Board Alerts

Last Call for Candidates

The Association’s Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, July 14, 2012 at the Wastach County Senior Citizens Center in Heber City, USA, at 10:00 am. There are three open positions for the Board of Directors that need to be filled by election. We encourage owners to run for the Board. Proper operation of Timberlakes and appropriate protection of our assets requires the involvement of the owners. Please consider giving something back to our mountain community and run for the Board. If you are willing to become a candidate, please complete the Board Candidate Application Form and return it to the office now. We must receive the application form by May 1, 2012. Thank you.

Craig Allen
President, TLPOA

April 21st, 2012|President|Comments Off

Common Area Committee

The Timberlakes Common Area Committee will be meeting Thursday, April 19, at 7 p.m., at the home of Terrie Schultz. Please join us to discuss priorities for the upcoming season and our plans for Beautify Timberlakes Month, which will kick off June 2. Terrie’s address is 255 Lake Pines Drive. Please carpool as parking is limited and do not block the apartment driveway. Come help make the most of our mountain and have a say in projects near your home, cabin, or lot. For more information, join the Residents of Timberlakes group on Facebook or send an email to


Theresa Gubler

April 14th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Board Candidates Needed

The Association’s Annual Meeting will be held on Saturday, July 14, 2012 at the Wastach County Senior Citizens Center in Heber City, USA, at 10:00 am. There are three open positions for the Board of Directors that need to be filled by election. We encourage owners to consider running for the Board. Proper operation of Timberlakes and appropriate protection of our assets requires the involvement of the owners. Please consider giving something back to our mountain community and run for the Board. If you are willing to become a candidate, please complete the Board Candidate Application Form and return it to the office ASAP. Thank you.

Craig Allen
President, TLPOA

April 4th, 2012|President|Comments Off

Common Area Committee Meeting

The Timberlakes Common Area Committee will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 22, at the home of Terrie Shultz, 255 Lake Pines Drive. All owners and residents are invited to attend and volunteer for the projects nearest and dearest to your hearts—or lots—as the case may be. We will be discussing priorities and budgets for the upcoming season and solidifying a plan for Beautify Timberlakes Month, which will be June 2012.

For more information contact Look for more details in the next newsletter and/or subscribe to the Timberlakes Board Blog  ( and/or join the Residents of Timberlakes group on Facebook (

Theresa Gubler

March 20th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

March Meeting & Employment Opportunity

Fellow Timberlakes Owners:

We need to communicate two things to you.

The date and location of our next board meeting was incorrect in our last newsletter. The correct date and location is posted on our website. Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at the Murray City Library located at 166 East 5300 South in Murray. The work meeting begins at 5:30 pm, followed by the regular board meeting at 7:00 pm. Owners are invited to attend both meetings, but are only invited to listen in the work meeting. The regular meeting provides opportunities for owners to ask questions, make comments and offer suggestions.
We have a part-time security position available at Timberlakes. The position requires weekend, holiday and evening hours. Please contact security for additional information and an application form.

Theresa Gubler, for the Board

March 5th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off


We are working on the next edition of the Timberlakes Newsletter and need your help. In addition to informative articles from the board members, we are trying to collect “slice-of-life” and personal input from our community – making the newsletter more personable, entertaining and even more informative.  Communication is key!

Please send your stories about living in Timberlakes, fundraiser info, charitable interests, school-related info, social group info, amazing travel experiences, etc.  Also, PICTURES are greatly needed!

Please e-mail your stories and high-res digital pictures (let us know if you only have a hard copy of your picture and we can scan it) to  We cannot promise that all info and pictures will be included (pending ad sales and board approval of content), but it most likely will!

Again, our goal with expanding the newsletter content is to try to get more people involved and create an even greater sense of community here in Timberlakes.

Please forward this message to anyone who might be interested – we need your help spreading the word!  We are also always looking for advertisers – please let us know if there is someone you think we should contact.

Thank you,

Theresa Gubler
Timberlakes Board of Directors

January 30th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Subscribing to our blog

Over the past year, we have had intermittent trouble with Comcast blocking our owner subscriber list for owners using (or Roadrunner) addresses. Currently, thanks to one of our owners, Dave Gangon, Comcast has lifted the block, but it has been lifted in the past, only to return within a few months. Recently, we contacted all of our owners that subscribed with a or roadrunner address and asked them if they were willing to use an alternate address. About half of them provided us with an alternate. If you want to subscribe with a Comcast or roadrunner address, you may do so, but when Comcast blocks our email to you, you will need to work with them to remove the block. They will not respond to us. The reason they keep blocking us is two-fold. (1) In the past, another customer of the same company that hosts our website was a spammer and Comcast does not differentiate between clients of our hosting service. (2) One (or more) of our previous owners that subscribed to our email list got tired of receiving email from us. Rather than unsubscribe, he simply reported us to Comcast as spammers. They blocked our email to their customers three times last year, with the most recent block lasting several months before Dave Gangon got it removed this week.

