We have several items to communicate to our fellow owners.

  1. Spring may have arrived this week. While we had three inches of snow fall on the upper mountain last weekend, we have now had our first run of warmer, dry days in several months. The road crew has been out addressing the very worst of the spring potholes on the main roads. The snow is gone from the lower mountain but the upper mountain is still hanging on to a foot or more, depending on the location of your lot.
  2. We encourage you to check on your property. We had a lot of snow this winter, and as I drove around the upper mountain today I saw some serious snow and ice-related damage, including crushed outbuildings, caved-in decks, sheared-off porch covers, downed trees, drainage-damaged driveways and flooding. I am aware of one flooded basement. If you did not come up here this winter, or haven’t been here for a while, you need to inspect your property.
  3. A family of cougars was spotted on the west side recently. Cougars were seen in other locations earlier in the year. Take appropriate precautions with young children and dogs.
  4. There are many deer in the subdivision and on both roads through the valley from Heber City. Slow down and drive cautiously. The roads in Timberlakes this time of year require slow, pothole-evading driving. Be patient and enjoy the fact that you are on the mountain and not in downtown Los Angeles.
  5. Noxious weeds in Timberlakes are on the increase. You are responsible for controlling noxious weeds on your lot. The Association sprays for weed control only along the road right-of-way. The County can and will fine property owners that fail to control noxious weeds. This month, Wasatch County is offering assistance to Timberlakes Property Owners to help control our noxious weed infestation. Please join us on Saturday, June 25th at 8:00 am at the Timberlakes Office to meet with the members of Wasatch County Weed Control. We will have a brief introduction to invasive weeds of concern. The County will also provide free herbicides and lend you a sprayer to use that day. The County personnel will be here from 8:00 am until noon on that day. This is the easiest, least expensive way to control thistle and other noxious weeds on your lot. Safety instructions for working with these chemicals will be provided. The recommended herbicides are also available, free of charge, during the spring and early summer from the Wasatch County Public Works Department. You may contact them at 435-654-1661 ext. 13. For our out of town (including out of state) property owners, contact the Timberlakes office for a list of local weed control companies. Contact the office either by email at  office@timberlakesutah.com or call 435.785.8762.
  6. Our next meeting of the Board of Directors is being held in the Salt Lake Valley at the Whitmore Library on Wednesday, June 15, at 7:00 pm. Owners are invited and encouraged to attend.


John Blickenstaff
TLPOA Secretary & Webmaster