Timberlakes Owners:
1. Reminder about our February 19 Board Meeting. Check the private site for the details and location.
2. Make sure you obtain your snowmobile stickers! As the number of owners and their guests visiting Timberlakes continues to increase substantially each season, it is essential that all owners adhere to our policies. This being said, please remember that annual TLPOA stickers are required on all “non-street legal” (not registered with the DMV) motorized vehicles operating in Timberlakes. This includes snowmobiles, ATVs, side-by-sides, motorcycles, etc. This is important for security and to help emergency personnel identify your property in the event of an accident. Only TLPOA lot owners can obtain these stickers. TLPOA owners must obtain these stickers for their guests too.
To get your stickers, a separate Request for an Entertainment Operating Permit by Lot Owner form must be completed by an owner for each ATV, snowmobile, side-by-side, motorcycle, etc. These forms must be filled out, signed and paid for before stickers can be issued. You can fill out your forms ahead of time, either in person at the gate or office, or by mail. Security or the office confirm ownership before issuing stickers. Download the form here.
Note: If you are stopping at the gate house to get your stickers, please pull to the right so you’re not blocking the gate while you take care of business.
Thanks and we hope to see you at the Board Meeting.
Theresa Gubler
for the TLPOA Board