We soon expect to have our approved plans back from Wasatch County and are now looking for contractors and subcontractors to submit bids to help us construct our new maintenance facility. Since the cost of this building is being paid for by the owners of Timberlakes we would especially like to invite Timberlakes property owners, who are licensed contractors, to be involved.
Please take into consideration that we are a non-profit homeowners association, serving each other. We are hopeful that those who submit bids will be generous in the bidding process and be able to reduce their costs significantly, thus contributing their talents to the betterment of our entire community.
Those interested may contact Board member Ole Smith.
Areas where we need bidders are:
- Footings and Foundation
- Flatwork
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Septic system and drain field
- Interior framing and build-out (offices & restrooms)
- Log Façade construction
- Bay doors supply and installation
- All of the above (General Contractors)