Secretary / Newsletter

Board Meeting Reminder

Just a reminder that our monthly Board Meetings are coming up and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at Sandy Library: Work Meeting 5:30 pm & Regular Meeting 7:00 pm
10100 South Petunia Way (1450 East)
Sandy, UT

Please note that this meeting is being held in the Sandy Library due to a scheduling conflict with the Murray Library.

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board Secretary

By |February 11th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

First Responders

Dear Owners:

We have a First Responders group on the mountain that responds to emergency calls for medical assistance. This is an all volunteer group who give of their own time and talent to provide this valuable First Aid service in Timberlakes. This group is holding training for new volunteers in February.

They will have training tonight on Tuesday, February 5 and Wednesday, February 6, starting at 6:30 pm at Barb’s house, which is located at 547 Greenbriar Road. Tuesday’s training topics are CPR and AED certification. The Wednesday training is on First Aid certification.

We would love to see more owners volunteer to lighten the load. Show up at Barb’s if you are able.

Please pass along this information to anyone you may know that wants to join our team.

For more information, talk to Barb Meierhofer – Team Leader
Lot 547 Greenbriar Road
home phone 435.785.8185

Thank you,

Theresa Gubler
For the Board of Directors

From the webmaster: Sorry about sending this out so late. My fault; I got sidetracked in the snow.

By |February 5th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

January Meeting

Our first board of directors meeting of the year will be held on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 in the Wasatch County Sr. Citizens Center, located at 465 East 1200 South in Heber City, UT at 7:00 pm. Property owners are invited and welcome to attend. Our January work meeting is closed to the public but we hope to see you at the regular meeting at 7:00 pm.

Click here for a schedule of our meetings this year.

Theresa Gubler
TLPOA Board of Directors

By |January 8th, 2013|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

False Alarm

The incident last night regarding an alleged assult and perpetrator at the Timberlakes Estates front gate is untrue. The Wasatch County Sheriff’s Department responded to Timberlakes in a timely manner and then acted quickly and appropriately in placing Reverse 911 calls and emails. Unfortunately, they were guided by misinformation. Currently, there is an investigation being conducted to determine the facts. There is not a person loose on the mountain that is being pursued by the Sheriff’s Department from this incident. The good news is that the Reverse 911 system is effective! So if you have not registered already, please do so. If you did not receive a telephone call and/or emails from the Wasatch County Emergency Services, it means that you either (1) have not registered with the County or (2) your registered information in no longer valid. In May 2012, we emailed to all owners subscribed to our Board Alert list a notice about subscribing to the County’s Reverse 911 service. To review that notice, click here.

Teresa Gubler

By |December 18th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Weed Management Grant

Wasatch County maintains a cooperative weed management program. Timberlakes owners are requested to document your efforts to manage noxious weeds, such as thistle, on your property. Please complete the following form and return it either to the address on the form or the Timberlakes office by October 31, 2012. Documenting this information will assist Timberlakes in applying for a grant to help abate noxious weeds in our development. Click here to download the form.

Theresa Gubler

By |October 3rd, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

September Board Meeting

This month, our work meeting is closed to the public and is only for members of the board. The regular meeting starts at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 and all owners are invited and welcome to attend, starting at 7:00 pm at the Wasatch County Senior Citizens Center.

In October, our meetings will be held on the third Wednesday. The November meeting will be held on the second Wednesday. You can see the schedule here.

Theresa Gubler
Secretary, TLPOA

By |September 17th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

August Board Meeting Change

This month, our work meeting is closed to the public and is only for members of the board. The regular meeting starts at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 and all owners are invited and welcome to attend, starting at 7:00 pm at the Murray City Library.

For September and October, our meetings will be held on the third Wednesday, as scheduled. The November meeting will be held on the second Wednesday. You can see the entire schedule here.

Theresa Gubler
Secretary, TLPOA

By |August 17th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Board Meeting Change

For the month of August, we have changed our meeting to Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at the Murray City Library. Our work meeting starts at 5:30 and the regular meeting starts at 7:00 pm. This change is necessary so that we can maintain a quorum of board members to conduct our business. All owners are invited and welcome to attend both meetings.

