At the risk of emailing you too often, we thought it was important enough to inform our owners that we have made some important improvements to our public website.

First, we have gathered our organizing and governing documents and placed them in a new page called Documents. It is one of the main tabs you see at the top of each page. One of those documents is our Policies & Procedures. The Board continues to modify this document to meet the needs of the Association and to conform it to current practice. The Board recently approved a change in the fee structure for non-complying owners and guests. We encourage all owners to review this document, especially Appendix D where the recent modifications were made. A link to this document is provided below.

Second, now that the process of getting logged in to the private site is smoother, we have removed the financial information that was temporarily posted on the public site. That information is all available on the private site. If you have trouble logging in to the private site, please contact us.

Third, we have added some current weather data for Timberlakes to the site. This is just for fun but we thought it might be of interest to some of you.

One thing we have noticed since we replaced our website platform in July is that some email providers are more aggressively blocking the email we send to our subscribed users as spam. If our board email alerts are blocked by your ISP, we can usually work with some of the owners using that ISP to get ourselves unblocked. However, in the case of the big platforms, like Google™, they do not provide any method for us to contact them about being blocked. Google provides the backend for many corporate email servers. The bottom line is this: if you subscribed to our email alerts using a corporate email address or, in some cases, a private Gmail™ address, and we get blocked from sending email to your account, you will either need to contact the powers that be and get us unblocked from your account or else re-subscribe using a different address. Our webmaster will send you a personal email notifying you if this is the case.

We continue to look for ways to improve both the quality and quantity of the information we think will be helpful to you, our fellow-owners. If you have suggestions or comments about what you would like to see on the website, please let us know.

Don’t forget the Common Area meeting this Saturday at 10:00 am.

Click here to see the Association Documents

Click here to download the Policies & Procedures

Click here for current Timberlakes Weather

Thank you,

Gary Hume
President of the Board