Current lot owners are the only people who can purchase gate remotes. If you are a current owner, we cannot sell a remote to one of your relatives; we can only sell it to you. If you wish us to sell a remote to a member of your family other than you, you must send us a letter stating that you authorize us to sell a remote to the person named in your letter. The owner(s) of record must sign the letter.
When a lot is sold, the remotes belonging to the selling owner will be deleted from our security database. This means that the new owner will not be able to use the old remotes until the new owner contacts our office and identifies themselves as the owners. The new owners will be asked to supply their names, mailing address and phone numbers. After registering with us, the old remotes will be reactivated.
Real-estate agents are not authorized to purchase a remote on behalf of their clients nor can they reactivate old remotes on behalf of the new owners.
Current lot owners can purchase a remote in our office during regular office hours.
If you are an owner who has not used your remote in a few years, and you have never registered your remote, it will not work. Please read this post from two years ago and make sure your remote is registered. If you purchased your remote in the past couple of years, it is already registered.
Thank you,
Gary Hume, Security