Timberlakes Owners:

Increased Security
During the monthly meeting of the Timberlakes Property Owners Association Board of Directors in Salt Lake on June 18, 2014, the Board voted to adjust the budget to reflect increased expenses that will be used for additional security related to the Rainbow Family gathering.  The Board voted to increase the security at the gate to 24/7 coverage for the next few weeks. Also we voted to hire an outside security company to help with the coverage of the entrance gate and also to patrol the upper mountain around the snowmobile gate area. The snowmobile gate area down to the Moose trail north area is where the Board feels it most likely that if Timberlakes is visited by a neighbor from the east, they would come through that area. Thus the contracted security will be responsible for 24/7 coverage of that part of the upper mountain until the Board feels the potential crisis has passed and the residents of Timberlakes can feel comfortable that there will be less chance of intruders from the east.

Stopping Cars
As I stated in the first email alert about this subject, the Board has instructed Security to stop all cars and check to see that  the driver knows the lot number and the name of the owner of the lot before security is to let them pass. Some owners are not too happy about being stopped as they come through the gate several times a day, every day. We only do this for your and your neighbors’ safety.  So please bear with us as we will continue to stop all cars no matter who you are.

Public Meeting
Craig Allen and I, along with many owners, attended the public meeting held last night in Heber City. We were addressed by members of the Forest Service, the Wasatch County Sheriff and other officials from Wasatch County. We also heard from a member of the Rainbow Family. Based on what we heard at the meeting, it appears that while many members of the Rainbow Family are law-abiding, respectful citizens, some who will gather here do not fall into that category and that is why the sheriff is requesting us to take precautions and be aware of unusual activity in our area. Call the sheriff if you see anything suspicious.

On behalf of the Timberlakes Board of Directors,

Gary Hume
Timberlakes Property Owners Association