
Website Maintenance

The Timberlakes websites will be offline this coming weekend for a few hours. We are moving the sites to a new server on Saturday, November 16, 2013, beginning at 1:00 AM Mountain Standard Time. We hope to have the sites back up and running by 6:00 AM that same morning.

The good news is that after our sites are running on the new server, accessing and downloading information from Timberlakes will be faster. If the HealthCare Exchange had the same backend technical whizzes as we do, it would be operational by now as well.

Thank you for using timberlakesusa.com and the private, owners-only site. As always, if you have a suggestion for either of the sites, please email us.

John Blickenstaff
Timberlakes Property Owners Association

By |November 11th, 2013|Webmaster|0 Comments

Financial Information

Some of you have had difficulty getting into the private (owners-only) website. Until we can fix those problems, we are temporarily posting financial information on the public website. You can find that information on the Financial page under the tab labeled Important Info. You can also click here to access the Financial page directly.

Thank you,

John Blickenstaff
Timberlakes Property Owners Association

By |August 28th, 2013|Webmaster|0 Comments

Website Update

Timberlakes Subscribers:

NOTE: This post is a long one. Too long. Most of you won’t care about anything in it, but for those of you who do care, I hope this will shed some light on your website frustrations.

I understand that several owners in the board meeting Wednesday in SLC expressed their general unhappiness with the new websites. I would like to report on the progress we have made with both of the websites and address your concerns.

First of all, we currently have 732 subscribers to timberlakesusa.com. We appreciate each owner who has subscribed to our Board email alerts and the few of you who have emailed me with suggestions for improving our content. As you know, we migrated all of our subscribers and lots of owner information to the new public website during the second week in July 2013. In addition, we moved sensitive financial and other information from the public website to a new private website that may only be accessed by owners. Compounding all of this new development, we changed ISPs (Internet Service Provider) and are finalizing migrating our website to a new server.

What this means for our owners is that we have a state-of-the-art, user-friendly, faster website. For the web development folks in the back room, it means we have a more feature-rich, more stable, quicker, more protected environment in which to share Timberlakes information. It also means we have lots of headaches in the short run.

While we have fixed the bugs in our public website, there are still a couple of serious shortcomings with the private website. The link to the private website from the public website is broken and some important information is still missing from the private site. […]

By |August 22nd, 2013|Webmaster|0 Comments

Health Updates

One of the hottest topics on the mountain is our roads. We have added a new page to our website which will contain periodic updates about the roads and what projects are currently occupying the road crew. We hope this information is helpful to you. You can see the new page by clicking on the link below. If you have suggestions for this page, let me know.

Enjoy the mountain.

John Blickenstaff

Timberlakes – Minutes away. A world apart.

Click here to see the new Health Updates page. You can also find it under the Important Info tab at timberlakesusa.com.

By |July 30th, 2013|Webmaster|0 Comments

Subscribing to our blog

Over the past year, we have had intermittent trouble with Comcast blocking our owner subscriber list for owners using comcast.net (or Roadrunner) addresses. Currently, thanks to one of our owners, Dave Gangon, Comcast has lifted the block, but it has been lifted in the past, only to return within a few months. Recently, we contacted all of our owners that subscribed with a comcast.net or roadrunner address and asked them if they were willing to use an alternate address. About half of them provided us with an alternate. If you want to subscribe with a Comcast or roadrunner address, you may do so, but when Comcast blocks our email to you, you will need to work with them to remove the block. They will not respond to us. The reason they keep blocking us is two-fold. (1) In the past, another customer of the same company that hosts our website was a spammer and Comcast does not differentiate between clients of our hosting service. (2) One (or more) of our previous owners that subscribed to our email list got tired of receiving email from us. Rather than unsubscribe, he simply reported us to Comcast as spammers. They blocked our email to their customers three times last year, with the most recent block lasting several months before Dave Gangon got it removed this week.

If you are subscribed to our list with a Comcast or Roadrunner address and don’t need this hassle, you can change to an alternate email. Simply reply to this email, enter your alternate email address as the body of your message, and I will replace your Comcast address with your new one. I will confirm the change to you by email.

If you […]

By |January 5th, 2012|Webmaster|Comments Off

Spring might be here

We have several items to communicate to our fellow owners.

Spring may have arrived this week. While we had three inches of snow fall on the upper mountain last weekend, we have now had our first run of warmer, dry days in several months. The road crew has been out addressing the very worst of the spring potholes on the main roads. The snow is gone from the lower mountain but the upper mountain is still hanging on to a foot or more, depending on the location of your lot.
We encourage you to check on your property. We had a lot of snow this winter, and as I drove around the upper mountain today I saw some serious snow and ice-related damage, including crushed outbuildings, caved-in decks, sheared-off porch covers, downed trees, drainage-damaged driveways and flooding. I am aware of one flooded basement. If you did not come up here this winter, or haven’t been here for a while, you need to inspect your property.
A family of cougars was spotted on the west side recently. Cougars were seen in other locations earlier in the year. Take appropriate precautions with young children and dogs.
There are many deer in the subdivision and on both roads through the valley from Heber City. Slow down and drive cautiously. The roads in Timberlakes this time of year require slow, pothole-evading driving. Be patient and enjoy the fact that you are on the mountain and not in downtown Los Angeles.
Noxious weeds in Timberlakes are on the increase. You are responsible for controlling noxious weeds on your lot. The Association sprays for weed control only along the road right-of-way. The County can and will fine property owners that fail to control […]

