Secretary / Newsletter

Meeting and Common Areas

Timberlakes Owners:

We are holding our regular board meetings this week, on Wednesday, October 15, 2014 in Salt Lake City, USA. The location, time and agenda are available on our private, owners-only website. All owners are invited and welcome to attend.

Common Areas
The TLPOA Common Area Committee is having the Summer Wrap-up and 2015 Planning Meeting on Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the Meierhofer’s home, 547 Greenbriar Rd. Please join us if you want to volunteer on this committee, or have input/ideas for the project.

We are seeking volunteers to help in the following areas:

Become a steward or Trail Boss of an area
Assist with maps and signage
Weed and Seed
Gate garden beautification
Scout project liaison
New area trail designs

If you want to participate but can not attend in person, you will be able to call into the meeting. Just let Barb Meierhofer know and she will send you the phone number. You can reach Barb Meierhofer at

Snowmobile Stickers
Get your stickers now, beat the rush! The TLPOA Request for an Entertainment Operating Permit by Lot Owner forms can be printed by clicking here or you can pick one up at either the security gate house or the TLPOA office. All recreational vehicles must be registered and have a sticker.  Only TLPOA lot owners can get stickers, and owners are responsible for their guests.  Owners’ season pass stickers cost $15 and visitor’s 7-day stickers are $10. Please remember not to trespass on other’s property. On a snowmobile, you can only exit at the top, and you must stay on the marked easement across the Heber Valley Camp property. Have fun, but do it legally.

Check out the new improvements on our Timberlakes weather page. We are still making changes to this page but see what what we […]

Rainbow Alert #7

Timberlakes Lot Owners:

From the US Forest Service
Heber City, USA July 9, 2014 –The Rainbow Family gathering is officially over and approximately 85 percent of the gatherers have left the area. More are expected to be leaving throughout the week. A group within the Rainbow gatherers calling themselves “Fat Kids” is heading up the cleaning efforts. They will remain until Forest Service resource advisors feel rehabilitation guidelines have been met per the Operating Plan.

Forest Service Law Enforcement Officer did remain busy throughout the Rainbow Family gathering. There were 587 total incidents, 31 arrest, 136 violations issued, 195 warnings given, and 225 other incidents documented.

From Timberlakes 
Note that the law enforcement numbers above only include incidents in the National Forest and do not include the incidents in town or on the roads leading to the forest. Wasatch County deputies, along with the USA Highway Patrol, Heber City Police Department and Tooele City Police Department (Tooele loaned officers) did a fantastic job of riding herd on the Rainbow Family.

As for security in Timberlakes, we will discontinue the extra security on the upper portion of the mountain near the snowmobile gate as of Thursday July 10, 2014.  We will continue 24/7 security at the entrance to Timberlakes for a few more days.

Thanks to all of you for keeping a watchful eye on your own place as well as your neighbors.  Timberlakes did not have anything out of the ordinary occur during the time the Rainbow Family were camped in the forest above our community.

Thanks to our security guys for their extra-long hours and many days straight without time off.  Thanks to Strider Security, from Provo, for filling in when another firm could not fulfill their commitment to […]

Notice of Annual Meeting and Voting

 Notice of Annual Meeting
The Timberlakes Property Owners Association Annual Meeting will be held Saturday, July 12, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Wasatch County Senior Citizens Center, located at 465 East 1200 South, Heber City, USA. Registration is from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The meeting starts at 10:00 a.m.

We will elect three owners to serve on the Board of Directors at this meeting plus conduct any other business that may be appropriately  brought before the meeting.

Volunteers Needed
The TLPOA Election Committee needs to rally 10 volunteers to help at the check-in tables and count ballots.  This is great way to meet your neighbors and help play an important role in our community.  Contact Craig Allen (Nominating Committee Chairperson) if you can help, .

All property owners should have received a TLPOA Ballot Packet in the mail. Please read through all the information and follow the directions carefully. Complete either the Official Ballot or the Official Proxy Form. Make sure to write your lot number(s) on the pre-addressed #9 envelope, put a First Class Stamp on it and mail it back to us at:

TLPOA Nomination Committee
218 Timberlakes Estates
Heber City, UT 84032-9695

The owner of each lot that is paid current is entitled to one ballot. You may choose one of three ways to vote: mail, proxy or in person at the Annual Meeting. Mailed ballots and mailed proxy forms must be must be received in the TLPOA office by Thursday, July 10, 2014. If you have questions call the TLPOA office (435) 785-8762.

If you have not received your Ballot Packet in the mail, please call the office to update your address.

