Our Timberlakes POA and Timberlakes Water maintenance building is officially out-to-bid. Plans were released to contractors starting May 15th with instructions to submit pricing by Friday, June 6, 2008. After that date, all bids will be analyzed for completeness and accuracy, and a winner will be selected. We expect our modified Conditional Use Permit will be issued by June 12th and construction will start immediately thereafter.
We will not have a definite completion date until all bids have been received and analyzed, however our tentative schedule is for a construction time of approximately 16 weeks, commencing at the time a contract is signed. This would give us a completed, functional building by the end of October 2008.
As of Monday May 19, 2008, contractors and subcontractors are still being sought for the purpose of submitting bids. If you know of someone please have them contact board member Ole Smith at maintbuilding@timberlakesutah.com or (801) 372-5002.