
March Board Meeting

Our regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Timberlakes Property Owners Association will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 9 , 2011, at the Wasatch County Senior Citizen’s Center, located at 465 East 1200 South in Heber City, USA. Owners are welcome to attend and encouraged to participate.

By |March 6th, 2011|President|Comments Off


We are trying to get a winter edition of the Timberlakes Newsletter out ASAP!  We need your help: in addition to articles from the board members, we are trying to collect “Slice-of-life” and personal input from our community – making the newsletter more personable, entertaining and even more informative.  Communication is key!

Please send your stories about living in Timberlakes, fundraiser info, charitable interests, school-related info, social group info, etc.   Photographs are also greatly needed!

Please e-mail your info/ideas and high-res digital pictures, this week if you can,  to  While we cannot promise that all info and pictures will be included, we will do our best.

Again, our goal with expanding the newsletter content is to try and get more people involved and create an even greater sense of community here in Timberlakes.

Please forward along this message to anyone who might be interested – we need your help spreading the word!  We are also always looking for advertisers – please let us know if there is someone you think we should contact.

By |December 16th, 2010|President|Comments Off

2011 Annual Assessment

At the meeting of the Board of Directors held on November 10, 2010, the Board voted to maintain the same annual assessment amount in 2011 that we have had in 2010. There will be no increase in the assessment amount for the 2011 fiscal year. In January, you will receive an invoice for your assessment from the Association for $613 for each lot you own. The invoice is payable upon receipt and is late after March 31, 2011. Late payments will also incur late fees and interest charges. The assessment is still due, even if you do not receive an invoice. If you do not receive your invoice by January 15, please call the office at 435.785.8762.


Craig Allen, President

By |November 29th, 2010|President|Comments Off

Timberlakes First Response Team

The Timberlakes First Response Team is looking for new volunteers. We have scheduled our next New Member Training** on November 20th 9:00 – 4:00 here in Timberlakes.  Please contact Barb Meierhofer for more information or to sign up. You can call her at 435.785.8185 or email her at

**Red Cross certification in CPR, AED, First Aid

Please consider helping the community in this important service.

Craig Allen

By |November 17th, 2010|President|Comments Off

October Board Meeting

We will hold our next regular Board Meeting on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the Whitmore Library located at 2197 East Fort Union Boulevard (in Cottonwood Heights) in Salt Lake City. We welcome our owners’ attendance and participation. Our following meeting, the last one of this year, will be held in Heber City on November 10, at 7:00 pm.

Craig Allen, President

By |October 7th, 2010|President|Comments Off

Dispute and Allegation

Dear Timberlakes Property Owners:

It is with regret that my first posting to you as your new President involves a dispute with an adjacent property owner. An allegation has just been made that your right to use Spring Creek Drive and Blue Spruce from the end of Lake Pines Drive near the beaver pond to access common area and lots on the upper mountain is in question. The Association considers this claim to be spurious, but is not lightly reacting to the allegation.

In summary, the owner of that property has demanded immediate payment in the amount of $250,000, or a trade of some of our common area and a 99-year lease on other property owned by Timberlakes. This common area addition would enable him to develop an 18-acre parcel bordering Timberlakes, which he already owns. He has indicated this would be a commercial development. Should we agree to these demands, only then would he acknowledge the rights of TLPOA and its members to those roads.

I have asked our outside counsel to handle this issue. I plan to devote most, if not all, of the September monthly meeting in Heber City to this situation. I have no intention of making any decisions regarding this matter behind closed doors without owner involvement and support. You will be kept informed. That said, I would ask that you try to attend the next meeting, on September 8, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. As you know, our By-laws require a 2/3 vote of the membership to trade title on common area. I am also not going to write a check for $250,000, or any amount for that matter, without a clear mandate from the membership.

There is one other part […]

By |August 18th, 2010|President|Comments Off

Office closed

Our office will be closed on the following dates:

Monday, August 9, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

By |August 5th, 2010|President|Comments Off

Entrance Beautification Work

We will continue to work on the Entrance Beautification Project next week. Please bring gardening tools, chainsaws, trailers and good cheer. We are removing dead trees, noxious weeds, and preparing the red rock gardens for planting of wild flower and native plants.  If you are interested, please meet in front of the Timberlakes office at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, August 3, 2010. We will also be working Wednesday evening, August 4th from 6:30-8:30 Jeff’s group wants to continue the project and is asking for help from owners who can volunteer a little time.  Please contact Jeff with the time and date you are available to assist on the project.

