Many lot owners have contacted me during the past few days, expressing concern about speeding drivers in Timberlakes. Generally, cars, pickups, SUVs and ATVs are driving faster than the speed limit. Please make sure that everyone in your group is aware of the speed limits: 35 mph on paved roads and 25 mph on unpaved roads. If you have contracted with someone to work on your cabin or lot, please make sure that they know the speed limits. If we catch a contractor speeding here, we will not allow them to re-enter the security gate. We will give a contractor or visitor one warning. After that, they will be added to a list of drivers not allowed inside the gates.
For those of us who travel Blue Spruce, starting next week, it will be closed between Cottonwood and Greenbriar for approximately 2-3 weeks. You will need to take the snow plow detour route until we open Blue Spruce back up. We are going to lower Blue Spruce by 12-15 foot cut on Blue Spruce, at the Cutoff Road intersection. At the same time, we will be raising Blue Spruce several feet at the Cottonwood intersection. These two improvements will make these intersections much safer to drive through and will hopefully reduce the difficulties of coming up along the snow plow plow detour route in the winter.
Please SLOW DOWN as our road crew works in this area. Also please SLOW DOWN when you are passing by the water pipe constructions crews.
Next item. This is the second notice to all lot owners that ATVs, motorcycles, ATVs, UTVs and all other recreational offroad vehicles be registered with Timberlakes. Owners only (not their guests, friends, or impersonators) can register these vehicles with photo ID at either the office or the security gate house. The registration is free (unlike snowmobiles, for which there is a fee) but must be done by the lot owner. You will receive a sticker for your vehicles that identifies them as a Timberlakes registered vehicle.
Also, all children under the age of 16 must wear a helmet while riding on these vehicles. This is for the safety of your child, not for my safety!
Tearing up the roads with a dirt bike or ATV will get you a fine and the revocation of your Timberlakes registration sticker. You are paying for the road maintenance, so if you allow your kids to tear up the roads spinning donuts and peeling out, I will continue to spend your money to to repair the roads. When winter comes and you see that there is no snow removal, don’t call me to complain if we used our snow removal budget to keep up with your donut-spinning family members during the summer.
This is a holiday weekend — slow down and enjoy the mountain. Please be safe in whatever you are doing.
Gary, your Road Guy