Board Information
TLPOA members elect a nine (9) person Board of Directors to oversee the operation and services of the Association. Such items include, road maintenance, snow plowing, security, fire safety, building plan approval, new construction compliance, safety, owner and community services, health and care services, employee issues, office operations, web site maintenance, CC&Rs and accounting. Members of the Board are elected to three-year terms. The terms are staggered so that three (3) Board members are up for election each year. Regular Board meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month, except for the months of July, November and December. The Association holds its Annual Meeting on the 2nd Saturday of September. The November meeting is held on the second Wednesday to avoid conflicting with Thanksgiving.
The Board members are unpaid for their services but are willing to help address issues that affect everyone on the mountain. We are also property owners, like you. Please contact us if you have a concern, suggestion, complaint or even the occasional compliment. We welcome your participation in our monthly meetings.