Please join us this Saturday, June 8th for a volunteer effort to continue the beautification effort on the mountain.  There will be plenty to accomplish and we ask that you volunteer a few hours on Saturday morning for clean up and trail work. Please mention this to your friends and neighbors as well. Children are encouraged to be part of the effort.
We will meet at the TLPOA office in the lower parking lot at 10:00 am.  You can assist us with one of these projects:
  1. Picking up litter/trash along the roadside (bring your ATV or UTV)
  2. Working over the flower gardens and cleaning up near the mail house
  3. Trail crew work at a few areas like Aspen Lake or Jones Lake.
Bring gloves, branch clippers, hoes, rakes, chain saws, shovels, or other tools you have.
See you there to help us in our continued efforts to beautify Timberlakes.

Thank you,
The Timberlakes Common Area Committee