We appreciate everyone who is calling or emailing us to express their opinion about the proposed Water Company bond. Many of you are confused, thinking that your TLPOA board is proposing the bond.
There are actually two completely separate entities operating the Timberlakes Estates subdivision. One is the Timberlakes Property Owners Association, or TLPOA. As a property owner, you are a member of the TLPOA. The TLPOA board of directors is elected by the property owners in the Timberlakes Estates subdivision to represent our collective best interests in addressing issues that affect the quality of life on the mountain. These issues include road maintenance and improvements, security, architectural building regulations, relations with neighboring properties, fire and safety matters.
There is another entity operating in the subdivision called the Timberlakes Water Special Services District or TLWSSD. This entity is commonly referred to as the Timberlakes Water Company. The Water Company is a separate entity from TLPOA. The Water Company is also operated by a board. Their board members are appointed by Wasatch County because the Water Company is a government agency. The Water Company was created by the County as a Special Services District. The Water Company, not the TLPOA, is proposing the bond. None of our board members has anything to do with the Water Company. We, like you, are property owners, so the bond affects us the same is it affects you.
Since the registered letters arrived in your mailbox, and someone started passing out an unsigned page about the bond at the gate, you good folks have raised some great questions, to the wrong board. In addition, it is rather difficult to find out a whole lot of information about the Water Company’s operations from their website http://timberwaterssd.com/. However, if you will go to the Wasatch County website at http://www.co.wasatch.ut.us/ and click on the 5th item listed on the left side, titled Timberlakes Water SSD Public Hearing Transcript you will be able to pull up a 68-page transcript of one in a series of public hearings the Water Company held last fall to explain why they are proposing the improvement bond and what will happen if they do not address the water distribution problems. I strongly encourage you to read this document and to call the Water Company’s office to ask any questions you might have. Their telephone number is (435) 654-0125.
You can also read the legal notice on Page C7 of the Wasatch Wave published on April 30, 2008.
If you are in favor of the bond, you do not have to do anything. The bond will pass unless the owners of record of 1/2 of the total lots write a letter of protest.
If you are opposed to the bond, you need to write a letter of protest that is received by the County on or before May 19, 2008 at 5:00 pm local time. Your letter of protest must by signed by the owner of record, describe or identify the property, and indicate the number of lots you own. If you own two lots, your valid protest letter counts as two protests. Mail or take your letter to:
Wasatch County Clerk’s Office
25 North Main Street
Heber City, UT 84032
The only way you will be able to cast an intelligent vote regarding the proposed bond is to get informed about the issues and vote what you believe is in the best interest of the property owners.