelbarrow, it might come in handy. We will be planting the trees along the back (east side) of the building. If you can help, please email Ole Smith so we know how many people to count on. Thanks.

By |September 23rd, 2008|Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison|Comments Off

Where There’s Smoke…There’s a Controlled Burn (This week-end)

Please be informed that this Friday and/or Saturday (September 19-20) there will be a controlled burn on our neighbor’s property, the LDS Church Heber Valley Camp. This fire has been approved and authorized by the County and the County Fire Marshall will personally be there to oversee things. The area of the burn has been cleared and is devoid of combustible material to ensure safety.

The Camp has recommended to the County and to the Board that the burn occur now, rather than in another month or two for one significant reason. Right now, the work can be attended to and watched over by a literal army of missionaries, however, the missionaries will terminate their service in the next 2 weeks and then the burn would have to occur with only a handful of people. The County and the Board think it is a wise decision to do it now and agree with the request.

Why the burn? Interestingly enough, it is for us, Timberlakes. As you may know all our water in Timberlakes comes from springs on the property owned by the Church camp. There is an agreement that allows our water company to enter their property in order to develop the springs. The Water Company has been working on that project this summer and has now tapped into the springs. Next year new water tanks will be constructed in the areas cleared out around the springs and we will have sufficient water again for our community. However, a quantity of trees and brush had to be removed in order to develop the springs and clear the surrounding areas needed for the tanks. It is that material that will be burned. Or, in […]

By |September 16th, 2008|Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison|Comments Off

An update on our maintenance building

Dear Property Owners,

I have two items I would like to share with you this weekend regarding our maintenance building. One is the progress of the construction, the other is its appearance and what we are doing about it.

First – the building is moving along right on schedule. The shell is almost complete, with only the front side (where all the bay doors are located) and some odds and ends left to go. As soon as that part is complete we will install the bay doors and the man doors, and the building will be totally enclosed. Then we will continue with the other areas of construction including the exterior grading, road materials bins, and interior items such as the mechanical and plumbing, and interior build-out including offices, restrooms and storage rooms. We expect all to be complete by late October…ready for the winter.

Second – the appearance of the building. Many of you have contacted us to ask if we can change the color to something that blends into the environment. As you are likely aware the origins of this building started with the previous Board. They purchased the building about a year ago but were not able to get the building permit and other approvals in time to start construction before winter. During the winter the majority of your current Board was asked to start our service and we took over the permit and approval process. We made some changes and improvements to the interior build-out, mechanical and electrical systems, etc. We also looked at ways to improve the outside of the building but remember…it had already been purchased and delivered. The color, likewise, had already been selected and siding delivered with the rest […]

By |August 23rd, 2008|Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison|Comments Off

We have started construction

Good news. On June 12th the County Council met and, after taking public comment and having members of the Timberlakes Board answer some key questions, approved our Revised Conditional Use Permit. With that approval we were able to move forward and start construction.

Our contractor, Double P Construction, started working late last week and has now completed footing excavation, tied a portion of the rebar and is pouring footings for half of the building on Friday the 27th. The remainder of the footings will go in early next week, with foundation walls following immediately thereafter.

I will try to have a couple of new photos every week, along with a brief description of what is happening. You will be able to see the progress in person or by checking our website and clicking on the page labeled Maintenance Building Progress.

Ole Smith

By |June 27th, 2008|Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison|Comments Off

Maintenance Building is Approved and Bid

After several months of planning and designing the modifications required by Wasatch County, we finally have a set of approved plans, and bids are in, from several General Contractors and Sub-Contractors. Construction is now ready to commence on our new vehicle storage and maintenance building.

On June 5th Ole Smith, the Board member assigned to supervise our construction, paid the building permit fees and picked up the signed, approved building permit from the County. The plans had already been out to bid for about 3 weeks so the next day, June 6th, bids were received from all the contractors. Over that weekend of June 6-9 the bids were painstakingly analyzed and the winning bidder, Double P Construction, was selected. Double P will also be working with us to find additional ways to reduce our costs, including allowing us to self-perform some work, possibly use some local Timberlakes subcontractors who have offered us great pricing for their trade, and work with us on some value-engineering efforts.

