Board Alerts

Common Area 2013 Wrap-up

The *Common Area Committee invites you to be part of our Timberlakes legacy project. We invite you and your family to join us for 60-90 minutes on Saturday, September 28, 2013 at 10:00 am at the TLPOA office. We will wrap up 2013 and review projects for 2014 and beyond. We will go over completion of the Aspen Lake Family Area, available Eagle Scout™ projects, possible sleigh riding areas, water retention in some of the lakes for fishing and non-motorized watercraft, wild flower seeding, and anything else that may be a passion to you. Call Jeff Meierhofer at 435-785-8185 or email him at with questions or comments. We look forward to seeing you Saturday, September 28th at 10:00 am at the TLPOA office.

Jeff Meierhofer
Member, Board of Directors
Timberlakes Property Owners Association

* The Common Area Committee is a volunteer group of Timberlakes owners who work under the direction of the Board to plan, develop and maintain the Common Areas in Timberlakes Estates. Read more about our Common Areas and the Committee by clicking here.

September Board Meetings

Just a reminder that our monthly Board Meetings are coming up next week and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center: Work Meeting 6:00 pm & Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
465 East 1200 South
Heber City, UT

Please note that the Work Meeting is closed to the public from 5:30 pm until 6:00 pm.

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

Bear Sightings

Recently, we have had black bear sightings – on upper Blue Spruce between Maple and Columbine, Cliff Rose, Violet, etc. The animal is described as a small-sized sow (female). Please make sure your guests are alerted and take the necessary precautions with children and pets. DO NOT LEAVE FOOD OR GARBAGE OUTSIDE.

For more information on USA’s black bears, click here:

Theresa Gubler

P.S. Here is a recent photo of a bear on Tanglewood.

Financial Information

Some of you have had difficulty getting into the private (owners-only) website. Until we can fix those problems, we are temporarily posting financial information on the public website. You can find that information on the Financial page under the tab labeled Important Info. You can also click here to access the Financial page directly.

Thank you,

John Blickenstaff
Timberlakes Property Owners Association

August 28th, 2013|Webmaster|0 Comments

Website Update

Timberlakes Subscribers:

NOTE: This post is a long one. Too long. Most of you won’t care about anything in it, but for those of you who do care, I hope this will shed some light on your website frustrations.

I understand that several owners in the board meeting Wednesday in SLC expressed their general unhappiness with the new websites. I would like to report on the progress we have made with both of the websites and address your concerns.

First of all, we currently have 732 subscribers to We appreciate each owner who has subscribed to our Board email alerts and the few of you who have emailed me with suggestions for improving our content. As you know, we migrated all of our subscribers and lots of owner information to the new public website during the second week in July 2013. In addition, we moved sensitive financial and other information from the public website to a new private website that may only be accessed by owners. Compounding all of this new development, we changed ISPs (Internet Service Provider) and are finalizing migrating our website to a new server.

What this means for our owners is that we have a state-of-the-art, user-friendly, faster website. For the web development folks in the back room, it means we have a more feature-rich, more stable, quicker, more protected environment in which to share Timberlakes information. It also means we have lots of headaches in the short run.

While we have fixed the bugs in our public website, there are still a couple of serious shortcomings with the private website. The link to the private website from the public website is broken and some important information is still missing from the private site. […]

August 22nd, 2013|Webmaster|0 Comments

August Board Meetings

This is a reminder that our monthly Board Meetings for August are coming up and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013 at the Whitmore Library: Work Meeting 5:30 pm & Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
2197 E Fort Union Blvd
Salt Lake City, UT
Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

Health Updates

One of the hottest topics on the mountain is our roads. We have added a new page to our website which will contain periodic updates about the roads and what projects are currently occupying the road crew. We hope this information is helpful to you. You can see the new page by clicking on the link below. If you have suggestions for this page, let me know.

Enjoy the mountain.

John Blickenstaff

Timberlakes – Minutes away. A world apart.

Click here to see the new Health Updates page. You can also find it under the Important Info tab at

July 30th, 2013|Webmaster|0 Comments

Annual Meeting Summary 2013

Dear Timberlakes Owners:

In advance of the official meeting minutes, I want to provide you with an unofficial, brief summary of our Annual Meeting.

We held the Annual Meeting of the Timberlakes Property Owners Association on Saturday, July 13, 2013. There were approximately 120 property owners present. Owners elected three directors to fill the open three-year terms. Gordon Huetter was re-elected to the Board and Dave Gagnon and Jeff Meierhofer were elected to board.

The Board reviewed the annual operating budget, which was approved in a previous meeting. The budget covers the fiscal year, which began on July 1, 2013 and ends on June 30, 2014.

