Notice of Annual Meeting
The Timberlakes Property Owners Association Annual Meeting will be held Saturday, July 12, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Wasatch County Senior Citizens Center, located at 465 East 1200 South, Heber City, USA. Registration is from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The meeting starts at 10:00 a.m.
We will elect three owners to serve on the Board of Directors at this meeting plus conduct any other business that may be appropriately brought before the meeting.
Volunteers Needed
The TLPOA Election Committee needs to rally 10 volunteers to help at the check-in tables and count ballots. This is great way to meet your neighbors and help play an important role in our community. Contact Craig Allen (Nominating Committee Chairperson) if you can help, .
All property owners should have received a TLPOA Ballot Packet in the mail. Please read through all the information and follow the directions carefully. Complete either the Official Ballot or the Official Proxy Form. Make sure to write your lot number(s) on the pre-addressed #9 envelope, put a First Class Stamp on it and mail it back to us at:
TLPOA Nomination Committee
218 Timberlakes Estates
Heber City, UT 84032-9695
The owner of each lot that is paid current is entitled to one ballot. You may choose one of three ways to vote: mail, proxy or in person at the Annual Meeting. Mailed ballots and mailed proxy forms must be must be received in the TLPOA office by Thursday, July 10, 2014. If you have questions call the TLPOA office (435) 785-8762.
If you have not received your Ballot Packet in the mail, please call the office to update your address.
For the TLPOA Board of Directors,
Theresa Gubler, Secretary