Board Alerts

News from the mountain

Timberlakes Owners:

We have had reports of recent black bear sightings on the east side. Please alert any guests using your cabin and take necessary precautions. Do not leave food or garbage outside. For more information see the recent newsletter.
Moose are on the mountain. The cows and their calves are foraging. Please respect them and do not get between a mother and her baby.
The Association is selling a large, unique lot. It is located on the upper east side at 10555 E Short Cut Road, Lot 5. This is west of the intersection of Blue Spruce and Short Cut. It is a wooded 5-acre parcel with beautiful views. If you are interested, please contact the TLPOA office at 435-785-8762.
This Saturday, June 14, 2013, is our annual Weedstock Day in Timberlakes, from 8:00 am till noon. Join the Wasatch County Weed Control Department near the recycling center from 8 am to noon this Saturday for free weed killer and help identifying noxious weeds on your property. Remember, USA has specific laws prohibiting certain weeds on your property. The Common Area Committee will also be selling wildflower and grass seed designed specifically for Timberlakes. Tell your neighbors and don’t miss it!

We hope you enjoy summer on the mountain.

Gary Hume
President, TLPOA Board of Directors

June 11th, 2014|President|0 Comments

Grand Opening

Grand Opening of the Aspen Lake Family Area

12:00 – 2:00 Memorial Day, May 26, 2014

Located on Greenleaf Road

Pot Luck BBQ – Bring something to grill for yourselves and something to share! Bring chairs, blankets, binoculars for watching the Red-winged Blackbirds, toys for the sand box, etc.

Enjoy the large sand box, swing set, Oggs logs obstacle course, floating dock, and hiking trail!

Join in the Teepee raising at 1 pm.

Thanks to all the residents who helped complete the first phase for us to enjoy!

For the Timberlakes Board,
Mark Runia


Timberlakes Owners:

The woodpile is open for wood and tree branches/limbs only. At the end of the summer, we chip the woodpile for residents of Timberlakes. The chips are spread in many areas of our community. It is critical that we do not spread weed seeds.

All weeds, construction materials, and nonorganic material should be taken to the Wasatch County Landfill on Hwy 189 (1891 W 3000 South) in Heber City. Each property owner receives three free trips each year. Check your Wasatch County Solid Waste Invoice for the timing this year. You need to present your invoice in order to receive your free waster transfer.

This year we will test separating probable firewood from rotten wood and limbs/branches. We hope this will keep the pile more manageable. Look for the signs, and be sure to fill in the forms for your wood clearing efforts with the forms provided on the entry signs.

Jeff Meierhofer for the TLPOA Board

Woodpile and Meeting

Timberlakes Owners:

The woodpile will open this Friday, May 16th for wood and tree branches/limbs only. Our chip pile is used by residents of Timberlakes and chips are spread in many areas of our community. It is critical that we do not spread weed seeds.
All weeds, construction materials, and nonorganic material should be taken to the Wasatch County Landfill on Hwy 189 (1891 W 3000 South) in Heber City. Each property owner receives three free trips each year. Check your Wasatch County Solid Waste Invoice for the timing this year. You need to present your invoice in order to receive your free waster transfer.
This year we will test separating probable firewood from rotten wood and limbs/branches. We hope this will keep the pile more manageable. Look for the signs, and be sure to fill in the forms for your wood clearing efforts with the forms provided on the entry signs.
Our May Board Meetings will be held next week. Check the private owners-only website for location and time details.

Jeff Meierhofer for the TLPOA Board

News From the Mountain

1 – Common Area
Aspen Lake Common Area is 90% complete. To finish this project, We need your help next weekend, the 2nd and 3rdh of May. We will put the finishing touches on the Legacy Project for TLPOA owners.

We will be installing the swings on the in-place structure, spreading chips around our world class sand box, finishing the Ogg’s Logs children’s walkway, and more. To accommodate families schedules we will be working from 6-8pm on Friday the 2rd and 1-3 on Saturday afternoon the 3rd.

If you have been interested in the Common Area enhancement project, this is the “Biggy!” Come out and be part of the fun.

