Board Change
Over the past few years the TLPOA Board has come to understand that there are many projects that need to be addressed. Yet, somehow we never seem to make it through the priority list. One of the primary reasons for this is that we are a volunteer Board. The day-to-day emergencies overtake the good intent of fixing the items that are continually discussed as areas the need improvement. Theresa Gubler, who has been a Board member for the past three years, and was recently reelected, offered to resign from the Board and become a consultant for a short period of time to address the many projects that need attention now so that we could focus on the most important of these and not keep kicking them further down the road. There are too many projects to list here, but they include writing standard operating procedures for all departments and positions, and to make an initial pass at rewriting the CC&Rs before turning that over to our attorney for a final version. The Board has accepted Theresa’s resignation and also has hired her as a full-time consultant for a short period of time to work on-site to accomplish the many tasks that will be outlined by the Board as this transition moves forward. Rich Parker will continue to serve as our Mountain Manager. Rich oversees operations and our property management company, FCS, will continue to provide resources for managing finances, collections and systems.
Theresa, the Board thanks you for the countless hours you have contributed over the past three years and we look forward to your help in organizing the operational aspects of the Association and helping it run more like a business.
As a result of Theresa’s resignation, the Board took into consideration the runner-up in our recent election process and appointed Cassandra Smith to replace Theresa. Cassandra will be sworn in at the August Board meeting in Salt Lake City. We welcome Cassandra to the Board and appreciate her willingness to serve our mountain community.
High Fire Danger
We hope you all enjoy a safe holiday and remind all owners that we are in a very risky period of hot, dry weather. Be careful while you enjoy the mountain during this season of hire fire risk. Please adhere to our strict prohibition against fireworks.
Thistle and Other Noxious Weeds
USA Noxious Weed Laws in Wasatch County are in effect and will be enforced. USA Administrative Code Rule R68-9 requires USA residents to control Musk Thistle, Canada Thistle, and other weeds, or a potential fine.
The Timber Lake Common Area Committee and the TLPOA are contacting property owners who have not removed the thistle and noxious weeds from their lots. One plant left to bloom, will send thousands of seeds to surrounding areas.
You have several options:
- Spray, chop down, or remove on your own, immediately
- Hire a local group for the removal (see below)
- or the county will be called to spray and they will bill you for this work.
To properly remove thistles this time of the year
- Spray the plants with a herbicide
- Stocks should be chopped down, and base sprayed
- Or spray the entire plant to ensure it is killed.
Please do your part to protect wildlife habitat, neighborly relations, property values, and our beautiful mountain community by controlling these weeds on your property. Early spray and killing of these plants is much easier and recommended.
Free Herbicide can be obtained at :Wasatch County Public Works8:00 am – 5:00 pm Mon-Fri1891 W 3000 South
Heber City, USA 84032 Phone (435) 654-1661
Weed Removersfor Hire:Kaleb Rasmussen
435-785-8619 |
Seeds for Sale:Wildflower and grass seeds for sale at the TLPOA office. |
Trash Dumpster Etiquette
The trash area committee has been working to improve the appearance of the trash area for some time now.
1. getting new dumpsters from the County
2. expanding or moving the trash area (three options have been presented to the Board)
3. new signs installed
4. improvement of interaction with security to stop
5. This has been a long slow process, but we are continuing to work on improvements.
There are things that all of us can do right now to help improve the appearance of the area. These items are listed below, in no particular order, and would help show our pride in Timberlakes.
- Use all of the dumpsters near the back first.
- Do not leave trash on the ground.
- Put only appropriate household garbage in the dumpsters. Do not put construction waste, furniture, or other oversize items in dumpsters. Do not put large metal items or concrete in the dumpsters.
- Recycle the things that you can in the recycle center. During the summer, put trees and shrubs on the wood pile in the parking lot.
- Do not leave items outside of the dumpsters that you think someone else may want. There are other options for these items such as Free Cycle, the Thrift Store or the county dump. ***Remember that you have a few free drop-offs at the County landfill – look for this info on your garbage bill each year.***
- When leaving the garbage area, if you notice trash on the ground, pick it up and put it in the dumpster. If everyone would just take a few minutes it would make a great difference in the appearance of the area.
- If you see someone putting anything on the ground or putting inappropriate trash in the dumpsters, report it to security.
Here are some important addresses for properly disposing of things that should not be placed in the household garbage dumpsters:
Wasatch County Solid Waste Disposal
1891 West 3000 South
Heber City, UT
Heber Valley Thrift
700 West 100 South
Heber City, UT
St Lawrence Thrift Store Drop off
121 Park Avenue (enter off Woodside)
Park City, UT
We, the Timberlakes Estates Property Owners, are so fortunate to live in this beautiful and unique mountain community and to have such wonderful recreational opportunities. Let’s keep our trash area, as well as all our other common areas, free from unsightly trash.
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Timberlakes Property Owners Association,
Gary Hume, President