This policy change only applies to a few owners but we want all owners to be aware of the change.

Effective immediately, the Association will no longer provide free snowmobile stickers to most owners claiming they are entitled to them. About 5 years ago, the Association offered to provide free snowmobile stickers to owners who donated money to towards the purchase of a trail groomer. Several owners responded and were told they would receive free snowmobile stickers for life.  Well – that life just ran out!  Due to an accounting lapse, accurate records were not kept of who those owners were and how much they contributed.  We have been able to specifically identify only five owners who contributed to the groomer, but we have had about a hundred owners tell us they contributed and have asked for free stickers. Since we cannot sort it out from the records on our end, we have determined to end the free ride on snowmobile stickers. The Association will refund to any owner the amount that owner contributed to the groomer. If you were one of the folks that actually contributed to the snow groomer project please mail us (or bring into the office) a copy of your canceled check (front & back) and we will refund to you the amount you donated. There will be no free snowmobile stickers in 2012 (unless you are one of the five owners that gave $1,000 or more that we have already identified).

Gary Hume
TLPOA Security