Also, if you are putting hours in to remove timber and brush around your lot, be sure to track your time and complete the form included in the last issue of the Timberlakes Times to submit for Matching Funds.

You can contact Jeff at 435.785.8185 or call the office and Martha will give you his email address.

Thanks for pitching in and helping out.

By |July 29th, 2010|President|Comments Off

August Board Meeting

We will hold August meeting of the Board of Directors on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 at 7:00 pm in the Whitmore Library located at 2197 East Fort Union Boulevard (in Cottonwood Heights). We welcome our owners’ attendance and participation. The September meeting will be held in Heber City on September 8.

By |July 29th, 2010|President|Comments Off

Entrance Beautification Project

Jeff Meierhofer, Chairman of our volunteer Entrance Beautification Committee, reported that 11 people helped on Saturday to remove dead timber and weeds from Lake Creek Road to the Timberlakes entrance gate.  Thanks to those who showed up to help out. They made progress, and although there is more work to be done, it was a good beginning to the Entrance Beautifcation Project.  The group has a total of 30 hours work that will be turned into the State for matching funds (fire) to determine if the State will help us with additional funding for common area brush removal.

We will continue to collect down and dead wood, remove noxious weeds, and prepare the red rock gardens for planting of wild flower andnative plants. Jeff’s group wants to continue the project and is asking for help from owners who can volunteer a little time.  Please contact Jeff with the time and date you are available to assist on the project.

Also, if you are putting hours in to remove timber and brush around your lot, be sure to track your time and complete the form included in the last issue of the Timberlakes Times to submit for Matching Funds.

You can contact Jeff at 435.785.8185 or call the office and Martha will give you his email address.

By |July 18th, 2010|President|Comments Off

Cleanup this Saturday

One of our owners, Jeff Meierhofer, is forming a committee to clean up and maintain the entrance to Timberlakes. The area of concern is from Center Street/Lake Creek into our development up to the parking lot and wood collection area. Jeff is asking those interested in helping him to bring any tools (chainsaws, shovels, rakes, trailers to haul wood to the wood pile) they can think will be helpful to the Timberlakes office at 9:30 am this Saturday, July 17. They will work until 12:30 pm and make assignments of future efforts. His ideas for cleanup include removing dead fall, pulling noxious weeds, planting the red rock garden in front of the mail house, etc. (Not all of this needs to be completed this Saturday.) Please call Jeff with any questions.  He will be confirming with the land owner of the entrance area that this cleanup will be OK. The Board sincerely appreciates Jeff and other owners who are willing to get involved in helping to make Timberlakes a great place to own property. Jeff Meierhofer, Lot 547, (435)-785-8185

By |July 14th, 2010|President|Comments Off

Special Meeting

At our recent regular meeting of the board, we determined to hold a special meeting of the board for the purpose of discussing the current building fee structure for Timberlakes. This meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center adjacent to the Library at 465 East 1200 South in Heber City, USA. Owners are welcome to attend and participate.

Mike Durr, President

By |April 20th, 2010|President|Comments Off


Now that the Holiday Season is past, I would like to plead with the certain group of our owners who leave stuff behind for the rest of us to pick up: Please clean up your own trash.

The garbage dumpsters by the mail house are for household garbage only. Every holiday, a few owners get ambitious and do some remodeling or repair work; they then bring their construction project trash to the dumpsters. They read all the dumpster signs that say “Household garbage only” and solve their problem by throwing all their non-complying trash on the ground. Some of them stack it neatly, hoping this will make everybody happy. It doesn’t work.

This year, a thoughtful owner threw an old water heater out there on the ground. Another owner left several boxes and buckets of old metal machine parts. In the past, we have had engine blocks, washing machines, furniture and lots of construction trash left on the ground next to the dumpsters. It appears that some owners believe that a magical trash-eating gnome pops out at night and devours all this stuff.

Do you know how the illegal trash is removed? Your fellow property owners pick it up and take it the Wasatch County Waste Disposal District, where they have to pay to get rid of it for you. This is not fair and we plead with the minority of you that are causing the problem to be considerate of the environment and your neighbors.