Please join the other volunteers and bring your ideas and input. Bring your rakes, shovels, chainsaws, and other tools. See you there!

Children welcome to enjoy the efforts!
Thank you,

The Timberlakes Common Area Committee

2 – New Employee
Richard Parker has been hired to assume the Mountain Manager duties for the Timberlakes Property Owner Association. Richard brings with him decades of roads and security experience. We welcome Rich to our Mountain and are excited for the future.

Should you have questions regarding this or any other Association related issue, please feel free to contact us at 801-908-5611 or

Common Area Enhancement

If you are interested in the Common Area enhancement projects, get ready for the best year yet. Spring is around the corner, and we are getting ready to start our 2014 Common Area planning and projects for the season.

We are getting together this Saturday April 19th at 10:00 a.m. at the TLPOA office to make plans for the 2014 season. Please join the other volunteers and bring your ideas and input. No rakes, shovels or chainsaws needed for this meeting. That will come later!!!

Thank you,

The Timberlakes Common Area Committee

April Board Meetings Canceled

Timberlakes Owners:

We regret to announce that our April Board Meetings have been canceled. Due to the number of board members who are unable to attend the April meetings, we have been forced to cancel them (the meetings, not the members). We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to seeing you at the May meetings.

Theresa Gubler

Board Meetings

We hold our April board meetings next week. All owners are invited and welcome to attend. Please check the owners-only private site for the date, time and location of these meetings.  Click here to login to that site.

Theresa Gubler

Call for TLPOA Board Candidates

Three of the nine TLPOA Board of Director positions will be open for election at our Annual Meeting on Saturday, July 12, 2014. If you are interested in running for a board position, please complete the Declaration of Candidacy form, a.k.a. the “Board Nomination Application” by going to | Documents | Election Guidelines | and then printing off pages 8 and 9. Or you can just stop by the office. You must turn in or email to us your completed Declaration of Candidacy form by Thursday, May 1, 2014.

Thank you,

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board of Directors

Board Meetings

We hold our March board meetings next week. All owners are invited and welcome to attend. Please check the owners-only private site for the date, time and location of these meetings.  Click here to login to that site.

Theresa Gubler

Employee change

Effective February 10th, Marini Selu is no longer working on the Mountain.  Marini has decided to go another direction with his employment.  We wish him the best of luck.

The Board is currently working with management to update the job description and have the position filled.  Shaun Simmons, Senior Regional Manager, FCS Community Management and Community Manager at Timberlakes, will be taking on the duties of the Mountain Manager until a replacement has been hired.

As always, should you have questions regarding this or any other Timberlakes related issue, please feel free to contact us at or 435-940-1776.

Meeting and Stickers

Timberlakes Owners:
1. Reminder about our February 19 Board Meeting. Check the private site for the details and location.
2. Make sure you obtain your snowmobile stickers! As the number of owners and their guests visiting Timberlakes continues to increase substantially each season, it is essential that all owners adhere to our policies. This being said, please remember that annual TLPOA stickers are required on all “non-street legal” (not registered with the DMV) motorized vehicles operating in Timberlakes. This includes snowmobiles, ATVs, side-by-sides, motorcycles, etc. This is important for security and to help emergency personnel identify your property in the event of an accident. Only TLPOA lot owners can obtain these stickers. TLPOA owners must obtain these stickers for their guests too.
To get your stickers, a separate Request for an Entertainment Operating Permit by Lot Owner form must be completed by an owner for each ATV, snowmobile, side-by-side, motorcycle, etc. These forms must be filled out, signed and paid for before stickers can be issued. You can fill out your forms ahead of time, either in person at the gate or office, or by mail. Security or the office confirm ownership before issuing stickers. Download the form here.
Note: If you are stopping at the gate house to get your stickers, please pull to the right so you’re not blocking the gate while you take care of business.
Thanks and we hope to see you at the Board Meeting.
Theresa Gubler
for the TLPOA Board

Meeting, Trespassing, Help Needed and Assessments

Board Meetings
Our January board meetings are coming up. All owners are invited and welcome to attend. Please check the owners-only private site for the date, time and location.  Click here to login to that site.

