First Responders
Dear Owners:
We have a First Responders group on the mountain that responds to emergency calls for medical assistance. This is an all volunteer group who give of their own time and talent to provide this valuable First Aid service in Timberlakes. This group is holding training for new volunteers in February.
They will have training tonight on Tuesday, February 5 and Wednesday, February 6, starting at 6:30 pm at Barb’s house, which is located at 547 Greenbriar Road. Tuesday’s training topics are CPR and AED certification. The Wednesday training is on First Aid certification.
We would love to see more owners volunteer to lighten the load. Show up at Barb’s if you are able.
Please pass along this information to anyone you may know that wants to join our team.
For more information, talk to Barb Meierhofer – Team Leader
Lot 547 Greenbriar Road
home phone 435.785.8185
Thank you,
Theresa Gubler
For the Board of Directors
From the webmaster: Sorry about sending this out so late. My fault; I got sidetracked in the snow.