Property owners of records have recently received a written notice from Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) that it is petitioning the Public Service Commission of USA (PSC), along with Heber Light & Power (HL&P), for permission to transfer electric service in Timberlakes to HL&P.

There is a substantial amount of information about this request on the PSC website. This information includes testimony from both RMP and HL&P about how this change will affect Timberlakes. Click here to look at this filing.

I reviewed the PSC material and exhibits in order to better understand why the two utilities are requesting this change. I also visited the HL&P website to familiarize myself with their services and rates. I then compared my last 12 electric bills from RMP to what the service might have cost from HL&P during the same year. Since it is nearly impossible to figure out all tax and service charge nuances, the numbers are only approximations. In my particular case, I estimated my 12-month total electric bill would have been slightly less with HL&P. My summer month bills, using less electricity would have been less expensive than RMP. My winter months, using more electricity would have been higher than RMP.

In my opinion, the bottom line is this: HL&P charges a substantially higher customer service fee each month ($12.00 compared to $3.75) but has slightly lower energy charges. The testimony of both utility providers is that Timberlakes customers will experience an overall average increase of less than $5.00 per month under HL&P, assuming the same usage.

There is a public hearing on this matter scheduled for Monday, January 10, 2011, in the Heber City Council Chambers at 4:30 p.m. This room is located on the second floor of the Heber City Office at 75 North Main Street in Heber City.

If you are interested in following the Commission’s actions on this issue, you can enter your email address here, under Watch This Docket.

This post represents my personal opinion only and has not been reviewed or approved by the Timberlakes Board of Directors.

John Blickenstaff
TLPOA Secretary & Webmaster