Double P plans to start construction the week of June 16-20 and be finished approximately120 days later, in mid-October.

There is, however, one last hurdle we still need to clear. When we first started the proposal of building last year, the County, while still checking our building plans for code compliance, moved forward and approved our Conditional Use Permit. In very simplified terms, a Conditional Use Permit is the approval to place something other than a residential building on a lot and, when approved, the building must be placed exactly where it is shown on the submittal, plus the owner must agree to follow any other “conditions” that are given by the County Commission. […]

By |June 12th, 2008|Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison|Comments Off

Maintenance Building is Officially Out-to-Bid

Our Timberlakes POA and Timberlakes Water maintenance building is officially out-to-bid. Plans were released to contractors starting May 15th with instructions to submit pricing by Friday, June 6, 2008. After that date, all bids will be analyzed for completeness and accuracy, and a winner will be selected. We expect our modified Conditional Use Permit will be issued by June 12th and construction will start immediately thereafter.

We will not have a definite completion date until all bids have been received and analyzed, however our tentative schedule is for a construction time of approximately 16 weeks, commencing at the time a contract is signed. This would give us a completed, functional building by the end of October 2008.

As of Monday May 19, 2008, contractors and subcontractors are still being sought for the purpose of submitting bids. If you know of someone please have them contact board member Ole Smith at or (801) 372-5002.

By |May 19th, 2008|Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison|Comments Off

Subcontractors Needed for Timberlakes Maintenance Building

We soon expect to have our approved plans back from Wasatch County and are now looking for contractors and subcontractors to submit bids to help us construct our new maintenance facility. Since the cost of this building is being paid for by the owners of Timberlakes we would especially like to invite Timberlakes property owners, who are licensed contractors, to be involved.

Please take into consideration that we are a non-profit homeowners association, serving each other. We are hopeful that those who submit bids will be generous in the bidding process and be able to reduce their costs significantly, thus contributing their talents to the betterment of our entire community.

Those interested may contact Board member Ole Smith.

Areas where we need bidders are:

Footings and Foundation
Septic system and drain field
Interior framing and build-out (offices & restrooms)
Log Façade construction
Bay doors supply and installation
All of the above (General Contractors)

By |April 24th, 2008|Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison|Comments Off

New Timberlakes Facility Nearing Reality

After a long winter of struggling to keep services up to an acceptable level throughout Timberlakes, everyone will be glad to hear we are preparing to make things easier for future winters (and summers, springs and falls). Last year the Board of Directors authorized the construction of a maintenance building to be located on Timberlakes Dr. behind (to the west of) Jones Lakes. Unfortunately, they were not able to get the plans completed in time to obtain a County building permit before winter set in. However, we have continued to refine the plans over the last few months and are now ready to submit them again in preparation of commencing construction once the snow melts.

The new facility will house all of our Timberlakes equipment and vehicles including the dump truck, backhoe, grader, snow blower, miscellaneous plow equipment, and a fire truck from the County, etc. It will not only provide a place for us to keep the equipment out of the weather, thus increasing useful life, reducing maintenance, minimizing breakdowns and expensive repairs (due to constant exposure to the elements) and more, but it will also offer the crews, who work so hard to keep things going in Timberlakes, a physical headquarters for organizing their work and coordinating efforts.

The construction is planned to start in the next few weeks, depending on a good snow melt and obtaining the required permits. It will take about 3 to 4 months to complete. The building will be surrounded by a berm and landscaping with the intent of having minimal impact on any surrounding cabins. In most cases no one will even know it exists, yet […]

By |April 16th, 2008|Road Maintenance/Heber Valley Camp Liaison|Comments Off