For the TLPOA Board of Directors,

Theresa Gubler, Secretary

Rainbow Alert #2

Timberlakes Owners:

We have been notified by the Wasatch County Sheriff that the Rainbow Family of Living Light World Peace and Healing Gathering has moved its location to the following coordinates: 40˚ 25’ 39.4” N and 111˚ 09’ 42.4” W. This is approximately three miles southeast of our most eastern Timberlakes border and is about six miles closer to us than their previous location.

The Heber City Police Department is notifying businesses in Heber City of the extra number of people that are arriving in the County.

As a precautionary measure, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has closed two stake camps along Lake Creek Road just east of Timberlakes. They have also increased the number of personnel at the Heber Valley Camp.

The Sheriff previously advised Timberlakes property owners to take this seriously and make sure property is secure.

A KSL News story about the Rainbow gathering may be viewed by clicking here.

Gary Hume,
President, TLPOA

April Board Meetings Canceled

Timberlakes Owners:

We regret to announce that our April Board Meetings have been canceled. Due to the number of board members who are unable to attend the April meetings, we have been forced to cancel them (the meetings, not the members). We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to seeing you at the May meetings.

Theresa Gubler

Board Meetings

We hold our April board meetings next week. All owners are invited and welcome to attend. Please check the owners-only private site for the date, time and location of these meetings.  Click here to login to that site.

Theresa Gubler

Call for TLPOA Board Candidates

Three of the nine TLPOA Board of Director positions will be open for election at our Annual Meeting on Saturday, July 12, 2014. If you are interested in running for a board position, please complete the Declaration of Candidacy form, a.k.a. the “Board Nomination Application” by going to | Documents | Election Guidelines | and then printing off pages 8 and 9. Or you can just stop by the office. You must turn in or email to us your completed Declaration of Candidacy form by Thursday, May 1, 2014.

Thank you,

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board of Directors

Board Meetings

We hold our March board meetings next week. All owners are invited and welcome to attend. Please check the owners-only private site for the date, time and location of these meetings.  Click here to login to that site.

Theresa Gubler

Meeting and Stickers

Timberlakes Owners:
1. Reminder about our February 19 Board Meeting. Check the private site for the details and location.
2. Make sure you obtain your snowmobile stickers! As the number of owners and their guests visiting Timberlakes continues to increase substantially each season, it is essential that all owners adhere to our policies. This being said, please remember that annual TLPOA stickers are required on all “non-street legal” (not registered with the DMV) motorized vehicles operating in Timberlakes. This includes snowmobiles, ATVs, side-by-sides, motorcycles, etc. This is important for security and to help emergency personnel identify your property in the event of an accident. Only TLPOA lot owners can obtain these stickers. TLPOA owners must obtain these stickers for their guests too.
To get your stickers, a separate Request for an Entertainment Operating Permit by Lot Owner form must be completed by an owner for each ATV, snowmobile, side-by-side, motorcycle, etc. These forms must be filled out, signed and paid for before stickers can be issued. You can fill out your forms ahead of time, either in person at the gate or office, or by mail. Security or the office confirm ownership before issuing stickers. Download the form here.
Note: If you are stopping at the gate house to get your stickers, please pull to the right so you’re not blocking the gate while you take care of business.
Thanks and we hope to see you at the Board Meeting.
Theresa Gubler
for the TLPOA Board

By |February 12th, 2014|Secretary / Newsletter|0 Comments

November Board Meeting Change & Chips

Timberlakes Owners:

I know that you have just received your most recent mailing of the Timberlakes Times newsletter, showing upcoming board meetings, but we have had to reschedule the date of our November meetings. We are holding them on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 rather than on November 13 as stated in the newsletter. We apologize if this inconveniences you. We do appreciate the attendance and participation of our owners.

As always, the location and time of the November meetings is posted on our Owners-only private site. Click here to login to that site.

Also, you may have noticed several huge chip piles in the main parking area next to our office. Thanks to every owner who took the time to clean up your lots(s) and contribute timber to the wood pile. It has now been chipped and is available to owners for your Timber Lake projects. Feel free to take all you want (for your Timberlakes projects). Don’t let a little snow this week (five inches up on top) keep you from finishing up your lot landscaping.

Theresa Gubler
for the Timberlakes Board of Directors

October Board Meetings

Just a reminder that our monthly Board Meetings are coming up this week and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend. The agenda is posted on the private owners-only website.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at the Holladay Library

Work Meeting 6:00 pm
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm

2150 East Murray-Holladay Rd
(4730 South)
Salt Lake City, USA 84117

November’s meetings will be held in Heber City at the Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center.

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

September Board Meetings

Just a reminder that our monthly Board Meetings are coming up next week and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center: Work Meeting 6:00 pm & Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
465 East 1200 South
Heber City, UT

Please note that the Work Meeting is closed to the public from 5:30 pm until 6:00 pm.

