
Rainbow Alert #1

Attention All Property Owners:

Wasatch County has notified the Association that a large group of people (estimated between 8,000 and 20,000) will be camping in the Uintah-Wasatch-Cache National Forest, a few miles southeast of the Timberlakes snowmobile exit. Some of these people are already encamped and many more will be arriving over the next few weeks. The majority of them will be camping during the first week of July.

County law enforcement officials asked the Association to advise Timberlakes owners to make sure their cabins are locked and their possessions are secured. County officials are concerned about the behavior of this group based on reports of their previous encampments in other locations.

As a result of law enforcement concerns, we are tightening up security checks at our gate. Effective immediately, guests must be able to correctly state both the lot number and lot owner of the cabin they are visiting. We will check lot numbers and owners in our database and if they do not match, we will not allow the guest into the subdivision. Please make sure your guests are able to provide this information. We know this will lengthen the amount of time it takes to clear security at the gate, and ask you to be patient.

Those of you that will be on the mountain during the next month, please be aware. We encourage you to be a good neighbor and watch out for other properties on your road. If you see something suspicious, please call Security at (435) 785-8764 or the Wasatch County Sheriff Dispatch at (435) 654-1411.

More information about the group, provided by the group, can be found at

For the TLPOA Board,

Gary Hume, President

By |June 13th, 2014|President, Security|0 Comments

Fall Update

As the gorgeous colors remind us, Fall has come to the mountain and Winter is not far away.

October 15, 2013 is the official date that Timberlakes roads are closed to vehicles that weigh more than 10,000 pounds. However, depending on the weather, security may allow a heavy truck after that date. If you are involved in a construction project plan, get your heavy materials to your lot now.

The TLPOA Board is currently looking for members to form two new committees:
1. The CC&R Rewrite Committee (headed by Board members Craig Allen and Cliff Lackman)
2. The Committee to Stop Short-Term Renting (headed by Jeff Meierhofer.)
If you are interested in working on these two very worthy causes for our community please contact the relevant Board member listed above.

Fire Safety

Recently, there was a fire in a cabin in Timberlakes. The residents were not at their home, but fortunately, a neighbor who just happened to be visiting their own cabin saw the flames and called 911. The Fire Department had the fire quickly under control – it could have been much, much worse! Witnesses reported that it could have started with the fireplace. These reports are unconfirmed by Wasatch Fire Marshall, Clint Neerings – the investigation is still officially open. However, Neerings said the Wasatch Fire District, “strongly encourages preventative maintenance, such as annual chimney cleanings and making sure your fire place is to code.”

You can contact the Wasatch Building Dept. at (435) 657-3200 to schedule them to inspect your fireplace.

“Many people close their fireplace damper trying to get an extended burn, but this causes increased build up inside their chimney – and this is not safe. This means they need to have their chimney checked more […]

By |October 2nd, 2013|Security|0 Comments

Gate remotes

Current lot owners are the only people who can purchase gate remotes. If you are a current owner, we cannot sell a remote to one of your relatives; we can only sell it to you. If you wish us to sell a remote to a member of your family other than you, you must send us a letter stating that you authorize us to sell a remote to the person named in your letter. The owner(s) of record must sign the letter.

When a lot is sold, the remotes belonging to the selling owner will be deleted from our security database. This means that the new owner will not be able to use the old remotes until the new owner contacts our office and identifies themselves as the owners. The new owners will be asked to supply their names, mailing address and phone numbers. After registering with us, the old remotes will be reactivated.

Real-estate agents are not authorized to purchase a remote on behalf of their clients nor can they reactivate old remotes on behalf of the new owners.

Current lot owners can purchase a remote in our office during regular office hours.

If you are an owner who has not used your remote in a few years, and you have never registered your remote, it will not work. Please read this post from two years ago and make sure your remote is registered. If you purchased your remote in the past couple of years, it is already registered.

Thank you,

Gary Hume, Security

By |July 10th, 2012|Security|Comments Off

No Fireworks & No Fires

Due to the extremely dry weather conditions in the mountains, Timberlakes has issued a “No fireworks or flame order” meaning that nothing with a spark or flame is allowed within the Timberlakes area. Security will be patrolling all the areas of the mountain looking for anyone that is lighting any kind of fireworks or fires.  If someone is caught lighting or shooting off fireworks the sheriff will be called and a ticket will be issued.

Security will be driving the mountain every evening until late into the night from June 29th until July 8th, 2012 looking for anyone breaking the law. If you notice someone lighting fireworks or open flames the law please call Security at 425.785.8764 and report the lot number where the illegal activity is happening. Security will immediately dispatch someone to the site and notify the sheriff.

Please, please be careful. If have invited friends or family to use your cabin, please notify them of the extremely high risk of fire and of the ban on open flames, fireworks or sparks of any kind.

Thanks and have a safe, fun weekend.

