All kinds of stuff
Monthly Meetings Tomorrow
March 18, 2015 TLPOA Board Meetings. All owners welcome. Check the private site for details.
Check Your Gate Remote – Don’t Get Stranded!
Our new gates are up and running great! We hope they bring reliable security at a low cost for many years to come. If you haven’t already, please make sure we have your gate remote codes entered into the new system so your remote will work. If you have not done this, or have not tested your remote after having your code re-entered recently, they may not work and you will not be able to get in after security has left for the night. For the next month Security will be asking EVERYONE to use their remotes to come through the gate. They may not be automatically opening the gate for you even if they see your owner’s windshield sticker. This is so you can test your remote. Please be patient, this delay is to make sure your remotes work properly.
Remote Opener Batteries
You should consider changing the battery in your remote – A23 or L1028 are the sizes. You can get them in Heber at Days Market or Walgreens. They may also be available in other stores. DO NOT try to piggy-back, or follow another car too closely through the entrance – the gate arm will close on your car. Also, as you approach the front gate, dim your headlights, so security can more easily see your owner’s vehicle windshield sticker.
Free Waste Drop-off
Check out your annual bill from Wasatch County for Waste Collection Service (TLPOA dumpsters) from the Wasatch County Solid Waste Disposal District. At the bottom there is a “Cleanup punch pass, KEEP THIS STUB. Valid April – June 2015. […]