For September and October, our meetings will be held on the third Wednesday, as scheduled. The November meeting will be held on the second Wednesday. You can see the entire schedule here.

Theresa Gubler
Secretary, TLPOA

By |August 2nd, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off


We are working on the Timberlakes Estates FALL/October 2012 Newsletter (22nd Edition).  We need your help: in addition to informative articles from the board members, we are trying to collect “slice-of-life” and personal input from our community – making the newsletter more personable, entertaining and even more informative.  Communication is key!

Story and artwork submissions are due by August 20.

Please send your stories about living in Timberlakes, fundraiser info, charitable interests, school-related info, social group info, amazing travel experiences, etc.  And PICTURES are greatly needed!

Please e-mail your stories and high-res digital pictures to  We can not promise that all info and pictures will be included (pending ad sales and board approval of content), but it most-likely will!

Again, our goal with expanding the newsletter content is to try and get more people involved and create an even greater sense of community in Timberlakes.

Please forward along this message to anyone who might be interested – we need your help spreading the word! We are also always looking for advertisers – please let us know if there is someone you think we should contact.

By |July 29th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Weed & Seed

Don’t miss Weedstock 2012, this Saturday June 16th

This Saturday is Weedstock 2012. Learn about noxious weed control, bring your sprayer, and get free herbicide. Death to thistle and houndstongue! Meet at 8 a.m. at the Recycling Center.

And join us for Seedstock 2012, Saturday June 23rd

Saturday, June 23 is Seedstock 2012. This is a chance to learn about deer-resistant, Timber-Lakes-appropriate wildflowers, and get a great deal on seeds. Join us at 9 a.m. at the Mail House.

Theresa Gubler, Board Secretary
Timberlakes Property Owners Association

By |June 14th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

See you Saturday

Hope to see you this Saturday, June 2, 2012 at 5 p.m. for a Community Open House at the Jones Lake Common Area, across from Lot 916 Lake Pines Drive. We’ll have barbeque and a potluck dinner, games for the kids, music at 7:00, and an introduction to the common area projects in the works and those on the table. Come meet your TL neighbors! Ask our employee at the gate for a flyer with more details.

For more information, join the Residents of Timberlakes group on Facebook, or email us at

Theresa Gubler

By |May 29th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Make Plans to Join Us

Make plans to join your Timberlakes neighbors for Beautify Timberlakes events the first four Saturdays of June. From a community open house on June 2 to wildflower planting on June 23, it’s a great opportunity to find out what’s going on in our common areas and to get to know some nice folks. Ask the employee at the gate for a flyer with more details.

For more information, you can join the Residents of Timberlakes group on Facebook , or email

Theresa Gubler, TLPOA

By |May 15th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Save these dates

Mark your calendars – June is Beautify Timberlakes Month

June 2, 5 p.m. Community Open House and pot luck dinner
June 9, 10 a.m. De-trash Timberlakes Day
June 16, 8 a.m., Weedstock 2012
June 23, 9 a.m., Seedstock 2012
Trail building continues the second Saturday of each month. Ask the guard at the gate for a flyer with more details. And in the meantime join the Residents of Timberlakes group on Facebook, or email us at

P.S. Please join Common Area Trail Boss, Dan Shoyer, to help build the “Westviews Trail”. Meet at 1:00 p.m. this Saturday, May 5, 2012 on the road by the Dome house (between lot #1307 – 1308 Beaver Bench Rd) . The tools of choice will be brush clippers, hoes, rakes, and pick axes. Perhaps one chainsaw might come in handy. Be sure to bring your gloves and water. Long pants recommended.

Theresa Gubler, TLPOA Secretary

By |May 1st, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Meeting Reminder

Just a reminder that our monthly Board Meetings are coming up next week and all Timberlakes owners are invited and welcome to attend.

May 9, 2012 Murray City Library: Work Meeting 5:30 pm & Regular Meeting 7:00 pm

Theresa Gubler, TLPOA Secretary

By |May 1st, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Weeds and Feeds

They’re Here!