Officials from our management firm, Horizon HOA, reported on their efforts and introduced our new website.

Following the public meeting, the Board of Directors met, elected officers and made assignments for the fiscal year (July 2013 through June 2014). The results:
Gary Hume – President
Craig Allen – Vice President of Administration – Security, Gate and the Office
Monty Botosan – Treasurer
Theresa Gubler – Secretary – Newsletter, Annual Meeting, Elections and Website
 Dave Gagnon – Road Capital Improvements, Asset Management and Water Company Liaison
Gordon Huetter – Road Maintenance and Liaison with the Heber Valley Camp
Cliff Lackman – Cabin Plan Approvals and CC&R Compliance
Jeff Meierhofer – Finance Committee
Mark Runia – Government Relations, State Fire Liaison, Common Areas and Risk Management
On behalf of the Board, I want to thank Shane Olson and Milt Taylor for their service on the board. They both completed their terms of service and we appreciate their contributions to the owners.

Thanks as well to all the owners who helping with our annual meeting.

I also would like to thank Barb and Jeff Meierhofer and their Committee for all their work on the Common areas and their common […]

July 17th, 2013|President|0 Comments

Mountain Cleanup

Please join us this Saturday, June 8th for a volunteer effort to continue the beautification effort on the mountain.  There will be plenty to accomplish and we ask that you volunteer a few hours on Saturday morning for clean up and trail work. Please mention this to your friends and neighbors as well. Children are encouraged to be part of the effort.
We will meet at the TLPOA office in the lower parking lot at 10:00 am.  You can assist us with one of these projects:

Picking up litter/trash along the roadside (bring your ATV or UTV)
Working over the flower gardens and cleaning up near the mail house
Trail crew work at a few areas like Aspen Lake or Jones Lake.

Bring gloves, branch clippers, hoes, rakes, chain saws, shovels, or other tools you have.
See you there to help us in our continued efforts to beautify Timberlakes.

Thank you,
The Timberlakes Common Area Committee

June 4th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

June Board Meeting Venue Change

Due to a scheduling conflict, the June Board Meetings will take place in the Whitmore Library in Salt Lake City, rather than the Murray City Library. Both meetings will be held on the original date, June 19, 2013.

Work Meeting:  6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Board Meeting:  7:00pm – 8:30 pm

Whitmore Library
2197 E Fort Union Blvd
Salt Lake City, UT

Click here for a schedule of all of the meetings this year.

Owners are invited to attend the Work Meeting and participate in the Board Meeting. We hope to see you there.

Theresa Gubler

June 3rd, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Free Wood Chips

The wood chips in the main parking lot are available for any  Timberlakes Property Owner. On Memorial Day, from 9:00 – 11:00, there will be a loader standing by to help you load chips onto your trailer or in your truck bed.  Marini, our new General Manager, has volunteered to assist with running the loader. This will be a good opportunity to introduce yourself and meet him.

The deposit pile is open for dumping dead wood, logs, and branches as of Memorial Day.  No lumber, construction material, weeds, or any non organic material can be put in the pile.

Please help us get the USA state grant money available to cover the cost of the chipping and other fire prevention efforts in Timberlakes.   Be sure to fill out the form each time you clear dead fall from your lot(s). A matching grant form will be available on site, and everyone is requested to fill one out when depositing materials.

Thank you,

Theresa Gubler
Timberlakes Board

May 22nd, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

This month in Timberlakes

Dear Timberlakes Owner:

Our monthly Board Meetings are coming up and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center
Work Meeting 6:00 pm & Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
465 East 1200 South
Heber City, UT

Note: The Work Meeting starts at 5:30, but is a closed session until 6:00 pm.

Our TLPOA web site is being updated and we are currently seeking photo submissions.  If you are interested in submitting a recent photo please send your digital photographs by May 20 to Rod Daynes at

Volunteers are needed to work on the Aspen Lake Family Area Common Area.  The snow has been slowly melting on the mountain and we are ready to resume our work on the Common Areas.  This Saturday, May 11th, at 1:00 pm we will meet at the Aspen Lake Family area to begin our work to prepare this area.  We will be removing dead trees and preparing the perimeter trail,. This will be our featured family area to include a play area for children and trails.  Bring a chain saw, hoe, rake, handsaw, or any other tools you have and join us at 1:00 at Aspen Lake.  Children are invited to help!

Aspen Lake is located between lot 341 and 340 Greenleaf, just off Lake Pines. Coming up from the gate, take the 2nd right after the dugway.  Coming down from the upper mountain on Lake Pines, take the 1st left after Timberlakes Drive.