You can take large items to the County Waste Transfer Station at 1891 West 3000 South in Heber City. This includes things like washers, dryers, water heaters, couches, refrigerators, tree limbs, construction trash, etc. Generally, the only things they will not take […]

By |January 10th, 2010|President|Comments Off

For your smartphone

Because I can’t sleep some nights, I have been playing with my smartphone. I know there are more urgent needs for our owners but I can’t work on those in the middle of the night because they require interaction with other people, who are asleep at the time. If you have a smartphone, I have something for you;  I have added support for smartphones at

If you use one of the following devices, you should be able to view the website in a mobile-optimized format:

iPod Touch
Certain Blackberry models

I have tested this on the iPhone, iPod Touch, Android,  Pre, some Blackberry models, and the Q. If you are using one of the other smartphones, I would appreciate you letting me know if our website is optimized on your device.

There is a pull down menu in the upper right corner allowing you to select website pages. From the pull down you can also select categories if you are looking for a particular post on the board blog.

For you techno geeks the following list identifies the user-agents supported by our website. If your smartphone uses one of these agents, the Timberlakes website should be optimized for your device:

opera mini

Have a great holiday!

John Blickenstaff

By |December 23rd, 2009|President|Comments Off

Website and email

Our website (and email system) has been down since last Wednesday evening. We apologize to anyone who has tried to contact us during the past four days. We are back up and running on a new server and hope that our technical troubles are behind us. Thanks for your patience.

By |November 9th, 2009|President|Comments Off

Our last meeting of the year

We are holding our last meeting of the Timberlakes Board of Directors for 2009 on Wednesday, November 4, at 7:oo pm in the Wasatch County Senior Citizens’ Center, located at 465 East 1200 South, in Heber City, USA. We invite our owners to attend. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 13, 2010. Beginning in January 2010, our meetings are moving to the 2nd Wednesday of each month.

By |November 1st, 2009|President|Comments Off

Dead Wood Pile

The gigantic pile of dead wood in our office parking lot is now CLOSED, effective immediately. We have scheduled the chipping crew to come in and chip this pile. There is no longer any place inside Timberlakes where you can dump dead trees and branches. If you are cleaning up your lot, you need to take the wood to the Wasatch County Landfill. Please do not dump wood anywhere in Timberlakes.

Thank you.

Mike Durr

By |October 22nd, 2009|President|Comments Off

Please slow down

Last weekend we had a serious accident on the mountain involving an ATV. The driver was taken by emergency helicopter to the hospital. The speed limit on all non-paved roads is 25 mph and you need to be wearing a helmet if you are on an ATV. The water construction project has several intersections on Blue Spruce torn up. Please be careful and courteous to the crews when you drive past them. Slow down and do not cover them with dust. You are driving at your own risk on the mountain, but speeding puts other people at risk too.

By |October 21st, 2009|President|Comments Off

October Board Meeting

Our October Board Meeting will be held at a different location in Salt Lake City. The East Millcreek Library where we have held our previous meetings this year has been closed for a one-year renovation. Our October meeting will be held at the Whitmore Library, located at 2197 East Fort Union Boulevard, Salt Lake City, UT 84121 (approximately 7200 South in Cottonwood Heights). You can click here to see a map of the Salt Lake County Libraries, and then click on the Whitmore Library pin to get directions. Whitmore is located off I-215 in Cottonwood Heights. The meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 7, 2009. We hope you will be able to attend.

By |September 27th, 2009|President|Comments Off

Fire Prevention

Dead Oak Brush & Trees

This is your last chance to have some fire prevention work done on your lot without having to pay someone to do the work.

Next week the state of USA will be sending another crew of Wildland Fire Personnel to remove dead oak brush and dead trees from Timberlakes. The crew will be working within the road easements around the development. They will also be doing defensible space work around cabins.

If you would like your lot around your cabin to have some work done please fax permission to Mike Durr.

1 – Lot Number and Street
2 – Lot Owner’s Name
3 – Lot Owner’s Signature
4 – “I authorize Timberlakes Property Owners Association and the State of USA to remove oak brush FFifrom my lot in order to reduce my Wildland Fire Danger.”

The Big Pile in the Parking Lot

The huge pile of dead brush and trees in the parking lot will be chipped soon. The last day you can add to the pile is Sunday, September 20, 2009. After that date, the pile will be closed for chipping. We WILL NOT have another location to pile your dead wood so please use this pile while you can.

Who is paying for the clearing & chipping?

The work is paid for by a State Grant. This is your tax dollars at work !! You do not have to pay anything for this work to be done, but the grant expires this year and this is our last chance to use it to reduce fire danger in Timberlakes.


Mike Durr

fax 435.785.8237
cell 435.640.1416

By |September 10th, 2009|President|Comments Off