Snowshoes and Trespassing
On December 27, I was out  snowmobiling.  Upon my return I noticed some folks starting to snowshoe up the mountain just inside the gate on the LDS Church camp property.  I stopped and mentioned to them that they were trespassing and they told me that they did not think they were.  I told them that I happened to be the person that had signed the agreement with the church, giving us snowmobile access within the marked boundaries and nowhere else.  I agreed to check with the camp to see if it was ok for our owners to snowshoe in other areas outside our designated boundaries.  The camp people told me that anyone outside the marked snowmobile path is trespassing and it is not ok to do that. They clarified that anyone on snowshoes anywhere on the camp property other than where the snowmobiles are allowed to go, is trespassing.  I promised the snowshoers in question that I would check to find out if they could snowshoe outside the boundaries and then post on the web site.  So here it is.  Do not snowshoe outside of the marked snowmobile route; it is trespassing.

Help Needed
The TLPOA is looking for committee members for the Safety & Preparedness Committee.  Board members Mark Runia and Craig Allen will spearhead this Committee with the direction of owner Craig Jeppson (big thanks to Mr. Jeppson).  This Committee will address: emergency exit routes and signage, evacuation processes, how to handle being cut off from normal channels of information, food preservation […]

January 8th, 2014|President|0 Comments

Meetings, Weather, Christmas Trees and More

Dear Timberlakes Owners:

Here is some information from the mountain.

We cancelled the board meeting scheduled for December. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 15, 2014.
We have a lot of snow on the mountain today. The storm is still continuing, but as if this minute, up on top on the east side we have 17 inches of new snow for a total of 21 inches on the ground.
During the the past couple of weeks we have witnessed many cars and trucks off the road and in the ditch, some upside down.  We remind you that front-wheel drive cars are no match for the mountain. Neither are big SUVs with street tires. Even many rugged-looking all-terrain tires don’t cut it on ice and snow in Timberlakes. Please be careful and be considerate of others; this is four-wheel-drive country in the winter, with snow tires and/or chains.
Double axle trailers are prohibited on the roads during the winter. During the past few weeks we have also seen several of these jackknifed and blocking traffic. Please don’t try to pull one of these up or down the mountain.
We post regular Health Updates on the website, but we don’t email the updates. We encourage you to check the site for these updates, which provide a summary of what the road crew is doing and information we believe will be very helpful to you as you plan your recreational outings in Timberlakes. Our most recent update provides some information about snow removal by the road crew. We invite you to check it out it here:
We have current Timberlakes weather conditions on our website. Find them here:
The CC&Rs prohibit cutting down live trees without […]

December 3rd, 2013|President|0 Comments

Website Maintenance

The Timberlakes websites will be offline this coming weekend for a few hours. We are moving the sites to a new server on Saturday, November 16, 2013, beginning at 1:00 AM Mountain Standard Time. We hope to have the sites back up and running by 6:00 AM that same morning.

The good news is that after our sites are running on the new server, accessing and downloading information from Timberlakes will be faster. If the HealthCare Exchange had the same backend technical whizzes as we do, it would be operational by now as well.

Thank you for using and the private, owners-only site. As always, if you have a suggestion for either of the sites, please email us.

John Blickenstaff
Timberlakes Property Owners Association

November 11th, 2013|Webmaster|0 Comments

Road Update

Dear Timberlakes Residents:

As the weather changes, the autumn leaves fall and winter begins to settle in, I want to take some time and update the residents of Timberlakes about the “winter plan.” The road crew assisted by Gordon Huetter and me has spent early mornings, late nights, long days and worked weekends to prepare the Timberlakes roads for the upcoming winter season.

