Over the past year, we have had intermittent trouble with Comcast blocking our owner subscriber list for owners using comcast.net (or Roadrunner) addresses. Currently, thanks to one of our owners, Dave Gangon, Comcast has lifted the block, but it has been lifted in the past, only to return within a few months. Recently, we contacted all of our owners that subscribed with a comcast.net or roadrunner address and asked them if they were willing to use an alternate address. About half of them provided us with an alternate. If you want to subscribe with a Comcast or roadrunner address, you may do so, but when Comcast blocks our email to you, you will need to work with them to remove the block. They will not respond to us. The reason they keep blocking us is two-fold. (1) In the past, another customer of the same company that hosts our website was a spammer and Comcast does not differentiate between clients of our hosting service. (2) One (or more) of our previous owners that subscribed to our email list got tired of receiving email from us. Rather than unsubscribe, he simply reported us to Comcast as spammers. They blocked our email to their customers three times last year, with the most recent block lasting several months before Dave Gangon got it removed this week.
If you are subscribed to our list with a Comcast or Roadrunner address and don’t need this hassle, you can change to an alternate email. Simply reply to this email, enter your alternate email address as the body of your message, and I will replace your Comcast address with your new one. I will confirm the change to you by email.
If you no longer wish to receive email from Timberlakes, you can either click on the link at the bottom of this message and follow the instructions to unsubscribe, or simply reply to this email with the word “Unsubscribe” as your message and I will remove you from the database.
Thanks, and please attend the January meeting in Murray, USA if you are able.
John Blickenstaff
Timberlakes Property Owners Association