Let me begin this post by reminding you that we (the Timberlakes Property Owners Association or TLPOA) are NOT the Water Company. See We Are Not the Water Company. If you have any questions or concerns about what follows in this post, please do not email me or call the Association. Instead, contact the Water Company. I will provide their telephone number and website at the end.
As a public service to the Timberlakes property owners, I am providing my own summary of a legal notice printed in the Wasatch Wave on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 on pages C7-C8. The Timberlakes Water Special Services District (the “Water Company”) placed the notice in the paper. Remember, we (TLPOA) are not the Water Company. The Water Company is a completely separate entity, governed by a completely different board. The property owners elect our Board. The Wasatch County Council appoints their Board.
The legal notice states that the total cost of improvements to the water storage and delivery system in Timberlakes is $7,224,758.52. The lot owners will pay for this amount. The per-lot assessment is $4,778.28.
The Wasatch County Council has appointed a Board of Equalization and Review (BEAR) to hear and consider objections to the proposed assessments. The BEAR will meet with lot owners to hear and consider objections on Thursday, November 4 and Friday, November 5, 2010 between the hours of 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm at the County offices located at 25 N. Main in Heber City. On those two dates, the assessment list, plats and amounts of the proposed assessment against each lot will be available for review from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in the County offices.
If a property owner wishes […]