If you are subscribed to our list with a Comcast or Roadrunner address and don’t need this hassle, you can change to an alternate email. Simply reply to this email, enter your alternate email address as the body of your message, and I will replace your Comcast address with your new one. I will confirm the change to you by email.

If you […]

January 5th, 2012|Webmaster|Comments Off


Hi Fellow Owners:

We just wanted to let you know that there are several hiking/snowshoe/x-country ski trails in the common areas that are open this winter.

The Moose Trail is located at the upper mountain (see map) and has a north and south trail.  There is good parking area and a kiosk with signs.

The Jones Lake Trail is located mid-mountain, just off Lake Pines Drive (see map).  You may have noticed the piles of red rock and some road equipment parked in this lot.  This is also the location of the parking to access this common area. A trail starts at the parking lot and goes up through the trees to the south, and then over the dam and around Jones Lake.

Please enjoy and use the trails. Remember to stay on the trails and respect private property.  The common area boundaries are marked with pink flags. If you are not in the common area, you are on private property that belongs to someone else!

We will resume more trail work in spring.  In the meantime, use and enjoy the new trails in Timberlakes. If you would like to volunteer to help build trails, let me know.

Also, if you are a Facebook member, there is a Timberlakes Residents page that you may want to join as a way to stay connected with some of the folks/happenings on the mountain.

I hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday and a very merry new year!

Barb Meierhofer
For the Common Area Committee

Weed & Seed

Thanks so much to those who showed up to help us plant the seeds and bulbs in the flower “boxes” and in the areas on each side of Timberlakes Rd. (just inside the gate)!  We want to create a fabulous first impression as you enter Timberlakes Estates.  We are doing this by planting a wildflower blend of seeds and bulbs that are appropriate for this area and provide a variety of bold and delicate blossoms; with both early and late blooming wildflowers, daffodils, crocus and hyacinth for color throughout the growing season.  Thanks to Steve Drew for the donation of Russian Sage, Don Christian and Mike Durr for backhoe equipment and volunteers Barb & Jeff Meierhofer, Beth and Gil Miller, Judy Eddins, Bonnie Armstrong,  Al & Lynn Katcher, and Terrie Schultz.  If you would like to be a part of this sub-committee of the Common Areas Committee, just contact Terrie Schultz.

Mike Durr
Vice President, TLPOA

Assessment for 2012

NOTICE: At the regular monthly meeting on November 9th, 2011, the Board of the Timberlakes Property Owners Association approved by a vote of 4 to 3,  an increase in the annual assessment for 2012. The assessment will be $650.00, an increase of approximately 6% over the 2011 level. This increase was approved to help cover costs associated with the Blue Spruce Project and the likely construction of a new fire exit road into the national forest area from the upper mountain. The fire exit road will vastly improve safety for the entire community and will cost approximately $187,000.00.

Craig Allen, President

November 12th, 2011|President|Comments Off

Common Area Projects in the Works

Hiking/snowshoeing trails are accessible now. Come check them out and/or volunteer!

The Timberlakes Common Area Committee and volunteers have started work on several key projects in our common areas across the mountain.

The first is called Jones Lake. It will have a picnic and improved year-round parking area with hiking, snowshoeing trails, and pond exploration around Jones Lake.  This area includes Plats 9A, 10, and 11, and is accessible from Lake Pines Drive across from lot 946. Volunteers are designing the picnic area, which will include a natural play area. The hiking trail meanders through stands of cottonwood, around marshes (for good bird watching), and eventually into a large aspen grove. It will be marked for both winter and summer use. To prevent off-road vehicles from disturbing the common areas, a natural barrier will be included to prevent access where possible.

Chris Bala is volunteer trail boss for this site. Trail-building volunteers to date include: Gil Miller, Craig Jeppson, Matt Anderson, Carrie Bala, Barbara Stone, Tom Metcalf, Monty Botoson, Terrie Schultz, and Carolyn Rose.

The second project underway is improvement of the Moose Trail, on Plat 19, off of Raccoon Drive near the top of the development. This is a fabulous wildlife and wild flower viewing trail that cuts down the canyon through aspen and pine forest, crossing the creek several times. Trail bosses Barb and Jeff Meierhofer have led a team of volunteers to site the northern trail, build natural bridges, and place stepping stones in several creek crossings.  This volunteer team includes Jim and Dixie Carroll, Daryl and Twila Sparti, Judy Eddins, Marie Barton, and Theresa Gubler. A four-car parking area is available on the north side of the street and is marked.