Gary Hume
Timberlakes Security

By |June 29th, 2012|Security|Comments Off

End of Free Snowmobile Stickers

This policy change only applies to a few owners but we want all owners to be aware of the change.

Effective immediately, the Association will no longer provide free snowmobile stickers to most owners claiming they are entitled to them. About 5 years ago, the Association offered to provide free snowmobile stickers to owners who donated money to towards the purchase of a trail groomer. Several owners responded and were told they would receive free snowmobile stickers for life.  Well – that life just ran out!  Due to an accounting lapse, accurate records were not kept of who those owners were and how much they contributed.  We have been able to specifically identify only five owners who contributed to the groomer, but we have had about a hundred owners tell us they contributed and have asked for free stickers. Since we cannot sort it out from the records on our end, we have determined to end the free ride on snowmobile stickers. The Association will refund to any owner the amount that owner contributed to the groomer. If you were one of the folks that actually contributed to the snow groomer project please mail us (or bring into the office) a copy of your canceled check (front & back) and we will refund to you the amount you donated. There will be no free snowmobile stickers in 2012 (unless you are one of the five owners that gave $1,000 or more that we have already identified).

Gary Hume
TLPOA Security

By |May 3rd, 2011|Security|Comments Off

Important Gate Remote Notice

Notice to lot owners who possess gate remotes to Timberlakes.

We are asking all owners that have remote gate openers to take a few minutes to stop by the Timberlakes gate security building or Timberlakes office and give us the remote number of your remote or remotes (each remote has a different number).  We will collect the codes for several months and then we will erase all the codes out of the current system and add back into the system the codes that we have been given by owners.  Those of you that have not given us your specific codes, will no longer be able to use your remote to open the Timberlakes gate.  We can add your code anytime – but just remember,  if you have not given us your unique code(s) in advance, we cannot add your remote(s) back into the system. This means your remote(s) will not work until we have your specific code from the back of your remote.

If you cannot stop at one of the two areas that can collect  your remote information,  you are welcome to fax or email it to us and we will enter it into the system.

Click here to download a form which you can complete and either fax or email to our office.

If the code has worn off the back of your remote, you can open the remote by removing the screw on top. The code is on the white tag attached to the inside back cover.  Copy that number and send it with the above requested info. Remember, if you copy the code down wrong, it will not let you open the gate.

We will collect the codes for about two […]

By |August 18th, 2010|Security|Comments Off

Election Ballots Version 2

This is what happens when we move too fast to fix a problem.

We want to maintain the secrecy of your ballot. To clarify the previous email, write your lot numbers on the return mail envelope, not the internal envelope you use to seal your ballot. When we check your lot numbers to make sure you are eligible to vote, we will write down the number of lots you own on the internal envelope. That way, when the ballots are unsealed, the election committee counting the votes will only see how many lots you are voting, and not the specific lot numbers you own.

Please be assured that those who open and count the ballots will not be able to identify you.

Craig Allen, Secretary

By |June 24th, 2010|Security|Comments Off

Election Ballots

We inadvertently sent out incorrect instructions with our recent ballot mailing. If you own multiple lots, you do NOT need to submit one ballot form per lot. Simply write your lot numbers on the envelope into which you seal your ballot. When the ballots are unsealed and counted, you will be given credit for one cast ballot for each lot you own. Assuming you have paid up your financial account in full, you will get to vote each lot you own. We apologize for the confusion.

If you come to the Annual Meeting to vote in person, do not mail in your ballot. We will give you ballots at the meeting.

Craig Allen, Secretary

By |June 24th, 2010|Security|Comments Off

Animal attack

A dog was attacked on the west side of the development early this morning by what we think was a cougar. It is not unusual for wildlife to be in the development at this time of year, but all residents are advised to not allow their pets or young children to be outside alone, particularly during the dusk and dawn hours. DWR is aware of this, and the animal apparently roams in the area at the end of West View out to the LDS church property.  If you see a cougar in the development, please call either DWR or the Sheriff (911), and then notify Security. Additional information about personal protection and who to call is provided at the following link:

By |May 25th, 2010|Security|Comments Off

Package Thefts, Part 3

The use of the office for the delivery of packages will end on December 31st. This temporary measure was implemented to address numerous thefts and to help members and their families have the secure delivery of packages for Christmas. We believed at the time that this was a reasonable solution. Unfortunately, there have been a few owners who complained that this prevented them from accessing their packages at a convenient time. This is also not a viable long term solution as it takes security away from the gate. On December 31st, these deliveries will resume at the mailhouse. We will be working with the County Sheriff to investigate any package thefts that are reported. We are also exploring other options for package delivery that do not place the Association at risk. In the meantime, members are encouraged to not have valuable items shipped to the mailhouse.

If you need to pick up a package, the last pickup on Christmas Eve will be at 8:00 pm.

