The snowmobile gate is now open. HOWEVER, please note the following:
Access through the gate is restricted to Timberlakes Owners and their accompanied guests. This means that you, the owner, have to be with them. “My Uncle in California is the owner and he told me I could do it” is not the same as accompanying your guests.
There is not much snow. We have about 18 inches at the gate this evening. This means that there are lots of big rocks, posts, trees and other impediments. Please be cautious.
Your snowmobiles must each have a current season Timberlakes sticker affixed. If you have paid your assessments and any fines you may have incurred, in full, you, the owner, may purchase stickers for your snowmobiles at the security gate house or in the office. If your account is delinquent, you may not purchase stickers.
If you are an owner, renting your snowmobiles, you must purchase a sticker for each rental machine.
The speed limits in Timberlakes apply to snowmobiles. Slow down. You can drive like a maniac when you are safely outside of the subdivision.
Hundreds of thousands of your dollars have been spent this past summer by the Water Company (We are not the Water Company) laying pipe, installing fire hydrants and rebuilding miles of roads. We, the owners are paying for these improvements. Please do not allow your group to tear up the roads or try to drive through fire hydrants.
There is NO PARKING anywhere in Timberlakes except in your driveway, the parking lot at the office, and the small parking area at Duck Lake. The area at Duck Lake is for you to drop your snowmobiles trailers IF you cannot get to your […]