In advance of the official meeting minutes, here is a quick summary of our annual meeting, which took place on Saturday, July 11, 2010.

We had status reports from the board members, heard an update from our County Councilor on the progress of the fire station, and elected three board members for three-year terms.

The two incumbent board members, Ole Smith and Shane Olson, were reelected and one new member, Milt Taylor, was elected.

Following the Annual Meeting, the board met and elected new officers for the fiscal year.  Assignments were also juggled a bit. Here is the way things break down:

President                                        Craig Allen
Vice President Admin                       Mike Durr
Vice President Operations                 Shane Olson
Treasurer                                        Milt Taylor
Secretary                                        John Blickenstaff
Security                                          Gary Hume
Compliance & External Relations       Ole Smith
Compliance & Safety                        Andy Berry
Legal                                              Rondo Fehlberg

Along with their other duties, Craig Allen will handle Risk Management & Insurance, Mike Durr will serve as the State Fire Liaison and handle Fire Safety and John Blickenstaff will continue to manage the Website.

Other assignments that will be made soon include Cabin Plan Approvals and the Newsletter.

We will update the website contact information. In the meantime, if you have a question, email it to one of the board members and we will make sure it gets to the right person.