The roads that have been graded, prepped and readied for winter thus far are listed below. However, please understand that these roads will still be maintained and graded a few more times before the ground actually hardens to the point that that our road crew can no longer grade until spring.  The roads listed are the main arteries or side roads that branch off of the main roads.
Grove Ln                    Deer Run                      Green Leaf                        Birch
Beaver Bench            Witt Circle                   Lake Pines                        Blazing Star              
Oak View                   Cottonwood Ln          Upper Blue Spruce        Columbine
West View                 Tree Top                       Forget-me-not                Buck Way
Ridgeline                   Timberlakes Dr        Raccoon  
As winter sets in and the road department prepares for any and all conditions it is pertinent to reassure the residents of Timberlakes that we will […]

November Board Meeting Change & Chips

Timberlakes Owners:

I know that you have just received your most recent mailing of the Timberlakes Times newsletter, showing upcoming board meetings, but we have had to reschedule the date of our November meetings. We are holding them on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 rather than on November 13 as stated in the newsletter. We apologize if this inconveniences you. We do appreciate the attendance and participation of our owners.

As always, the location and time of the November meetings is posted on our Owners-only private site. Click here to login to that site.

Also, you may have noticed several huge chip piles in the main parking area next to our office. Thanks to every owner who took the time to clean up your lots(s) and contribute timber to the wood pile. It has now been chipped and is available to owners for your Timber Lake projects. Feel free to take all you want (for your Timberlakes projects). Don’t let a little snow this week (five inches up on top) keep you from finishing up your lot landscaping.

Theresa Gubler
for the Timberlakes Board of Directors

October Board Meetings

Just a reminder that our monthly Board Meetings are coming up this week and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend. The agenda is posted on the private owners-only website.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at the Holladay Library

Work Meeting 6:00 pm
Regular Meeting 7:00 pm

2150 East Murray-Holladay Rd
(4730 South)
Salt Lake City, USA 84117

November’s meetings will be held in Heber City at the Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center.

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

Fall Update

As the gorgeous colors remind us, Fall has come to the mountain and Winter is not far away.

October 15, 2013 is the official date that Timberlakes roads are closed to vehicles that weigh more than 10,000 pounds. However, depending on the weather, security may allow a heavy truck after that date. If you are involved in a construction project plan, get your heavy materials to your lot now.

The TLPOA Board is currently looking for members to form two new committees:
1. The CC&R Rewrite Committee (headed by Board members Craig Allen and Cliff Lackman)
2. The Committee to Stop Short-Term Renting (headed by Jeff Meierhofer.)
If you are interested in working on these two very worthy causes for our community please contact the relevant Board member listed above.

Fire Safety

Recently, there was a fire in a cabin in Timberlakes. The residents were not at their home, but fortunately, a neighbor who just happened to be visiting their own cabin saw the flames and called 911. The Fire Department had the fire quickly under control – it could have been much, much worse! Witnesses reported that it could have started with the fireplace. These reports are unconfirmed by Wasatch Fire Marshall, Clint Neerings – the investigation is still officially open. However, Neerings said the Wasatch Fire District, “strongly encourages preventative maintenance, such as annual chimney cleanings and making sure your fire place is to code.”

You can contact the Wasatch Building Dept. at (435) 657-3200 to schedule them to inspect your fireplace.

“Many people close their fireplace damper trying to get an extended burn, but this causes increased build up inside their chimney – and this is not safe. This means they need to have their chimney checked more […]

October 2nd, 2013|Security|0 Comments

Website Improvements

At the risk of emailing you too often, we thought it was important enough to inform our owners that we have made some important improvements to our public website.

First, we have gathered our organizing and governing documents and placed them in a new page called Documents. It is one of the main tabs you see at the top of each page. One of those documents is our Policies & Procedures. The Board continues to modify this document to meet the needs of the Association and to conform it to current practice. The Board recently approved a change in the fee structure for non-complying owners and guests. We encourage all owners to review this document, especially Appendix D where the recent modifications were made. A link to this document is provided below.

Second, now that the process of getting logged in to the private site is smoother, we have removed the financial information that was temporarily posted on the public site. That information is all available on the private site. If you have trouble logging in to the private site, please contact us.

Third, we have added some current weather data for Timberlakes to the site. This is just for fun but we thought it might be of interest to some of you.

One thing we have noticed since we replaced our website platform in July is that some email providers are more aggressively blocking the email we send to our subscribed users as spam. If our board email alerts are blocked by your ISP, we can usually work with some of the owners using that ISP to get ourselves unblocked. However, in the case of the big platforms, like Google™, they do not provide any method […]

September 23rd, 2013|President|0 Comments