The roads on both the East side and the West side of the mountain are open for construction traffic as of May 15, 2009. Please make sure if you are involved in a construction project that you have all the proper permits from TLPOA and Wasatch County. Security will ask the delivery truck drivers to provide lot information to them before they allow deliveries through the gate. Also, remember that all ATVs, UTVs, 4-wheelers, etc. need to have a current TLPOA permit (available at the office without charge to lot owners only). There is a lot of road construction going on as the water company lays new pipe. Please drive slow and be aware of all the workers. Remember the speed limit is 25 MPH on all non-paved roads, even if you are on an ATV. Please note that your construction projects need to be completed during the spring and summer months. Some time around October 15, 2009, depending on weather and temperature, we will close the roads to construction traffic.
Gary Hume
Road Guy