An early spring means an early arrival of invasive weeds. To help you get a head start on fighting thistles, houndstongue, and other noxious weeds, the Wasatch County Public Works Department has free herbicide for Timberlakes property owners. Visit the weed control department at 1891 West 3000 South in Heber City for a free gallon. They are open 8 to 5 M-F. The herbicide is concentrated and you will need to dilute it yourself according to the instructions supplied. One gallon should be more than enough to treat a 1-acre property for one year.

For more information call 435-654-1661.

Free herbicide will also be available at Timberlakes on June 16 from 8 a.m. until noon during our second annual WEEDSTOCK.

Also mark your calendar for Saturday June 2, 2012.

The Common Area Committee is planning a fun day to roll out “Beautify Timberlakes Month”.  We are inviting all owners to a get-together to introduce our new enhanced common areas and walking trails.  We are planning a pot-luck or barbeque….more details to come.

By |April 24th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Common Area Committee

The Timberlakes Common Area Committee will be meeting Thursday, April 19, at 7 p.m., at the home of Terrie Schultz. Please join us to discuss priorities for the upcoming season and our plans for Beautify Timberlakes Month, which will kick off June 2. Terrie’s address is 255 Lake Pines Drive. Please carpool as parking is limited and do not block the apartment driveway. Come help make the most of our mountain and have a say in projects near your home, cabin, or lot. For more information, join the Residents of Timberlakes group on Facebook or send an email to


Theresa Gubler

By |April 14th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

Common Area Committee Meeting

The Timberlakes Common Area Committee will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 22, at the home of Terrie Shultz, 255 Lake Pines Drive. All owners and residents are invited to attend and volunteer for the projects nearest and dearest to your hearts—or lots—as the case may be. We will be discussing priorities and budgets for the upcoming season and solidifying a plan for Beautify Timberlakes Month, which will be June 2012.

For more information contact Look for more details in the next newsletter and/or subscribe to the Timberlakes Board Blog  ( and/or join the Residents of Timberlakes group on Facebook (

Theresa Gubler

By |March 20th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off

March Meeting & Employment Opportunity

Fellow Timberlakes Owners:

We need to communicate two things to you.

The date and location of our next board meeting was incorrect in our last newsletter. The correct date and location is posted on our website. Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at the Murray City Library located at 166 East 5300 South in Murray. The work meeting begins at 5:30 pm, followed by the regular board meeting at 7:00 pm. Owners are invited to attend both meetings, but are only invited to listen in the work meeting. The regular meeting provides opportunities for owners to ask questions, make comments and offer suggestions.
We have a part-time security position available at Timberlakes. The position requires weekend, holiday and evening hours. Please contact security for additional information and an application form.

Theresa Gubler, for the Board

By |March 5th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off


We are working on the next edition of the Timberlakes Newsletter and need your help. In addition to informative articles from the board members, we are trying to collect “slice-of-life” and personal input from our community – making the newsletter more personable, entertaining and even more informative.  Communication is key!

Please send your stories about living in Timberlakes, fundraiser info, charitable interests, school-related info, social group info, amazing travel experiences, etc.  Also, PICTURES are greatly needed!

Please e-mail your stories and high-res digital pictures (let us know if you only have a hard copy of your picture and we can scan it) to  We cannot promise that all info and pictures will be included (pending ad sales and board approval of content), but it most likely will!

Again, our goal with expanding the newsletter content is to try to get more people involved and create an even greater sense of community here in Timberlakes.

Please forward this message to anyone who might be interested – we need your help spreading the word!  We are also always looking for advertisers – please let us know if there is someone you think we should contact.

Thank you,

Theresa Gubler
Timberlakes Board of Directors

By |January 30th, 2012|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off


We have posted two  new items on our website about recycling. We would appreciate you taking the time to read them and we would appreciate even more your joining us in recycling your trash.

Click here to read about our recycle shed

Click here to read about recycling etiquette

Thank you,

Theresa Gubler, TLPOA Secretary

By |October 24th, 2011|Secretary / Newsletter|Comments Off