Timberlakes Owners:
We are holding our regular board meetings this week, on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 in Salt Lake City, USA. The location, time and agenda are available on our private, owners-only website. All owners are invited and welcome to attend.
Common Areas
The TLPOA Common Area Committee is having the Summer Wrap-up and 2015 Planning Meeting on Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the Meierhofer’s home, 547 Greenbriar Rd. Please join us if you want to volunteer on this committee, or have input/ideas for the project.
We are seeking volunteers to help in the following areas:
Become a steward or Trail Boss of an area
Assist with maps and signage
Weed and Seed
Gate garden beautification
Scout project liaison
New area trail designs
If you want to participate but can not attend in person, you will be able to call into the meeting. Just let Barb Meierhofer know and she will send you the phone number. You can reach Barb Meierhofer at tlpoacommonarea@gmail.com.
Snowmobile Stickers
Get your stickers now, beat the rush! The TLPOA Request for an Entertainment Operating Permit by Lot Owner forms can be printed by clicking here or you can pick one up at either the security gate house or the TLPOA office. All recreational vehicles must be registered and have a sticker. Only TLPOA lot owners can get stickers, and owners are responsible for their guests. Owners’ season pass stickers cost $15 and visitor’s 7-day stickers are $10. Please remember not to trespass on other’s property. On a snowmobile, you can only exit at the top, and you must stay on the marked easement across the Heber Valley Camp property. Have fun, but do it legally.
Check out the new improvements on our Timberlakes weather page. We are still making changes to this page but see what what we […]