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

May 10th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

President’s Update

To: Timberlakes Property Owners

We are pleased to announce that on Friday, April 12, 2013, the Board brought to a close the issues related to the closing of Blue Spruce from Cottonwood up to Green Briar.  The Association has purchased lot 5 in plat 22.  This allows us to meet the requirements set by Wasatch County to obtain a release from the “Stop Work” order the County placed on Blue Spruce on Sept 28, 2009. The County required us to obtain a release from the lot 5 owners and the only viable option those owners gave us was to purchase the lot.

The Association has hired Epic Engineering to head up the construction project on Blue Spruce, which includes the section between Cottonwood and Green Briar, including Cut Off Road (sometimes referred to as Short Cut Road).

The Board hopes to obtain the release from the County this month and then Epic can place the project out to bid. We estimate the bid process will take 4-6 weeks to complete. At the conclusion of the bidding, we will review and award the bid as soon as possible. If we do not run into any additional complications the project will be completed this summer.

To summarize the project, we will complete the dirt fill on some sections of the road, grading and compacting the finished surface. This section of Blue Spruce, for now, will be surfaced with gravel, as will Cut Off Road,.

The Board continues to work on issues related to lower Blue Spruce road (near the beaver ponds) as we are still debating who owns the rights to the road (see my previous posting).

I will keep you updated as we move forward with addressing the other road […]

April 16th, 2013|President|Comments Off

Message from the President

Fellow property owner:

I want to share several important things with you and rather than wait for our next newsletter, I will post this on our website. Please take the time to download these documents and read them.

A letter from me to all property owners: President’s message
A Declaration of Candidacy Form to declare your intent to run for the Board.
A presentation on property management from our March Board Meeting: Property Management Presentation
A map showing the roads adjacent to Lot 5:

A summary of the Lot 5 issues from our March Board Meeting: Lot 5 Public Presentation
A letter and notice from the attorney representing the owners of Lot 5: Notice of Rescission of All Offers and Closure of Blue Spruce Drive

As always, all property owners are invited and welcome to attend our monthly Board Meetings. The next one is being held on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 in Heber City, USA at the following address:

Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center
465 East 1200 South
Heber City, UT

You can see the schedule for all of our meetings on our website. Click here for the schedule. You are also welcome to contact any member of the Board  if you want to discuss something. Click here for Board members contact information.

Finally, I plead with you to consider running for election to the Board. Each year, we have the opportunity to elect three owners to represent all of us for a three-year term on the Board. The Association cannot function without the owners getting involved. This is your opportunity to do something more than complain about the Board; you can volunteer to stand for election and bring your ideas to the table. Please complete the Declaration of Candidacy Form and get it to the office.

Thank you […]

April 6th, 2013|President|Comments Off

Error Message

Dear Timberlakes Owner:

Please excuse the incomplete message that was inadvertently sent to you earlier today. It was sent before it was complete and the link results in an error message. You do not need to contact us or call KUTV to report nefarious messages being abducted by aliens. Your webmaster goofed up and will be severely dealt with later. The message you were intended to receive will be posted next week.

The Webmaster

March 30th, 2013|President|Comments Off

Annual Assessment Reminder

For those who have paid their annual assessment, thank you! For those who have not, it is due and payable by March 31, 2013. Late fees and interest will be charged after March 31. Please contact the office at 435.785.8762 if you have any questions.

Board of Directors
Timberlakes Property Owners Association

March 20th, 2013|Treasurer|Comments Off

March Board Meeting

Sorry for this additional email, but our March Work Meeting is closed to the public. However all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend the regular meeting at 7:00 pm, on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at the Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center, located at

465 East 1200 South
Heber City, UT

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

March 15th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Board Meeting

Just a reminder that our monthly Board Meetings are coming up and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center: Work Meeting 5:30 pm & Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
465 East 1200 South
Heber City, UT

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

March 12th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

We are not the Water Company, Part II

Timberlakes Owner:

Although we are not the Timberlakes Water Company, they have recently changed their rate structure, which resulted in your February water bill looking quite different than it has in the past. If you would like to see their new rate structure or contact them with any questions about your water bill, visit their website at

For more information about Timberlakes Property Owners Association not being the water company, click here:

Thank you,

Gary Hume
President, TLPOA

February 21st, 2013|President|Comments Off

Board Meeting Reminder

Just a reminder that our monthly Board Meetings are coming up and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at Sandy Library: Work Meeting 5:30 pm & Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
10100 South Petunia Way (1450 East)
Sandy, UT

Please note that this meeting is being held in the Sandy Library due to a scheduling conflict with the Murray Library.

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

February 11th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off