Craig Allen

By |December 22nd, 2009|Security|Comments Off

Package Thefts, Part 2

As a follow-up to the previous post we will have a person at the office for a few minutes on the half hour from 5:00 pm until 10:00 pm Monday through Friday so you can retrieve your packages. We re-emphasize that this is only temporary and we are just trying to accommodate owners who already have Christmas packages on the way. We will post additional information about receiving packages once the dust (or snow) settles. In the meantime, please keep in mind that the Association does not and cannot guarantee the satisfactory delivery of your packages. Please contact me if you have concerns or comments.

Craig Allen

By |December 11th, 2009|Security|Comments Off

Package Thefts

Due to recent theft of packages from the Timberlakes mailhouse, we are making the office available temporarily for package deliveries for the upcoming Christmas season. All UPS and Fedex packages are now being delivered to the office. They can be retrieved during normal office hours (9 am – 1 pm M-F). Photo identification will be required to pick up. Security will also be setting up a schedule to open the office periodically during the evening. This schedule will be posted at the mailhouse. We strongly suggest that if you are shipping anything of high value, send it signature required, and delivered to the UPS store in Heber City. The UPS store charges $3.00 per package. Please contact them at 435.654.9292 for the details.

Craig Allen

By |December 11th, 2009|Security|Comments Off


We discovered on Saturday, March 21, that someone broke through the emergency exit crash gate at Legacy Lake (at the top of Timberlakes Drive) and tried to drive into the Heber Valley Camp. This type of reckless behavior cannot be tolerated in Timberlakes. It jeopardizes our relationship with the Camp, which may put our snowmobile access at risk. The crash gates are there only for use during an emergency, such as a forest fire, that prevents us from leaving Timberlakes through the main gate. In addition, this was trespassing on private property. If you can provide us with any information about this incident, please contact me.

Craig Allen

By |March 25th, 2009|Security|Comments Off

Short-term Rentals

We remind all owners that short-term rentals are illegal in Timberlakes. In accordance with Wasatch County Code Section 11.08, “Property may be considered for use as a short-term rental only if (1) short-term rentals are specifically allowed in any CC&R’s which apply to the property, and (2) the property is located either in a zone in which short-term rentals are a permitted use or a conditional use or in a development for which a Development Agreement that has been lawfully approved by the County specifically authorizes short-term rentals.” Timberlakes does not meet any of these requirements.

The Association will not knowingly aid owners in breaking this law, makes no warranties, and assumes no liability in conjunction with an individual owner’s illegal rental activity. Our attorney has advised us that short-term renters have no rights to access any of the common area, including roads. Effective immediately, short term-renters will not be granted access to Timberlakes. In the event of a renter being observed on TLPOA common area property, owners should immediately contact the Wasatch County Sheriff and TLPOA Security. The property owner will be cited each day that the renter remains on the property by the Wasatch County Sheriff. Any damages committed or incurred by a renter in conjunction with illegal rental activity are the sole responsibility of the renter and the individual property owner.

Any owner who has questions regarding this issue can contact any board member or the Wasatch County Attorney’s Office directly. Please consult the entire text of the ordinance, as rentals other than short-term are permitted.

By |January 22nd, 2009|Security|Comments Off

Security Update

The summer has been relatively quiet. There are no trespass violations reported as yet this quarter, and no cabin break-ins. There have been numerous reports of dog leash violations and incidents involving pellet guns. Please remember that in order for the Heber Valley Animal Control or the Sheriff’s department to respond to this type of incident, there must be a complaining witness who will actually sign the complaint. Asking our security employee to call and provide a second hand account of the incident to law enforcement is not sufficient. If you witness an illegal act, please  call the Wasatch County Sheriff’s Dispatch directly.

We are still looking for applicants to fill full and part time positions at the Timberlakes gate. If you are interested, please contact the office for an application. If you have any questions about what the position entails, please call Craig Allen directly. We would prefer to hire from within the community before we start hiring from outside Timberlakes. We are also working on a service response guide for Timberlakes Security. As soon as this is complete and we are fully staffed again, we will communicate to all owners though our website.

We have had some complaints about speeders. Please do your part by obeying the speed limit. If you witness someone speeding in Timberlakes, get their license plate number and contact Craig Allen.

We spoke briefly during the annual meeting about short-term rentals. We have discussed this with the County Attorney and have had initial discussions with the Sheriff’s Office. The County will enforce the law, and we are working with the Sheriff to determine what type of evidence will be required in order to prosecute a successful case. […]

By |July 28th, 2008|Security|Comments Off

The snowmobile season is over

We have closed the snowmobile gate at the top of the Mountain for the season. Unfortunately, we have had ATVs in there, tearing up the private property we are allowed to access only by snowmobile. In order to preserve our relationship with our neighbors and to protect the winter access we have been graciously given, we will actively assist in the enforcement of this boundary. Next season, no snowmobiles will be allowed to use the Timberlakes gate to access the National Forest without complying with the agreement we have with the Heber Valley Camp.  We intend to stop non-authorized users at the main gate.

By |May 21st, 2008|Security|Comments Off