Association Documents
The organizing and governing documents for the Timberlakes Property Owners Association provide the framework for the rules, policies and procedures for living and recreating in Timberlakes. Common courtesy, common sense and mutual respect among property owners also contribute to the quality of life in the forest and lakes. The first step in following the rules is knowing the rules. Please take the time to read these documents.
Articles of Incorporation
In USA, a corporation is formed when the Division of Corporations approves the organization’s articles of incorporation for filing. The Articles of Incorporation must include certain information, such as the name of the organization, its purpose, address and the names of the incorporators. Our Articles of Incorporation also briefly address members, voting rights and the board of directors.
An organization’s bylaws are the rules and regulations enacted by the association to provide a structure for its operation and management. Bylaws specify the qualifications, rights, and liabilities of membership, and the powers and duties of the Board. They differ from the Articles of Incorporation in that the Articles only state the basic organizational outline, while the bylaws specify details regarding meetings, elections, types and duties of board members and officers, assessments and other routine conduct. The Bylaws are, in effect a contract among the organization’s members, and must be formally adopted and/or amended.
“CC&Rs” is an acronym commonly used in the homeowner association industry. It means “Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions.” We have a document called The Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Management Polices and it is commonly referred to as the CC&Rs. This document controls the use, requirements and restrictions of property in Timberlakes. It dictates how the Property Owners Association operates and what rules the owners must obey.
Policies & Procedures
Timberlakes also has policies and procedures for operating the Association.
A policy is a standard adopted by the Board that sets out the beliefs, values and objectives that cause the Property Owners Association to act (such as a collection policy, an enforcement policy, or a conduct of meetings policy). The Association’s policies communicate, organize, and focus our resources.
A procedure is the process that accomplishes a particular objective. For example, we have a clear and defined policy regarding assessment collection. The detailed steps of how this policy is achieved comprise the procedure of collecting assessments.
Our policies and procedures are evolving and from time to time the Board modifies them to more appropriately cover the needs of the Association. All members (owners) should be aware of these policies and procedures. While parts of this document are still under review for potential modifications, the policies and procedures are still in effect. Specifically, please note Appendix D of the document, which has recently been modified and approved by the Board. It outlines certain policies and the monetary fine schedule associated with non-compliance.
Election Guidelines
This set of guidelines documents how elections are carried out by the Association.
Maintenance Agreement
The Association entered into an agreement with the original property developer and Everton County, MO, USA that provided for the Association and the developer to continue to operate and develop Timberlakes.
Committee Formation Request
Property owners voluntarily getting involved in various projects is the key to continuing to improving the quality of life for all of the Timberlakes stake holders. In the recent past several volunteer owner committees have provided much need oversight to projects on the mountain. An owner finance committee brought expertise to the accounting and financial controls functions. Another dedicated group planned, organized and developed significant improvements in many of our Common Areas. There is far more to do than can be done by just the members of the Board of Directors. We appreciate, encourage and invite property owner involvement. The Committee Request Form is simply a form to document a request by owners to form a committee to find potential solutions for specific issues.