Blue Spruce from Cottonwood to Green Briar is still closed and will be through the end of August.  Our road crew is making a major cut in the mountain side in an effort to improve the grade of Blue Spruce.  As of today, we have yet to complete the section between Green Briar and Cutoff Road.  This area is where the major cut into the mountain is taking place and that dirt is being moved down hill to the Blue Spruce – Cottonwood intersection.  We are raising that intersection several feet. At some point in this project we may have to close the intersection of Blue Spruce and Cottonwood.  If we do, we will route cars to Cottonwood via Red Willow.

Please remember that there is a lot of road construction taking place all over the mountain and the speed limit on non-paved roads is 25 mph.

The Board has recently authorized the issuance of citations to people speeding in Timberlakes.  Don’t be one of the first to be issued a citation! And please remember, there is no parking on any of the roads in Timberlakes. Even though some good citizen stole our No Parking sign, you will be issued a citation and may be towed if you park on the road.

Drive Safe.

Gary, The Road Guy