Fellow property owner:
I want to share several important things with you and rather than wait for our next newsletter, I will post this on our website. Please take the time to download these documents and read them.
- A letter from me to all property owners: President’s message
- A Declaration of Candidacy Form to declare your intent to run for the Board.
- A presentation on property management from our March Board Meeting: Property Management Presentation
- A map showing the roads adjacent to Lot 5:
- A summary of the Lot 5 issues from our March Board Meeting: Lot 5 Public Presentation
- A letter and notice from the attorney representing the owners of Lot 5: Notice of Rescission of All Offers and Closure of Blue Spruce Drive
As always, all property owners are invited and welcome to attend our monthly Board Meetings. The next one is being held on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 in Heber City, USA at the following address:
Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center 465 East 1200 South Heber City, UT
You can see the schedule for all of our meetings on our website. Click here for the schedule. You are also welcome to contact any member of the Board if you want to discuss something. Click here for Board members contact information.
Finally, I plead with you to consider running for election to the Board. Each year, we have the opportunity to elect three owners to represent all of us for a three-year term on the Board. The Association cannot function without the owners getting involved. This is your opportunity to do something more than complain about the Board; you can volunteer to stand for election and bring your ideas to the table. Please complete the Declaration of Candidacy Form and get it to the office.
Thank you for caring about Timberlakes.
Gary Hume
Board of Directors
Timberlakes Property Owners Association