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

By |September 9th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|0 Comments

Bear Sightings

Recently, we have had black bear sightings – on upper Blue Spruce between Maple and Columbine, Cliff Rose, Violet, etc. The animal is described as a small-sized sow (female). Please make sure your guests are alerted and take the necessary precautions with children and pets. DO NOT LEAVE FOOD OR GARBAGE OUTSIDE.

For more information on USA’s black bears, click here:

Theresa Gubler

P.S. Here is a recent photo of a bear on Tanglewood.

By |September 7th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|0 Comments

August Board Meetings

This is a reminder that our monthly Board Meetings for August are coming up and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at the Whitmore Library: Work Meeting 5:30 pm & Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
2197 E Fort Union Blvd
Salt Lake City, UT
Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

Mountain Cleanup

Please join us this Saturday, June 8th for a volunteer effort to continue the beautification effort on the mountain.  There will be plenty to accomplish and we ask that you volunteer a few hours on Saturday morning for clean up and trail work. Please mention this to your friends and neighbors as well. Children are encouraged to be part of the effort.
We will meet at the TLPOA office in the lower parking lot at 10:00 am.  You can assist us with one of these projects:

Picking up litter/trash along the roadside (bring your ATV or UTV)
Working over the flower gardens and cleaning up near the mail house
Trail crew work at a few areas like Aspen Lake or Jones Lake.

Bring gloves, branch clippers, hoes, rakes, chain saws, shovels, or other tools you have.
See you there to help us in our continued efforts to beautify Timberlakes.

Thank you,
The Timberlakes Common Area Committee

By |June 4th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

June Board Meeting Venue Change

Due to a scheduling conflict, the June Board Meetings will take place in the Whitmore Library in Salt Lake City, rather than the Murray City Library. Both meetings will be held on the original date, June 19, 2013.

Work Meeting:  6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Board Meeting:  7:00pm – 8:30 pm

Whitmore Library
2197 E Fort Union Blvd
Salt Lake City, UT

Click here for a schedule of all of the meetings this year.

Owners are invited to attend the Work Meeting and participate in the Board Meeting. We hope to see you there.

Theresa Gubler

By |June 3rd, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Free Wood Chips

The wood chips in the main parking lot are available for any  Timberlakes Property Owner. On Memorial Day, from 9:00 – 11:00, there will be a loader standing by to help you load chips onto your trailer or in your truck bed.  Marini, our new General Manager, has volunteered to assist with running the loader. This will be a good opportunity to introduce yourself and meet him.

The deposit pile is open for dumping dead wood, logs, and branches as of Memorial Day.  No lumber, construction material, weeds, or any non organic material can be put in the pile.

Please help us get the USA state grant money available to cover the cost of the chipping and other fire prevention efforts in Timberlakes.   Be sure to fill out the form each time you clear dead fall from your lot(s). A matching grant form will be available on site, and everyone is requested to fill one out when depositing materials.

Thank you,

Theresa Gubler
Timberlakes Board

By |May 22nd, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

This month in Timberlakes

Dear Timberlakes Owner:

Our monthly Board Meetings are coming up and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center
Work Meeting 6:00 pm & Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
465 East 1200 South
Heber City, UT

Note: The Work Meeting starts at 5:30, but is a closed session until 6:00 pm.

Our TLPOA web site is being updated and we are currently seeking photo submissions.  If you are interested in submitting a recent photo please send your digital photographs by May 20 to Rod Daynes at

Volunteers are needed to work on the Aspen Lake Family Area Common Area.  The snow has been slowly melting on the mountain and we are ready to resume our work on the Common Areas.  This Saturday, May 11th, at 1:00 pm we will meet at the Aspen Lake Family area to begin our work to prepare this area.  We will be removing dead trees and preparing the perimeter trail,. This will be our featured family area to include a play area for children and trails.  Bring a chain saw, hoe, rake, handsaw, or any other tools you have and join us at 1:00 at Aspen Lake.  Children are invited to help!

Aspen Lake is located between lot 341 and 340 Greenleaf, just off Lake Pines. Coming up from the gate, take the 2nd right after the dugway.  Coming down from the upper mountain on Lake Pines, take the 1st left after Timberlakes Drive.

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

By |May 10th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

March Board Meeting

Sorry for this additional email, but our March Work Meeting is closed to the public. However all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend the regular meeting at 7:00 pm, on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at the Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center, located at

465 East 1200 South
Heber City, UT

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

By |March 15th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Board Meeting

Just a reminder that our monthly Board Meetings are coming up and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center: Work Meeting 5:30 pm & Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
465 East 1200 South
Heber City, UT

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

By |March 12th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off