Hello Timberlakes owners (full time, part time and lot owners):

Every time I get ready to write this update about the roads I start to say, “now the snows are over” it snows again. We did make it through the winter thanks to Don, Bonnie, Gordon, Rick (our current mountain employee) and many others. My thanks to them and anyone else that helped. As the snow melts, the ruts get wider, deeper and the road base becomes thinner. We are currently reviewing the roads and the budget to see what the projects will be for the summer. This past winter took a real toll on our equipment when we were trying to clear the roads with employees that were not completely trained on the equipment. We are currently looking to hire a full time “Mountain Road Manager.” We hope to fill this position soon as we have many projects to complete before winter arrives again.

We anticipate one of the projects this summer is to place major culverts on the main roads in order to channel the rain and snow runoff and keep it from running down the middle of the road. This project will close part of the main roads from time to time as we work to place these culverts. We ask for your patience during the road detours.

The road group is very excited about the new maintenance building you can read about on Ole’s blog. This building will allow for the parking of all the road equipment inside and out of the harsh weather. We hope to be in the new building by late fall.

We are currently enlarging the parking area near the office and when completed should have about doubled the current space.

One last thing is if you, family or friends are riding ATV’s on the Timberlakes roads please do not tear up the roads by doing donuts or riding through the bar ditches. It is your money and if you tear up the roads we will eventually fix them and you will ultimately pay – it’s your maintenance fees!

Stay tuned to this site for updates on what is happening with the road group!

Your feedback is always appreciated.

Your “Road Guy,”

Gary Hume