A survey has […]

Common Area Invite

Looks like we are going to have another nice day today.  We are hoping to get some more work done to prepare our Common Area for hiking and snowshoe trails this fall/winter.

We know this is a last minute invite, but please come join us at the Jones Lake parking area (across from lot #946 on Lake Pines Dr) from 12:00 – 2:00 today (October 29, 2011). Bring your gloves, eyewear,  and a tool:  shovel, rake, hoe, hatchet, pruning shears, or chainsaw.

Barb and Jeff Meierhofer


We have posted two  new items on our website about recycling. We would appreciate you taking the time to read them and we would appreciate even more your joining us in recycling your trash.

Click here to read about our recycle shed

Click here to read about recycling etiquette

Thank you,

Theresa Gubler, TLPOA Secretary

October 24th, 2011|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Help us build trails

Calling for volunteers! The Common Area committee is ready to build trails!  A work party is planned for Saturday, October 22nd from 10:00 am – 12:00 to build trails in two areas.  Bring your gloves, hoe, rake, shovel, chainsaw if you have one, hat and water.  Meet the Trail Boss at either parking area :  (1) at corner of Lot 1900 Raccoon, or (2) behind the Timberlakes maintenance shed on the east side of Timberlakes Drive – approximately Lot 930 near Jones Lake reservoir.
For more information call Barb or Jeff Meierhofer 785-8185 or

Mike Durr, TLPOA

Thanks Dave!

Our new recycling shed is now fully operational. We encourage all Timebr Lakes owners to participate in our commumity effort to recycle our trash.

On behalf of all owners, I would like to thank Dave Read for the many hours of hard work he put into designing and building the recycling structure. We also thank those who assisted him in any way. Way to go Dave!

Craig Allen

October 2nd, 2011|President|Comments Off

Common Area

The Common Area/Open Space Committee is going to meet at the Timberlakes Office at 10:00 am this Saturday morning, September  17th. Please join us if you would like to volunteer on any part of this exciting community project. We are going to go over the master plan, and work on the next steps to get started with activities and projects. Also, bring a shovels, rake, or gloves if you want to help finish the rock gardens by the mail house.

Please forward this to anyone you think may want to be involved in this exciting time of enhancing our community.

Please call me for more information.

Jeff Meierhofer

All West Disruption Tonight

There will no telephone, internet or television service from All West Communications to Timberlakes tonight (September 13, 2001), beginning at approximately 11:00 pm.

All West has advised us that they need to perform some repairs on their fiber optic line between Woodland and Timberlakes. These repairs require them to shut down their services to Timberlakes tonight. They will shut down telephone, internet and television services at approximately 11:00 pm. They anticipate restoring services by approximately 3:00 am tomorrow morning.

If you have questions, or problems after service is restored, you can contact All West at 866.255.9378 or 611 (if you are calling within Timberlakes).

September 13th, 2011|President|Comments Off

Recyling in Timberlakes

The structure going up next to our office is our recycling shed.  It will have bins for paper, aluminum, glass, plastic, plastic bags, cardboard, and metal.  We will have Curb-it from Heber City come up a few times a month to remove the collected materials.  We will be operational as soon as possible but we need help finishing the construction.  We need volunteers for the following tasks:

Installing wood siding
Installing a metal roof
Painting and staining
Raking and compacting the site

Please contact Dave at 435.785.8502 to help complete this community improvement.

Theresa Gubler, TLPOA Board Secretary

September 8th, 2011|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off


The next few weeks are the last chance to reduce next year’s crop of thistles. Many areas have been appropriately controlled and are making headway. If you have thistles on, or near, your property, please take the following action before the spread of the seeds.

Using heavy gloves, pull or clip off the thistle heads and deposit them in a plastic bag. Then pull the plant up from the roots, if possible. Leave the thistle plant on the ground as it will decompose. You can also move the pulled weed to another area on your property. Deposit the sealed bag of thistle heads in the dumpster, but not the whole plant. Please do put the entire thistle plant in the dumpster because of space concern for garbage, particularly on a holiday weekend. Please do not put them in the wood chipping pile because they will be spread throughout the community. Thanks to those of you that have cleared the thistles from your property and thanks in advance for those still working on it.

Wood Stove Pellets

A group of Timberlakes property owners is getting together to purchase a semi-load of wood burning pellets from White Flame in Orem. If enough owners are interested, the cost will be approximately $177 per pallet, with the pallets being delivered to the parking lot this Saturday, August  27. If you are interested, please contact either Belinda Smout at the gate or Rex Gale at 435.785.8908.

August 22nd, 2011|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off