Important Information Below.

Construction Information

Ready to build, remodel or add a shed, garage or other building? Here is a checklist of the documents you will need and the information you need to know.

  • Check with Wasatch County to make sure your lot can have a dwelling built on it.
  • Read the CC&Rs governing Timberlakes Estates.
  • Read the Architectural Control Regulations.
  • Complete and submit the TLPOA Building Plan Approval Application with all required attachments.
  • Review the Construction Bond & Fees Schedule.
  • Read the Excavation Policy.
  • Complete and submit the Road Excavation Permit.
  • Upon approval of all applications, remit all payments due to the TLPOA office.
  • TLPOA requires that you submit your building plans electronically. You may either email us the plans at or send a CD/DVD containing your plans to the office
  • We will email your TLPOA-approved building plans to you so you can apply to Wasatch County for a building permit.
  • The total lapsed time that you have to build in Timberlakes, after receiving your permits from TLPOA and Wasatch County, is three (3) years from the date of of your county-approved building permit. You are required to complete your construction project during that time period. Construction activity beyond the 3-year-limit will be subject to fines, loss of Bond and a requirement to re-permit with TLPOA.
  • The time limit for requesting a bond refund is two (2) years from the completion date of your project (final inspection and/or Certificate of Occupancy from the County).
  • Please remember that there is no guaranteed access to your property for construction during the winter months. The roads are closed to construction vehicles, including delivery vehicles, between October 15 and whatever date in the Spring we are able to reopen them for construction traffic. Your road may also be closed at any time we deem it appropriate to close some or all of the roads.

Minor Construction Projects

If your project meets the guidelines for being a minor construction project, you may be exempt from the standard approval process. Review the Plan Approval Exempt Construction form to see if your project qualifies.

When your project is complete, here is the form you submit to apply for a refund of your construction and excavation bonds Bond Refund Form. We do not consider refunding any construction or excavation bonds until you have completed the Bond Refund Form and returned it to the office.


Architectural Control Regulations

TLPOA Building Plan Approval Application

Construction Bond & Fees Schedule

Excavation Policy

Road Excavation Permit