Property Owners:

We held the annual meeting of the Timberlakes Property Owners Association in Heber City, UT on July 12, 2014.  Monty Botosan, our Treasurer presented an update on the Association’s financial status. We participated in a question and answer session.  We held our annual election and three incumbents, Monty Botosan, Mark Runia, and Theresa Gubler, were re-elected.  Immediately following the annual meeting the Board met to elect the officers for the Association for the next fiscal year.  The following were elected:

President – Gary Hume

Vice President – Mark Runia

Treasurer – Monty Botosan

Secretary – Theresa Gubler

The following assignments were then made to members of the board:

Roads – Gordon Huetter

Common Area – Jeff Meierhofer

Security – Craig Allen

Capital Improvements/Risk Management – Dave Gagnon

CC&R Compliance/Architectural Control – Cliff Lackman

Thanks to every owner who participated in the election, either in person, by proxy or by mail.

Gary Hume
President, TLPOA