This summary of this evening’s meeting is not official; it is just my opinion of what happened at the meeting. I provide it in an attempt to convey something to those of you who were unable to attend.

The Wasatch County Council conducted a public hearing this evening to hear comments from Timberlakes property owners about the proposed bond for improvement of the water storage and distribution system. They announced that of the 1531 lots, 523 lots filed a protest letter with the County. Since they did not receive a protest from at least 50% of the lots, they are not required to abandon the proposal. The County Council now has three options:

  1. They can approved the assessment and proceed.
  2. They can disprove the assessment and stop the project.
  3. They can make changes and deletions and proceed with an amended project.

The vast majority of property owners who spoke agreed that the water system requires attention. It needs to be fixed. However, the economic impact on property owners of the current proposal, the manner in which information was disseminated and certain specifics of the proposal were questioned.

After hearing from many property owners, the Council announced they would take all of the comments into consideration and carefully and thoughtfully determine a course of action. They committed to informing the property owners of their decision and not just proceed without further communication.

John Blickenstaff