Dear Timberlakes Owners:
In advance of the official meeting minutes, I want to provide you with an unofficial, brief summary of our Annual Meeting.
We held the Annual Meeting of the Timberlakes Property Owners Association on Saturday, July 13, 2013. There were approximately 120 property owners present. Owners elected three directors to fill the open three-year terms. Gordon Huetter was re-elected to the Board and Dave Gagnon and Jeff Meierhofer were elected to board.
The Board reviewed the annual operating budget, which was approved in a previous meeting. The budget covers the fiscal year, which began on July 1, 2013 and ends on June 30, 2014.
Officials from our management firm, Horizon HOA, reported on their efforts and introduced our new website.
Following the public meeting, the Board of Directors met, elected officers and made assignments for the fiscal year (July 2013 through June 2014). The results:
Gary Hume – President
Craig Allen – Vice President of Administration – Security, Gate and the Office
Monty Botosan – Treasurer
Theresa Gubler – Secretary – Newsletter, Annual Meeting, Elections and Website
Dave Gagnon – Road Capital Improvements, Asset Management and Water Company Liaison
Gordon Huetter – Road Maintenance and Liaison with the Heber Valley Camp
Cliff Lackman – Cabin Plan Approvals and CC&R Compliance
Jeff Meierhofer – Finance Committee
Mark Runia – Government Relations, State Fire Liaison, Common Areas and Risk Management
On behalf of the Board, I want to thank Shane Olson and Milt Taylor for their service on the board. They both completed their terms of service and we appreciate their contributions to the owners.
Thanks as well to all the owners who helping with our annual meeting.
I also would like to thank Barb and Jeff Meierhofer and their Committee for all their work on the Common areas and their common area presentation.
It was great to have Monty give a complete picture of our financial conditions and also have him present to the Association the audit that reviewed all the financial processes of the Association and showed exactly where our dollars are being spent.
I want to thank each of you that took the time to vote in this election, and especially those of you who came to the meeting. We hope you will continue to attend our regular meetings and participate in improving the quality of life on our mountain.
Finally, thanks to you property owners who have contacted a Board member with a concern, suggestion, complaint or question. We appreciate your input. If we have not addressed your problem yet, it is not because we do not care; it is because we do not have enough property owners volunteering to help us. If you are willing to help, please let us know. There are several owners currently serving on committees that provide invaluable support to the Board, resulting in better decisions being made and more attention paid to additional areas that affect the mountain.
Check out our new website, as well as the private website just for our owners. Be sure to register for our blog updates.
I hope to see you on the mountain.
Gary Hume
Timberlakes Property Owners Association