By |June 3rd, 2011|Webmaster|Comments Off

February Board Meeting

Our regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Timberlakes Property Owners Association will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 9 , 2011, at the Wasatch County Senior Citizen’s Center, located at 465 East 1200 South in Heber City, USA. Owners are welcome to attend and encouraged to participate.

By |February 4th, 2011|Webmaster|Comments Off

January Board Meeting

Our regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Timberlakes Property Owners Association will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 12 , 2010, at the Wasatch County Senior Citizen’s Center, located at 465 East 1200 South in Heber City, USA. Owners are welcome to attend and encouraged to participate.

By |January 10th, 2011|Webmaster|Comments Off

Transfer of Electric Service

Property owners of records have recently received a written notice from Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) that it is petitioning the Public Service Commission of USA (PSC), along with Heber Light & Power (HL&P), for permission to transfer electric service in Timberlakes to HL&P.

There is a substantial amount of information about this request on the PSC website. This information includes testimony from both RMP and HL&P about how this change will affect Timberlakes. Click here to look at this filing.

I reviewed the PSC material and exhibits in order to better understand why the two utilities are requesting this change. I also visited the HL&P website to familiarize myself with their services and rates. I then compared my last 12 electric bills from RMP to what the service might have cost from HL&P during the same year. Since it is nearly impossible to figure out all tax and service charge nuances, the numbers are only approximations. In my particular case, I estimated my 12-month total electric bill would have been slightly less with HL&P. My summer month bills, using less electricity would have been less expensive than RMP. My winter months, using more electricity would have been higher than RMP.

In my opinion, the bottom line is this: HL&P charges a substantially higher customer service fee each month ($12.00 compared to $3.75) but has slightly lower energy charges. The testimony of both utility providers is that Timberlakes customers will experience an overall average increase of less than $5.00 per month under HL&P, assuming the same usage.

There is a public hearing on this matter scheduled for Monday, January 10, 2011, in the Heber City Council Chambers at 4:30 p.m. This room is located on the […]

By |December 17th, 2010|Webmaster|Comments Off

New email addresses

Due to technical problems we have had to change most of the email addresses for contacting members of the Board of Directors for the Timberlakes Property Owners Association. The new email addresses are located on the website at http://timberlakesutah.com/board-of-directors/

A one-page listing of important contact information  for property owners may be downloaded by clicking on the link near the bottom of this page.

Thank you.


By |October 25th, 2010|Webmaster|Comments Off

Water Company Assessment

Let me begin this post by reminding you that we (the Timberlakes Property Owners Association or TLPOA) are NOT the Water Company. See We Are Not the Water Company. If you have any questions or concerns about what follows in this post, please do not email me or call the Association. Instead, contact the Water Company. I will provide their telephone number and website at the end.

As a public service to the Timberlakes property owners, I am providing my own summary of a legal notice printed in the Wasatch Wave on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 on pages C7-C8. The Timberlakes Water Special Services District (the “Water Company”) placed the notice in the paper. Remember, we (TLPOA) are not the Water Company. The Water Company is a completely separate entity, governed by a completely different board. The property owners elect our Board. The Wasatch County Council appoints their Board.

The legal notice states that the total cost of improvements to the water storage and delivery system in Timberlakes is $7,224,758.52. The lot owners will pay for this amount. The per-lot assessment is $4,778.28.

The Wasatch County Council has appointed a Board of Equalization and Review (BEAR) to hear and consider objections to the proposed assessments. The BEAR will meet with lot owners to hear and consider objections on Thursday, November 4 and Friday, November 5, 2010 between the hours of 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm at the County offices located at 25 N. Main in Heber City. On those two dates, the assessment list, plats and amounts of the proposed assessment against each lot will be available for review from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm in the County offices.

If a property owner wishes […]

By |October 20th, 2010|Webmaster|Comments Off

Community cleanup and lunch

We are holding a community cleanup for Timberlakes common area around the office, dumpsters and gatehouse, as well as portions of Lake Pines Drive and Lake Creek Road. We will meet at the office at 8:00 am on Saturday, August 28 and return to the area about 11:00 am for a provided lunch. We will have trash bags and safety vests; we just need you and your pair of gloves. You will also need your appetite at 11:00 am.

If you missed out on helping Jeff Meierhofer and his crew, come help us clean up the trash that magically accumulates around the entrance.

All owners and guests are invited and we hope to see you there. Call 435.785.8278 with any questions. Come help us enhance the entrance to our community.

By |August 19th, 2010|Webmaster|Comments Off